Chapter 81

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"With pleasure." Anna replied.

Y/n's pov

Laying in bed I sighed as light flooded my room. Groaning slightly my noise twitches as something soft presses against it. My eyes open when the soft felling twitches. Looking down I see Al's face tucked between my breast and his ear slightly laid against my nose. As I let out a sigh his ear twitches from the odd feeling and he nuzzled his head more into my chest. I let out a laugh before raising my hand to his head. I begin scratching his scalp and behind his ears making him purr happily. The blanket began moving slightly as thumps sounded against the mattress every once in a while. I raised the blanket seeing his tail.

"I know my 48 hours are up but it's so tempting to touch. Ah what the hell I'm already going to hell." I thought to myself laughing silently at my small pun.

Gently I began rubbing the the base of his tail causing him to grunt at the feeling. I continued petting his tail and ears as he would occasionally move making me freeze in fear of being caught. I continued saying one more pet and that's it but his tail was so soft I just wanted to touch it forever. I was lost in thought but when a red clawed hand gripped my wrist I immediately let go of his tail my eyes immediately darting to his.

"Darling I do believe your 48 hours are up." He growled playfully.

"Oh uh well- it's just so soft and fluffy I mean come on how can you not touch it." I whined.

"Dear it's off limits." He groaned releasing my hand.

"Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy it." I replied rolling my eyes before smirking at him, " I know how it turns you on~" I whispered in his ear.

"Darling you are starting a dangerous game~" he purred leaning towards my lips.

A small gap was left between our lips just barley ghosting against each other.

"Oh is that so." I hummed.

"It is." He replied lowering his eyelids before going to close the gap.

Before our lips could connect I ducked under him making him face plant into the pillow. I laughed ignoring the slight ache in my legs. Al quickly sat up turning to glare at me playfully.

"I'm gonna go get a shower." I hummed swaying over to the bed but stopped when a blistering headache slammed into me.

I groaned clutching my head as Al was by my side in a instant.

"Darling are you alright?" He asked worried.

"Yeah just a hangover." I replied.

"Oh alright then how about you take a nice bath and once your out I'll have breakfast and a nice glass of coffee waiting for you. If you need me before I return just yell I'll also leave my shadow as company." He stated his shadow waving at me.

"That sounds nice thanks hun. I love you." I stated pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I love you too darling but I do believe you missed." He hummed.

"I missed what did I miss?" I asked looking confused.

"You missed this." He replied pressing his lips against mine.

My eyes widened in surprise before melting into the kiss. We pulled apart and he turned into his human form and clothes wrapped around his body. Bowing slightly he took my hand placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

"I will return shortly." He stated before turning and leaving the room.

I sighed happily before making my way into the bathroom filling the tub with warm water. Taking a seat on the toilet I placed my head in my head rubbing my temples trying to south the raging headache. I gasped when claws gently scratched my head. I hummed happily leaning into the touch opening my eyes to see the shadow smiling down at me happily. Letting out a content sigh I whined slightly when he pulled away. Watching him he walked over to the tub which I had forgotten about. Walking back towards me he lifted me up bridle style nuzzling his head in my cheek I laughed slightly before relaxing as he placed me into the tub. I patted the water telling him to sit there but he only shook his head. I tilted my head confused thinking why he couldn't get in with me I mean Al had been in with me so what would the difference if his shadow was in here with me. As if he read my mind he began signing to me.

"Shadows and water don't mix well so I won't be joining you since I can only get slightly wet." He signed.

"Oh that makes sense mind getting the stuff in the top right drawer out for me?" I asked happily.

He looked confused before nodding walking over to the cabinet he opened it. His eyes widened at the sight of all the bath bubbles and toys. I smiled wide knowing that since no one was joining my bath today I'd be able to play with my rubber duckies and other childish toys. The shadow looked at me eyes still wide surprised at the new discovery. I smiled happily as he grabbed some bubbles and bath toys. I hummed before thanking the bubbles and adding it to the tub throwing in some of the toys. I lifted up one of the rubber duckies showing it to the shadow.

"This is arson." I hummed.

"Why arson?" He signed confused.

"We burned something the first time I got him so that's the name I came up with." I replied.

"Does master know about this?" The shadow signed gesturing to the toys.

"Nope just you!" I laughed.

I hummed happy tuned before picking up some soap putting it on my head. I began making wars and antlers with the soap before laughing.

"Look I'm like you." I giggled.

He only silently laughed shaking his head at my childish actions. The bath time really soothed my hang over as I relaxed in he tub the shadow washing my hair making sure he didn't get to wet while I continued playing with the bath toys and soap.



Chapter 81 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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