Chapter 100

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"Goodnight hun I love you too." I cooed kissing his cheek.

Y/n's pov

Opening my eyes slowly as I glanced around the unfamiliar room. Tensing up as I tried to remeber how I got there. Soon enough my body relaxed as my eyes meet with a familiar crimson red pair. Smiling up at me from his position on my chest. His eyes squinted slightly as he smiled nuzzling his nose into by chest happily purring.

"Good morning my doe." His muffled voice cooed from my chest.

The vibration from him talking made me smile and laugh as my hands cupped his cheeks lifting his face from my chest. He grumbled in protest but soon became content when I placed a loving kiss to his lips.

"Good morning hun." I yawned stretching slightly ad he moved so his head was in my lap.

Smiling my hands moved from his face to is floppy ears as I began scratching the base and tips of them. Soft purrs could be heard throught the room. I smilled moving my hands up slightly as I began to scratch his oh so sensitive antlers. Soft pants and deer bleats came f4om him as he tried to burry his blushing face into my stomach. Chuckling I gasped when on of his clawed hands pressed and massaged the inside of my thigh making me moan. After a few minutes we both relaxed in each others embrace happily.

"Darling lets get ready for the day so we can get back on the road." Al suggested happily.

I opened my mouth to say sure but stopped when he was standing up throwing off his bambi pajama shorts and strawberry boxers. My face flushed bright red as I turned away so I didn't catch a nose bleed. Looking around the room my eyes widened in surprise as I noticed one thing missing.

"Um all we have no suitcases meaning no clothes." I stated my eyes wide.

"Hm, but darling who need suitcases when you can do this." Snapping his fingers a pair of comfy clothes for both me and him rested on the bed.

"Hehe, forgot you could do that." I laughed nervously.

Spining around I quickly followed him to the bathroom leaving a trail of clothes behind me before making it to the bathroom. Al stood in the shower smirking when he notice my blushing face.

"See something you like?" He asked teasingly.

"Yeah that cake." With that I gave his behind a good smack making him yelp and grab his backend.

I smiled at his now blushing face as his eyes trailed up and down my body taking in every curve. I smirked pressing my chest agianst his and wrapping my arms around his neck. Standing on my tippy toes I placed soft kisses on his jaw and lips making him purr happily. Pulling away he grunted in protest as I turned around and began wash my hair. I gasped loudly feeling his large clawed hands rubbing soap onto my body. He let out a low chuckle at my reaction as he continued to wash my body. Once we were both dry and ready to leave we stepped out of the hotel room handing the front desk man the key. Walking to the car Al held my hand hapilly. Once we let go we crawled into the car and immediatly Al grabbed my hand rubbing the base of my left ring finger.

"Hun what are you doing?" I asked laughing at his odd actions.

"Darling I'm thinking of what your ring size is." He cooed turning to look at my now red face.

"And why do you need my ring size?" I asked once more.

"To marry you of cource to claim you as mine for ever. If that's what you want that is. " He stated smiling wide.

"Oh Al I'll always be yours I dont need a ring to tell me that." I replied smiling wide," however Mrs. Blanc that has a nice ring to it."

"It does and then soon after we are wed we can have tiny children running around I'm thinking... 5 kids." Al stated as he drove my eyes widening.

"Have you lost your mind 2 at most." I exclaimed shocked.

"The more the merrier darling." He laughed looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah your not the one pushing the little asshole of of your pussy!" I laughed.

Al laughed in return twisting a stand of my hair in his fingers smiling wide.

"I will marry you darling." He cooed making me smirk.

"Not if I get to it first." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes wrapping a arm around me pulling me close to him.

"Would you like to be wed here or in hell my darling?" Al asked sweetly.

"Hell it's been so long since I've been there." I sighed happily.

Al hummed softly as we drove along the road. The car bumped making me drift off to sleep but not quite. Looking at the clock I saw it had been at least 4 hours since we left so we had 5 more hours to go. Deciding to get comfortable I leaned up agianst Al smiling as I felt sleep consum me leaving me in a dreamless sleep.

Time skip

"Darling wake up." Als voice rung msking me smile.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I looked up at him smiling wide at him.

"We are here darling." He whispered lifting me up and walking me into Annas house. I yawned leaning into his chest happily inhaling his sent.

"You guys can have the geust room." Anna stated her voice sounding nervous but I waved it off as just me being tired.

A soft creack of the door opened as I was placed in a soft bed my body immediatly relaxing from the long car ride. The bed dipped slightly as Al crawled into bed beside me making me smile wide.

"Good noght darling sleep well I love you." With that he kissed my cheek making me hum in pleasure.

"I love you too." I muffled back sleepily making Al laugh.

Soon enough I was once agian taken by a dreamless sleep.



Chapter 100 done and done I'm sorry for the late posts school is back in session and my classes have loaded us down with homework. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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