Chapter 14

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Warning panic attacks and manipulation are in this chapter I will put *** as a warning and safe.


She slapped my face but froze right after doing so, the room was silent as she backed away staring at her hand.


Y/n's pov

I stared at my hand as I stumbled backwards in fear and shock. I looked at Al who just sat there with his hand on his cheek. I feel on my butt curling in a bawl crying in fear at myself and what I did. My chest tightened as it got harder to breath I rocked myself back and forth as thoughts of my father slapping me when he got mad filled my head.

"No! No! No! No! I'm not like him! No, I'm sorry Al I didn't mean it, I didn't!" I cried into my arms.

I felt a hand on my hand causing me to scoot back against the wall my panic attack getting worst as I yelled apologizes to Al.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean it..." I whined.

"Love it's fine I deserved it." He sighed.

"No! y-you should b-be mad angry at m-me!" I cried my voice breaking.

"Y/n dear calm down your having a panic attack." He softly said in a soothing voice.

"I deserve this." I cried.

I was lifted up causing me to hyperventilate, I was sat in Al's lap on the floor as he rubbed calming circles on my back. He whispered calming things soothing my panic attack, I curled up closer to his chest sighing as my panic attack faded.


"Are you alright my love?" He asked.

"Yeah I believe so." I said looking up at him Noticing the read mark on his face I felt tears stream down my face which Al whipped away, "I-I'm so sorry."

"Love it's fine, do not worry I know you didn't mean it." He whispered softly.

I sat on his lap and pressed soft kisses to the red mark as a apology, sooner or later I laid my head in the crook of his neck apologizing and fell asleep.

Al's pov

I held Y/n in my arms as she slept thinking about why she was so scared when she slapped me. She had every right to but when she did she was so scared and vulnerable it made me want to hold her tight in fear she would fade away. I stood up deciding to grab a book to waste some time while she slept. Laying her on the couch she let out a pained cry and reached around like she was trying to find me. I watched as she curled into a ball after a few seconds letting out pained whimpers making my dead heart ache. I lifted her up and she latched onto me like I was her life line. I walked over to one of her bookshelf's picking up one of the books which looked interesting. I walked up to a chair she had by a fire place and sat down. I snapped my fingers making the fire light and she stirred in her sleep, I hummed "I don't want to set the world on fire" softly causing her to relax agian. I opened the book and began reading passing the time.

Time skip

I felt Y/n sit up rubbing the sleep from her eyes yawning. I laughed causing her to look at me. She tilted her head confused before looking at a clock.

"I need to pack." She sighed.

"Dear why do you need to pack?" I asked.

"Oh well I'm going to the conjuring house for a few days for work." she stated.

"What work do you have with a conjuring house?" I questioned.

"Well my job is to prove the paranormal like ghosts and stuff so I'm going to the conjuring house for that." She explained.

"Wait your leaving for how long?" I whined.

"Not long just for three days I booked you a ticket to come but you aren't exactly human so I cancelled it." She stated.

"Wait no please rebook the ticket I can become human." With that I turned into my human form.

I straitening out my brown vest coat and looked up to see Y/n bright red. I chuckled walking up to her deciding to tease her. I gently grabbed her chin placing a soft kiss on her lips as she quickly snapped out of her trance like state.

"My Love your starring." I cockily exclaimed.

"Oh shut up." I groaned.

Y/n's pov

My goodness he was hot no wonder he was a serial killer for so long everyone probably loved him so they never suspected him. I quickly walked into the kitchen grabbing my laptop opening it. I rebooked the ticket for him, closing the laptop I felt Al wrap his arms around my body resting his head on mine. We stood like that for a long second before I spun in his arms placing a kiss on his nose and ran up to my room to start packing.

Time skip

I had finished packing and was now placing the suitcases into the trunk. Al said he had already packed and was in the car. He said he insisted on driving but I wouldn't let him because he's never drown in 2022 maybe 1922 but not 2022. He was now pretty sour about it saying thing like the gentleman thing to do is drive. I chuckled at the thought grabbing the voodoo dolls and hopping into the drivers seat with a angry Al. I poked him causing him to turn to me, I held up the two dolls causing his smile to widen happily as he took mine and I took his. Setting the doll in my lap I began driving to the airport making a few phone calls to some friends who were medians to meet us down there. I smiled happily at the little trip it would be the first time of Al doing this so I guess I would have to lay down some ground rules.



Chapter 14 done and done I had no idea what to do with this chapter so I hope it was good. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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