Chapter 101

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Soon enough I was once agian taken by a dreamless sleep.

Al's pov

My ears twitched ontop of my head as I sat agianst the head board of the geust bed. I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't sleep not here at least. I don't trust Anna shes to friendly she offered us both a place in her home when she clearly hates me. A light mivment broke me from my staring contest with the door. Looking over a smile broke on my face seeing Y/n asleep in my arms curling into a bawl trying to get closer could make all of my worries run away. She's all I need I thought pulling her closer to me. She hummed contently and once agian relaxed. I smiled softly pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I love you so much." I whispered agianst her hair.

A soft creak sounded outside the door making my ears perk up as I narrowed my eyes at the door. I barred my teeth waiting to bore my sharp teeth into a pound of flesh if need be. The ways you could mutilate a body was incredable. First you could tear the person limb from limb as you feed the-

"Alright that's enough of a discription" Author said.

"Maybe I can demonstrate on you." Alastor sadistically said.

"I- nevermind back to the story." Author stumbled.

As I was saying the ways to kill someone is imaculent. However I won't be sharing unless this fellow outside the door wants to intrude this room. Or if someone wakes up my darling or dose anything to hurt her then I wil kill the poor creature not only once but continue to do it until they are sent to the last pit of hell you can go to. Soon enough a few footsteps walked passed the door fading as they left. Seems like the poor soul had some common sense.

"Or they sensed your murderous aura through the door." Author mocked.

"Shut up." Al seethed rolling his eyes.

"Ok" author replied holding a thumbs up.

I let out a yawn my eyes dropping slightly from tiredness. I have noticed with all the traviling between hell and earth my body gets tired more easily. Summoning my shadow it stood by the bed waiting for my orders.

"Stay by the door makes sure no one enters and if the do make sure they leave as a corpse." I stated tiredly.

My shadow gave a sadistic smirk slinking into the shadows. I laid down wrapping my arms and legs around my lover. Letting my eyelids drop I allowed my body to fall into sleep.

Time skip

"Hun~" I heard a beutiful voice coo.

I yawned waking up my ears flicking forward. I heard a laugh beside my ears making my ear flick agian and a thump followed.

"Al stop that tickles." The voice laughed again making me open my eyes.

Looking up I meet beutiful e/c eyes shining as my ear brushed on her nose. I smiled a large toothy grin at her my ears flopping to the side as I looked up. My grin soon turned into a smirk as I rose just slightly from the bed moving so I was now on top of her.

"I'm sorry my dear did you tell me to continue." I laughed retracting my claws and began tickling her sides.

She erupted with laughter squirming to get out of my grip. I continued to hold her tightly to the bed my hands prying at her sides begore leaning down and pressing soft kisses to her neck. Moving around her neck my kisses became rougher the more I continued. My body was soon acting on it's own moving one hand under her shirt as the other gathered both her wrists pinning them above her head. A gasp came from her as my cold fingers grazed lightly over her stomach. I let out a hum satisfied by making her melt under my touch. Sucking on her neck I began working around her neck marking her as mine. She let out a moan trying to release her hands from my grasp. Laughing slightly my hand lifted her shirt up going to take it off but I froze when there was a loud pounding sound on the bedroom door.

"Alastor you better not be railing her when I open this door!" Anna yelled through the door.

Sitting up straight I let out a agrivated sigh removing myself from ontop of Y/n. Snapping my fingers I changed from my night wear to my original clothing. Forcing a smile I looked at my slightly dazed lover as she tried making herself more presentable. Swinging open the door I was meet with two narrowed green eyes.

"Yes dear." I groweled distaste evident in my tone.

"Breakfast is on the table." She grumbled turning to go back to the kitchen.

Sighing I closed the door turning back to the bed. Walking over I let out a grumbled of curses before falling face first into the comfoter of the bed.

"Darling may I please skin that awful woman." I pleaded my voice muffled from the comfoter.

"Nope sorry but we promised to all visit here for christmas." She hummed running a hand through my hair.

I let out a groan of protests not liking the women we had to stay with. She was planning something I know it and with Yekun back I'm even more on edge. Y/n stood up grabbing a change of clothes to change into. I sat up on the bed waiting patiently for her to get ready but she only turned to me with a are you dumb look.

"What? It's not like I haven't seen it before." I exclaimed.

"Out this isn't some show." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I beg to differ." I argued walking out of the room.

Closing the door behind me I made my way to the kitchen dreading to see Anna. Sitting down at the table I glared at Anna who sat across from me. She scrunched her nose in disgust as she stared at me.

"I didn't know animals could sit at the table." She seethed.

"Hm, I would skin you alive for dinner if I could." I growled in return my smile turning sadistic.

We sat there exchanging insults until Y/n entered the room to which the room became full of false laughter and conversations. I might have a strong dislike for Anna but I will not ruin christmas for my lover.



Chapter 101 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

Accidentally attachment (alastorxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora