chapter 18

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"Aw Al I know you don't need to worry." I said.

Y/n's pov

I heard another click of a camera making me spin around seeing Anna with her phone. My eyes widen in embarrassment as she let out a aw.

"Oh no you can't keep that one." I stated going to stand up.

I went to stand up and step over Al's leg when I saw the shadow from last night. Staring at the shadow my foot got caught on the back of my leg causing me to trip and fall. As I fell to the ground the shadow walked around closer to me. My face met the ground making me cry in pain, but Al quickly lifted me into his lap as tears fell down my eyes. Al began placing soft kisses to my face as the pain soon subsided and everyone came down. Sitting next to Al I stared at the shadow who waved at me as I narrowed my eyes at it. The shadow disappeared and I quickly looked around trying to find it, turning my head the shadow was right Infront of me causing me to jump startled. Everyone looked confused as me and the shadow held eye contact before it raised it's hand to my face. My eyes widened in fear before I felt a long scratch on my face. My hand shot up to my face as I went to grab the shadow only for my hand to go threw it. It let out a growl looking at me before I felt Al's hand on shoulder and the shadow look at him in fear. I turned to see Al glaring at the shadow before he looked at me to see the long scratch on my face. His eyes darted up to the shadow as it shrunk away in fear but Al's demonic shadow was already going to kill it.

"Well shall we begin?" I asked the group.

"YEAH! Let's get some paranormal activity going." Max and Alex yelled.

I rolled my eyes starting the camera so we could record.

"Hello my paranormal children today we are at the conjuring house." I happily exclaimed, "Now for introductions today I have with me-"

"You've got me bitches!" Alex yelled.

"Yes Alex is back for another video." I growled, " We also have Anna and Max."

They waved at the camera as I turned to Al.

"And now for a new face for the first time we have Alastor!!" I happily stated in a game show like host.

"Ah yes it's lovely to attend this fine video." He exclaimed in his radio voice.

"Alright now onto the ghost hunting, you all already know the deal but for the knew ones if you see or hear anything we don't remember to tell us." I stated.

We all picked up one paranormal equipment Al having trouble because he had no idea what he was doing. We all picked something Anna having the dousing rods, Max had the k2, Alex had a thermostat, Al had a uv light to check for fingerprints or foot prints, and I had the spirit box and energy boosters. We all sat down to explain the equipment and what it did. Then we began.

"Alright I'm gonna go shut off the lights since it's around 6 now and the suns down." I explained walking up to the lights turning them off.

"Alright spirits let's get this party rolling!" Alex shouted making us laugh.

"K if there are any spirits here with us please make these rods cross?" Anna asked.

We waited for a second as Max tapped my shoulder looking at the K2 which was spiking. I smiled happy about the activity we where getting. I heard a clank and a sigh come from Anna as she set down the rods.

"Well Y/n you usually have a easier time with the spirits when we go somewhere so how about you try?" Anna asked.

"Alright but what type of action do you want?" I questioned.

"Hmm I don't kno-" Anna was cut off bye Alex and Max yelling.

"Provoke the devil!" They yelled.

"Alrighty no promises it will be the devil he's a very busy ma I bet." I explained.

Placing on the sound canceling head phones I turned on the spirit box and a rush of static filled my ears.

"Alright assholes where are you?" I asked yelling.

A rush of static continued as it flipped threw radio stations. However I heard nothing but static, I huffed in annoyance rolling my eyes as I brought my hand to the table knocking three times mocking the trinity before sitting back up.

"I know your there you've already scratched me a sit load of time." I stated.

I sat for a second before a soft "song" came threw my headphones.

"A song well what song would you like to here?" I asked.

"Well... meet... agian." came threw the radio quickly.

I laughed at the request but did as was asked soon I began singing well meet again. (song above) As I sang I felt someone tap on my shoulder I opened my eyes but continued to sing as I finished the song. I saw Anna gesture to my headphones so I took them off and she had a wide smile on.

"Holy crap we got so much activity while you where singing. I didn't know you knew that song!" Anna squealed happily.

"Well I hope I did it's one of my favorites." I explained until I heard a knock making me swivel towards the door.

Standing up I turned off the camera walking towards the door opening it as a cold breeze flowed threw my body making me shiver. Looking out the door I expected to see someone but all I saw was a apple. I shrugged picking up the apple heading back to the living room and looked at the group.

"Well who was it?" Anna asked.

"I would also like to know my love." Al exclaimed.

"Don't know but there was a freezing breeze and a apple though." I stated.

"Oh don't tell me you have a new favorite fruit agian." Anna, Max, and Alex groaned.

"What's wrong with her having different favorite kinds of fruit?" Al asked confused.

"Oh your in for a treat do you wanna tell him or should I?" Anna asked me.

"First off that wasn't my fault and second you can." I groaned sitting next to Al.

"Well Y/n would find a favorite fruit and would look up facts about them but she would find really weird facts about them making her hate them, then her dad would find out about it and all of her favorite fruit in the house would have that one disturbing fact happen to it. Oh like when he took all her pineapples and-" Anna couldn't finish her sentence before I cut her off.

"HE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THAT!" I seethed covering Al's ears.

He looked at me confused as I just smiled at him. Taking my hands off of his ears I sat down thinking of that memory as a shiver went down my back.

"Hey how is your dad he was a pretty chill dude you should call him." Anna explained as Max and Alex agreed.

"I- um ok." I stated slowly.

Pulling out my phone I looked at Al who had a angry look on his face. I grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze.



Chapter 18 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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