Chapter 32

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He bleated walking over to the bed curling into a bawl laying his head in my lap as I began petting his hair.

Y/n's pov

Looking up at the clock when I finished my house chores around the house I noticed it was almost time to go see the doctor to get my birth control. Sighing I walk upstairs to my room stepping into the room I closed the door behind me and changed into some more appropriate clothing for the appointment. Pulling on a light coat since it was slightly cold and a pair of jeans. Walking out of my room I started my way down the stairs when a sudden shiver ran down my spin shrugging it off I continued walking but I felt someone was watching me. I shrugged it off walking outside smiling softly as a light breeze kissed my face.

"It's so nice out here." I hummed content.

"I-it is v-very nice." A meek voice spoke behind me.

I quickly spun around seeing nothing making my once tensed body relaxe. I hummed turning back around deciding to walk into town since it was a nice day. Making my way along the dirt road which lead to town I would occasionally see a flicker of blue pass by but soon disappear in the trees. Brushing it off as the sky between the trees I continued walking. Making it into town I walked over to the health care facility stepping in. Walking up to the front desk I gave a soft smile to the lady as she did the same.

"Good morning sugar how can I help y'a" she said in a thick accent she had strawberry red hair and green eyes.

"I have a appointment." I stated smiling at her.

"Can I have y'a name sugar?" She asked.

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I replied.

"Ah yes your with dr. Smith she will call y'a in a moment just sit down in the waiting room." She explained sweetly.

I nodded saying thank you as I sat down only to see a shadow dart across the wall. I shrugged it off opening my phone as I began to play on it. After a few minutes my doctor called for me. Standing up I walked over to her as she stuck out her hand tacking it she gave me a hand shake.

"Hello Ms. L/n im dr. Smith I'll be the one prescribing your birth control if I'm not mistaken." She explained.

"Yes ma'am. I stated politely.

"Alrighty just follow me to the room we will be using." She stated turning as she began to walk.

I followed her quickly as she walked into a room. Sitting on the medical bed I began answering her questions like if I was allergic to anything or if I had any medical history that might cause complications for me. After she finished checking my health she stood up smiling at me.

"Well your as fit as a fiddle Ms. L/n I'll be right back with your prescription and you just go and pick it up from where you usually get medication." She stated walking out of the room.

I sat there in silence as I waited for the doctor to get back so I could leave. Seining my legs back and forth I felt a eerie feeling coming from one of the shadows in the corner of the room. Glaring at the corner the lights flickered slightly and a pair of sapphire blue eyes appeared in the shadows however they looked sad. My blood ran cold as I stated into the blue eyes but they disappeared as soon as the doctor opened the door.

"Alright here's you prescription ms. L/n just come by if you have any trouble. Do you have any questions?" She asked handing me a Paige of paper.

"No ma'am thank you have a nice day." I stated forgetting about the events prior.

She smiled and waved as I walked out of the room feeling like eyes where watching me. Walking to the front desk I tried my best ignoring my paranoia. Paying the lady I thanked her saying good by stepping out into the nice afternoon day. Walking down the street to where I get my medicine I walked in a soft jingle coming from the bell to alert workers a customer had entered. Walking up to the counter a grabbed the piece of paper that was in my pocket.

"Hello I would like a bottle of this prescription please." I hummed handing her the paper as she looked at it.

"Sure thing hun." She exclaimed happily as she turned grabbing a small package as a rattle came from it.

Smiling she handed it to me after I paid. Saying a bye and thank you I began making my way home as the feeling of someone following me grew making me pick up my pace slightly. Soon I was sprinting home slamming open the door closing it quickly. Sighing I shrunk to the floor sighing only to see dark blue dress shoes. Looking up I saw a blue sad looking Alastor. Letting out a cry of fear his face became more nervous and sad as I looked at him soon fainting.

??? pov

I watched the small human faint making me startled as I grabbed her lifting her up walking to a living room laying her down on the couch my ears lowered slightly sad that I caused her to faint. I wouldn't lie she was quite beautiful snapping my fingers a blanket laid across her body as I sat down waiting for her to wake up. After a couple minutes I began to here her stir in her sleep. I began growing nervous causing me to fiddle with my cane a nervous habit of mine.

Y/n's pov

I woke up to a soft feeling laid on my body as I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Looking around I realized I was in the living room seeing blurs of blue and yellow I rubbed my eyes to get a better look. Squealing at the blue Alastor he looked away nervously.

"I-I'm sorry for s-scaring you earlier." He whimpered out.

Looking at the blue deer demon I wondered why this demon looked like Al but was the complete opposite of him.

"Al why are you blue?" I asked worried.



Boom chapter 32 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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