chapter 102

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I'm alive!!!! I am so sorry about not posting as much as I usually do.


I might have a strong dislike for Anna but I will not ruin christmas for my lover.

Y/n's pov

Kicking my feet I sat in a porch chair outside. Smiling I took the chair cushion from my lap placing it beside me, Alastor and Anna sat on both sides of me glaring at each other with enough intensity I thought a fire would start. Rolling my eyes I stood from my seat stretching, skipping down the stairs of the porch I was planning on going on a small walk around town but that seemed it wasn't going to happen. Soon the loud footsteps of the two idiots racing to reach me echoed through the trees. Sighing I spun around tilting my head in confusion as they stared at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked the both of them.

"Following you so this idiot can't hurt you." They both seethed at each other.

The tension grew as a tick appeared on my forehead from annoyance and aggravation. Gritting my teeth I gripped both of their wrists tugging them back to the house.

"Darling what are you doing?" AL asked confused as I stayed silent.

Weaving my way through the hallway I stepped into a large room setting them both on the couch inside the large room. Stepping back I inhaled and exhaled trying to keep my calm, they both looked at me with confusion before realizing how close they were and moved to opposite ends of the couch. I groaned face palming knowing this probably wouldn't help our situation.

"That's it you two are staying in here till I'm back from looking around." I grumbled dragging my face down with my palm.

"You can't be serious I'm not staying with this ginger bambi." Anna exclaimed.

"I agree I will not stay with some want to be ghost hunter." Alastor stated smirking while checking his nails.

"Hey why I ought to-"

"Enough Jesus you two fight non stop and I'm done, I'm leaving now hope you have a good time in the room." I paused before stepping out of the door, "And neither of you will be dead when I get back."

"Yes ma'am" The replied in unison.

Rolling my eyes I stomped out of the room closing it behind me, gritting my teeth I focused on my breathing calming myself down. I made it halfway to the stores when I finally calmed down allowing me to walk faster.

Al's pov

This women is infuriating all she talks about is how much better of a friend she is than me. Sparks lit my hand as I thought about burning her alive until the stern voice of my love reminded me I couldn't kill her. I know this women is up to something she's always walking around her house at night and talking to someone. Gritting my teeth I decided I might as well try and best her at something. Looking her dead in the eyes as she blabbered on about the small memories she had with Y/n. I couldn't have denied I was raging with jealousy that this pompous idiot even has more memories than I do.

"Oh and also-" Before she could finish her bragging I cut her off.

"Dear stop with your blabbering you will never one up me." I smilled murderously at her shocked face.

"Oh I will better you some day Alastor." She replied.

"Oh and what will that be dear?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon, very soon." She giggled.

My eyes narrowed in confusion as she laughed before standing up and walking off, she went towards the door jiggling the handle but it was locked. I laughed at her complete idiotic move.

"We're stuck here remeber or did your pebble brain forget." I chuckled.

"Shut up you probably have a memory of a gold fish." She spat.

"A gold fish memory?" I quipped confused.

"Yeah bad memory, did you really not know what that meant?" She laughed my eyebrows furrowing with anger.

"I very much so wish to decapitate you." I grumbled.

"Then do it I'm sure y/n will be so pleased you killed the person she told you not to kill." She replied sarcastically.

Muttering curses under my breath at how she was right I grabbed a cushion tearing it apart out of anger. Anna stared at me in shock before her face turned bright red with anger.

"What the hell man!" She yelled grabbing the pillow.

I smirked at how angry she got, standing up I walked over to a small jar knocking it over like a cat.

"What did you do that for!" She yelled grabbing the jar before it hit the floor.

"Oh nothing much just bored." I laughed.

Gritting her teeth she through the pale yellow pillow away and placed the jar back in it's correct place. I smiled wide as I walked around disturbing everything just slightly causing her to stub her toe on everything. I laughed as her face turned even more red with anger. Finally she stomped up to me jabbing a finger into my chest making my growl from the feeling of being touched. Who did she think she was only Y/n could touch me. Gripping her wrist with a death grip I tossed her to the side glaring at her murderously causing her to tremble in fear and shock.

"Touch me with that filthy hand agian and I'll cut it off, then feed it to you." I growled the air becoming heavy as static surrounded us.

She shook violently in fear, nodding her head rapidly in agreeance and soon the room went back to normal. I was walking back to my seat when I heard her mutter under her breath.

"I can't wait till Yekun takes you away." She muttered in pure rage, my ears perked up as black goo dripped from my mouth as my head snapped in her direction.



Chapter 102 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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