Chapter 4

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"Thanks I geuss." I replied.

Alastor's pov

I watched as she went back into the kitchen with the first aid kit in hand. Looking around I was wondering why I helped her. Usually I would just laugh at a person I harmed and not help them. I let out a sigh before walking to the kitchen to annoy her. I stood at the counter looking at all the groceries she had bought when I spotted something. Lifting up the bag I opened it to see the deer meat. I took it out, setting it on a cooking board I summoned before also summoning a knife. I saw Y/n staring at me in amazement. The H/c haired girl skipped over to me before pointing at me.

"How did you do that?" She asked happily.

I looked at her before shrugging and going to cut the meat. I heard her scoff at my answer before she turned back to her groceries. Slicing up the meat I decided to make lunch since I hadn't had breakfast this morning. Summoning ingredients I began to make lunch. As I was working I saw Y/n want to ask me something but decided not to as she thought of how to word it. I turned to look at her as she shuffled towards me, her eyes on the ground rubbing her arm.

"Yes dear?" I asked her.

"Um well I was wondering if you needed help?" She asked, looking at the floor in embarrassment.

My smile grew wide knowing I could use her embarrassment for my entertainment. I slowly walked up to her with the clicks of my dress shoes. My clawed hand reached for her chin, lifting it up gently. Her face exploded into a crimson color as she tried to look away from me.

"Dear you know you should look people in the eyes when you're asking a question." I whispered leaning close to her ear.

I leaned away quickly walking back to the meat before answering in a loud voice "Yes dear you can help."

I heard the soft tap of feet before a familiar H/c girl appeared beside me. I set some ingredients in front of her before she looked at me.

"What are we even making?" She questioned tilting her head.

"We are making Venison soup." I explained and she nodded.

She walked over to the sink to wash her hands when I snapped my fingers and she was changed into a 1920s dress.(Picture up top) I saw her scowl at the dress in disgust before turning back to me.

"Did you do this?" She remarked.

"I did my dear and might I say you look ravishing." I smirked.

I saw a blush rush to her face before she stomped over to me.

"Well I see why women wanted different clothing back then this is like damn sandpaper." She growled "so I suggest you get a new cooking attire for me."

"So what you want is to cook nude. I can do that." I started raising my hand to snap.

"Wait what. I mean no this outfit is lovely wow I should wear this more often!!!" She replied quickly.

"Are you sure dear I would really hate for you to be uncomfortable." I sarcastically asked.

"Nope everything's just dandy." She groaned.

Y/n turned back to her ingredients as I quietly laughed.

Y/n's pov

That damn Bambi reject oh wish he would I wish he would fall flat on his face and then let's see who has the smile then. I tugged on the sandpaper-like dress trying to make it more bearable as I continued to cook. Muttering curses under my breath I finally got it in a comfortable position and finished mixing the ingredients. I set the bowl bye Alastor as he filled a pot with water. He placed the ingredients in the pot after it was hot enough and watched it as it cooked. I turned towards the counter trying to find something to quench my undying boredom. I noticed the envelope the strange man from earlier gave me. Walking over to it I picked it up and sat down in a chair. opening the letter the handwriting was still in neat cursive but I knew who it was as soon as I read the first two words.

Dear Daughter,

It has been so long since I have come and visited, so I have decided I am going to come and visit. I will be there at the end of this week. Please be prepared for my arrival. You know I hate having to wait.

Your Father.

I reread the letter as my breath quickened and it felt like I was going to pass out. I felt a panic attack coming and tears trickled down my face at memories I wish would stay forgotten. Quickly standing up I crumbled the letter up throwing it into the fireplace I had. I gulped in fear at his approaching arrival before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly tensed up but recognized it was Just Alastor.

"Is everything alright dear." He asked in what I thought was a sincere voice but quickly shook it off.

"Y-Yes everything is fine." I replied, cursing at myself for stuttering.

He hummed before turning and walking back to the food. Only now did I realize the food was plated and everything. Sitting down at the counter I stared at the food with a questioning graze before Alastor spoke up.

"I didn't poison it if that's what you're wondering." He sarcastically said.

I let out a sigh before picking up some soup with a spoon and blowing on it to cool it down. I placed it in my mouth before immediately relaxing from the delicious taste. I heard Alastor chuckle as I quickly went for another bite of the soup.

"Well I'll take it you like my cooking?" He asked.

I nodded quickly showing my approval as he laughed and my stomach filled with butterflies at his laugh. I shook it off and we both ate in silence. Soon after he left back to hell and I went to bed. As soon as I hit my bed I was asleep from the events today not even changing out of the sandpaper dress.



Chapter 4 is done!!!! Well stay safe and stay tuned.

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