Chapter 78

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"I officially declare this party to start!" She laughed opening a bottle of champagne a pop coming from it as the cork going flying.

Y/n's pov

I hopped off the counter the bottle of champagne in my hands as I began pouring a glass. Soon enough everyone gathered around me grabbing a glass of their own to which I happily filled. Once all the glasses where filled I skipped over towards the speakers attached to my iPod. Flipping the iPod open I play my playlist called badass party songs. When it turned on the very first song that came on was hayloft by mother mother. Everyone looked at me as I just smiled wide I return.

"What it's a good song." I laughed.

"Y/n we are not doing this again." They all groaned.

"Wait what happened last time?" Al asked confused.

"Well short stack here got baby shark stuck in her head so we listened to it the whole time at our last party." Dave groaned.

"Hey! I'm not short." I yelled hearing the nick name.

"Oh yeah who's the shortest one in the group huh dwarf." He quipped laughing.

"I- okay- well UGH" I groaned.

"That's what I thought." He returned.

I only rolled my eyes playfully walking over to Al who was straightening out the apron on his maid outfit. He had a soft smile on his face while he straightened it causing me to laugh.

"Looks like someone's costume is growing on them." I hummed wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I wouldn't say it was growing on me it's just more comfortable than my usual attire very breathable." He answer gesturing to the open chest.

I only laughed placing a kiss on his cheek hearing a audible woo come from Willow.

"Never thought it would happen that you'd get a boyfriend." She laughed.

"We'll be is quite a charmer." I chuckled making Al blush lightly.

"Well if you don't mind I'm gonna steal you for a bit we still have a shot glass competition to finish." She stated tugging my arm towards the table filled with different alcohols.

I have a closed eyes smile to Al as I was dragged off to which he returned it with a fingered wave. We finally made it to the small table and I began laying out shot glasses for us. Filling each of the shot glasses up with whiskey I held mine up tipping it in a cheers like motion before downing it quickly. I felt a burning sensation follow soon after the liquid slid down my throat. I quickly slammed the shot glass down before moving to my next one. About 2 or 3 hours had passed and I was hammered beyond belief slowly setting down the shot glass I looked up to see Willow sickly pale and sweaty.

"Do y-you give up~" I slurped drunk.

"N-...never." She slurred in return holding back a gag.

"A-alright then b-bottoms up.~" I slurred once more picking up the full shot glass.

Willow copied my movements as I licked the strong liquor back. Slamming it on the table I held back a gag looking up to see Willow glaring at the still full shot glass. Her eyes widened as she set down the shot glass running off to the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief knowing if we went even one more that would of been me. I smiled wildly before throwing my hands up and crinkly stumbling backwards about to fall but arms wrapped around me as the sound of a bell sounded behind me.

"Ha I remain victorious~" I slurred swaying slightly.

"I can see that darling." Al hummed helping me towards the couch.

I stumbled lightly before tripping over my feet face planting into his chest as we landed on the couch with a plop. Al chuckled lowly pressing a kiss to my head wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled more into his chest sighing happily before a clink sounded on the table. I looked over as Al sat up with me in his lap there stood the small group of friends all sat in a chair.

"Brought you a glass of water sober you up for the next game." Anna hummed.

"Thank you such a swwweeett heart.~" i slurred pulling out the sweet.

"Wow your really hammered." Alex laughed.

"Maayybe" I said before chugging the water as I felt myself almost immediately sober up.

The cool water dribbled down my chin when I heard Al sigh pulling my face towards him whipping the water away with his thumb. I laughter at the action blushing before I flicked the bell.

"My kitty.~" I slurred still slightly hammered.

"My doe." He replied running his fingers threw his hair.

"Alright who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Alex asked.

Everyone hummed in agreement before turning to Alex nodding.

"Alrighty I'll go first." Alex hummed in thought before turning to max," alright max truth or dare?"

"Truth. Playin it safe." He replied taking a swig of alcohol.

"Aww your no fun, anyways what's the drunkest thing you've ever done?" Alex asked.

"Oh that's a tuff one, I'd have to say when I went to Europe and got drunk which led to me to flirting with a few girls trying to prove how well I could kiss and I began to make out with my own arm." Max replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

We all where silent for a second before bursting out into laughter. We where all wheezing but we soon calm down allowing the game to continue.

"Willow truth or dare." Max asked.

"Dare." Willow replied.

"Show is the most embarrassing photo on your phone." He quipped.

"Fine." She groaned pulling out her phone.

We all watched as she finally flipped her phone around showing us a picture of her trying to bench press Dave falling miserably. We all looked at her then to Dave who just shrugged smirking. Soon enough we all began laughing.

"Anna truth or dare?" Willow asked.

"Dare and make it hard." Anna replied.

"Let one other person of your choice go threw your phone for the next minute." Willow chirped happily.

Anna flushed red before grumbling and pulling out her phone handing it towards me.

"I'll let Y/n go threw it." She grumbled.



Chapter 78 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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