Chapter 105

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"Emma, Yekun." I whimpered moving.


Stumbling backwards my heart began pounding in my chest as I tripped over my feet falling backwards. My breathing labored as they walked towards me with clinical smiles on their faces making me turn pale. Yekun laughed as Emma stared at me anger evident on her face as her jaw clenched.

"Y/n so great to be back in person." Yekun laughed, "Thanks to Anna's stupidness I managed to get back here and gain back what's rightfully mine."

Yekun tone was deep and terrifying sending chills down your spine as you turned to Anna's corpse which was now slumped against the wall. Turning away I clenched my eyes closed tightly feeling nauseous as my stomach churned at the sight of her bloodied body. My eyes soon snapped open when the sound of footsteps seemed to get closer to me, I glanced at Alastor fear raking through my body as he seemed to be in shook and seething with rage. His eyes were dark hallow pits as two radio dials floated in the voids in place of his irises. Almost as if he snapped out of his trance he quickly stepped in front of my displaying a form of dominance and protectiveness. My heart slowed down slightly as I stood up quickly hiding behind him seeking some form of protection. Al seemed to notice this as his hand reached behind him before gripping mine as he interlaced our fingers. My body relaxed slightly before I heard Al's voice ring through the room with a threatening and challenging tone making anyone begin to shake if it was directed to them.

"I'm sorry but she does not belong to you!." He seethed through clenched teeth.

I could see Emma's nose scrunch with disgust as she stared at Alastor who glared at the two of them. Yekun hummed in thought before walking to the side and stopping grinning a wide smile with shark like teeth.

"Then I suppose you believe she belongs to herself." Yekun asked sarcasm seeping through his words as he drew our attention to him.

"Yes she does and you have no right to have her after what you have done to her." Al growled.

I opened my mouth to say something but soon let out a scream of pain when a hand gripped my hair and dragged me away from Al quickly. Al spun around quickly to grab me however it was to late as I was already out of his reach clawing at the hand that gripped my hair. Soon enough I was lifted over someone's shoulder allowing me to see who it was, moving my neck so I could see their face I noticed Emma was holding me. My heart dropped to my stomach as I realized we had allowed Yekun to stall while she grabbed me. I began pounding on her back making her let out growls of annoyance, soon enough I was thrown to the ground my head banging against the flooring with a hard thud. My vision blurred from the sudden concussion I had gained but that soon became the least of my worries. Yekun's hand gripped the back off my neck pulling me up so I was standing making me let out a whimper of pain. I looked at Alastor with fearful eyes as he growled pounding on a force field as he looked around for a way to get to me but found none. I looked down only to see salt at the bottom of the force field my heart clenched in realization.

"What's wrong can't seem to get through can you." Emma laughed.

Al looked at me with fearful eyes as tears began flowing from my eyes. I began thrashing in Yekuns grip screaming loudly, my screaming was soon cut off when a hand gripped my mouth roughly.

"Shut up you." Yekun growled.

Taking my chance I clamped down on his hand making him yell in pain before tossing me to the ground I began to crawl franticly towards Al but before I could reach him I was dragged back by my ankle. My hands clawed at the ground trying to find some type of grip so I could stay in place but they only slid on the floor. Yekun grabbed my hair making me cry out in pain but it was soon released when a familiar presence wrapped their arms around me and threw Yekun against the wall. Looking up I saw Al holding me in his arms and place kisses to my head as he walked to a part of the room furthest away from the other two.

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