Chapter 96

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"I-I understand mama I'll be sure to fix this but right now the princess requires my assistance with the hotel." I stated waving goodbye and disappering into a cloud of smoke.

Y/n's pov

Letting out a sigh as Al left the room I stared at the corner where the shadow of a man stood. Straighteningbmy back I walked back to the tub of water logged electronics.

"What do you want now?" I seethed threw gritted teeth.

"Oh nothing just wanted to hear you say how right I was and how wrong you where." Yekun's voice echoed in my head the shadow waving it's hands.

Rolling my eyes I lifted up the box going downstairs as the shadow followed me quickly.

"Well I'm not he had every right to get mad at me." I stated sighing as I placed the box down to set the box so I could open the door.

"There you go agian stuborn as always sis." He cooed his shadow wrapping his arms around me in a family love type way almost making me feel like I was wrapped into a cocoon.

Key word almost. Jerking away from his touch I shivered. That was not like Al's hugs Al always tried to sooth you but this was more controling and felt like it wasn't real.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." I growled my teeth gritted.

"And I thought you changed." He sighed as I began to walk back up the steps after throwing the box of broken electronics away.

Walking upstairs I rolled my eyes but he stayed in one spot not realizing I had left. Once he noticed I left his head snapped towards me.

"Hey where are you going?" He asked in my head.

I continued walking ignoring him before the sound of him yelling at me and groaning echoed through my skull. I gripped my ears trying to drown out his yelling about me being stubborn as he followed me around. Stepping into the kitchen the shadow gripped my shoulder spinning me around.

"Don't ignore me you bitch!" He growled making my eyes widen as I stumbled slightly falling to the floor on my butt.

Tears welling in my eyes as he glared at me anger resonating off of me. He smiled widely stalking towards me as I began squirming to get away from him. As he began to bend down to pounce I tried standing up but my body was frozen in fear.

'See he's a LIAR!' My thoughts yelled at me as he finally pounced.

Raising my arms up to shield my face from the shadows attack I prepared for the worst saying one thing before what I thought was my end.

"I'M SORRY DON'T HURT ME!" I cried tears poring from my face as I waited for the feeling of my flesh being torn off but instead rushed footsteps entered.

"Y/n!" I heard Mama's voice yell in a panicked tone.

My arms lowered as my eyes darted around trying to find the now missing shadow, standing up when I realized he was gone I ran into mama's arms. She quickly returned the hug her body heat warm and comftorbale unlike Yekun's and Al's hug. While Yekun had a controlling hug and Al had a loving and Dearing almost protective hug, Mama had a soft touch almost like she was comforting me but at the same time protecting me. It was strange I hadn't felt something like this since my caretaker. Opening my eyes still blurry I felt that small faint voice of Yekun's repeated the same thing over and over.

"Death will find you sister and I will be there waiting." He cooed in a almost caring voice.

"Mama I don't want to go back." I cried pushing more into her chest as I cried.

"Don't worry sugar you aren't going anywhere." She soothed petting my hair as she lifted me up caring me over to the rocking chair in the living room.

'That's not her choice kill her!" Yekun yelled making me wince violently.

"Sugar what's wrong?" Mama asked pulling me more into her lap.

'Tell her and I'll kill them all." Yekun growled as I opened my mouth to speak only to close it quickly.

"N-Nothing mama just cold." I replied nervously.

"Well why didn't you just say so?" She laughed summoning a soft blanket throwing it onto me and pulling me towards her for body heat.

I sighed relived she bought the lie as I began nodding off to a not so peaceful sleep the sound of Yekun calming down as I lost consciousness.

Mama's (Abigale) pov

She's lying I knew she was yet she looked so scared that I decided not to press and play her little game for a while but I will get my answers. Sighing as I rocked her she began whimpering in her sleep kicking her feet like she was trying to get away from something. Sighing I pressed kisses to her head and began humming just like I did with Alastor when he had nightmares. sighing as she called down I continued humming deciding to tell my boy about this incident. I don't think Y/n is mad at anyone other than what she's battling and that seems to be destroying her mentally. Yawning I continued to rock her summoning a book and began to read. As I continued to read I failed to notice the large shadow creeping form Y/n's shadow as it gave a large murderous smile. Leaning down the shadow moved a piece of hair from her forehead and a golden cross burn mark lined the spot like Al's x. yet this kept her from entering hell. Yekun's shadow smiled before brushing his fingers over the burn mark smiling widely.

"You can't escape me Y/n no matter what you will never kill me unless you figure out that small spell." He cooed into her unconscious mind her body shaking slightly from the strange feeling.

"I'll see you soon very soon." Yekun stated and with that he melted into the shadows appearing back in hell.



Chapter 96 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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