Chapter 16

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"Oh hush" I growled causing them to go silent, " let's just get to the conjuring house I have the whole place booked for three days."

Y/n's pov

"Alright Y/n for the win we are going to see so many ghost." Alex exclaimed walking to the entrance of the airport.

We all walked out and hoped into the car I rented. Plugging in the conjuring house into my gps I started the car and began driving. The setting spots where expected with me driving Al in the passenger seat and Alex, Anna, and Max in the back. We all joked and laughed when I realized j hadn't even introduced Al to the group.

"Crap I forgot. Guys this is Alastor." I explained gesturing to Al.

"Sup Alastor." They all said back saying their names.

"Sup?" Al questioned.

"Dude is your boyfriend from the 1920s or something like he knows nothing." Anna laughed out.

"Oh you have no idea Anna." I muttered before answering Al's question, " sup is like saying what's up and hello."

"Oh alright." he hummed looking at the road.

I turned into the gravel drive way smiling as I put the car in park. We all jumped out the car grabbing our luggage. I rushed up to the door knocking on it as the owner opened the door.

"Ah you must be Mrs. L/n not what I was expecting you to look like. You look even more beautiful than I imagined." He exclaimed.

"Thank you sir. Me and my friends here where wondering if we can come in I know it's a bit early but it would be lovely if we could?" I asked.

"Yes come in I have a few things you all need to sight and then a few rules." He replied.

We all nodded walking in and signing some stuff so if we got hurt or something we would pay for damages and our own medical stuff. After that he explained the history and rules leaving us to ourselves.

"Alright let's get this party started!" Alex yelled.

"Hell yeah!" Max yelled back.

"You all go find a room to stay in I'll set up things down here yell if you see anything." I stated pulling the paranormal suitcase with me.

"Oh yeah I also brought some stuff Y/n if you want to use it." Anna said handing me a bag.

I smiled nodding as she walked of Al just stayed put. I looked at him confused and he walked over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"What's wrong Al?" I asked.

"Nothing I just don't like this home I know something's wro-" Al was cut off by a loud yell causing me to run upstairs.

I ran into a room where Anna was and a shadow figure the size of a child was stood behind the door. I quickly ran to Anna knowing that she was probably startled but I just smiled and waved at the boy as he disappeared behind the door.

"Anna it's fine it was just a small boy." I stated.

"Your lucky you actually see them I only get visions of how they died." She exclaimed.

I laughed shaking my head and walked back down stairs. Al had walked off to find our room and decided we would stay in the most haunted room of the house. I rolled my eyes as I set up all the equipment and began trying to contact spirits while everyone was organizing their rooms. I looked at the blood board on the dining room table deciding I might as well do it since I'm bored. Walking over to it I began to play it just like a normal Quiji board.

"Is there any spirits who would like to contact me today?" I asked.

I waited for a few moments and the piece began to move towards yes making me smile.

"Hello I'm Y/n what is your name?" I asked.

The piece began to move towards the letters z o z o. I smirked at the supposed sign of the devil rolling my eyes knowing the devil wasn't actually here.

"Ah so the devil is here." I exclaimed, "then how are you uncle?"

The piece stopped moving and I felt a long pain on my back making me yelp in pain. I stood up quickly looking around to see a shadow run into the living room. Running after the shadow I saw it run to the basement. I got into the basement running down the stairs, when the basement door slammed shut I ran back up the stairs. I tried opening the door but it was locked I rolled my eyes at this and started banging on the door yelling for someone to unlock the door. I felt another scratch go down my arm making me yelp in pain. Soon enough I heard whispering coming from down the steps causing me to shake. I looked down the steps as the light flickered. Another long scratch went along my face making my flinch shrinking to the ground and letting out whimpers of pain as the whispering got louder.

Al's pov

I finally set up mine and Y/n's room in a room that had a lot of people in it so she could get a lot of experience while she was here. I hummed your never fully dressed without a smile while I walked down stairs to find her only to not find her. I quickly walked over to the group of her friends thinking she was with them but she wasn't.

"Hello dears do you know where Y/n is?" I asked.

They all looked at each other before shaking their heads. I got nervous so I grabbed the small voodoo doll of her only to see long cuts on the doll. I knew she was hurt but I had no idea where she was. Looking all over the house we couldn't find her I walked bye the basement door startled when I heard soft cry's of pain. Looking at the doll I saw water stream from the dolls eyes. I went to open the door but it was locked I stepped back using my powers to unlock the door. Opening it I saw shadow like people all around her whispering how useless she was. I quickly rushed to her side causing all the shadows to disappear in fear. Lifting her up she let out a whine of pain and I looked over her body seeing long red marks of scratches. I pressed soft kisses to her face whispering things to make her happy when I thought of some dad jokes to tell her.

"Love when does a joke become a dad joke?" I asked.

"W-when Al?" She replied through sniffs.

"When it becomes a parent."  I laughed.

She let out a loud laugh making my heart beat fast against my chest. I walked into the living room sitting down on the couch it was around 10 so everyone went to bed. I saw a shadow creep into the room and Y/n jumped curling closer. I looked at her confused before I realized that shadow had hurt MY love. The air went thick with static and my eyes turned to radio dials making the shadow freeze I opened my mouth and a loud glitching effect came from it.

"Hurt her and I will give you a second death!" I growled in a distorted voice.



Chapter 16 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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