Chapter 29

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I sat there watching her peacefully sleep in my arms until I dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

Y/n's pov

A week has passed since the incident with Yekun and Al had to go back to hell for some time to take care of his territory. I was confused on what he meant because I was put in my human form a bit before hell had many people at most there was a bit over 1,000 demons. However it seems like hell has become a lot more busy since I was forced to leave. Now Al has told me about the cleansing or extermination because hell has become so over populated. He told me there are building everywhere like New York but worst. This all shocked me when I learned this because only vast open areas with trees and desserts was what I saw in hell during my time.

Sighing I stood up from the couch Al's voodoo doll in hand putting away my 5th novel of the day back on the book shelf. Walking outside a chill passed through my body as the seasons where slowly changing from summer to winter. It was still nice though so I decided to take a small walk in the woods. Stepping inside I grabbed my F/c converses and a hoodie placing Al's doll on the counter I looked in the mirror giving a satisfied smile at my appearance. Grabbing the doll gently I gave it a soft hug as the feeling of arms wrapping around me let me know Al felt the hug. Letting out a sigh I skipped to the drawer I keep all my pens pulling out one I began writing "going out on a walk if you come back and don't see me I'll be in the forest" on the doll as it quickly disappeared. Soon I saw on my hand his response in neat cursive "alright be safe my doe and please take the doll." I smiled at his reply writing a k on the doll as I placed a kiss on its head walking out the front door. We learned that by writing on the doll it would appear on our skin allowing us to communicate without phones which will be hard to explain how to use to Al.

Stepping outside the breeze was nice as the leaves rustled falling off the trees gracefully. Stepping off my poach the crunch of leaves made there cries present at the loudness of each of my steps. Walking further into the woods I let out a content sigh at the wild life that sounded threw the woods. Stopping at a clearing with a small river I sat down laying on my back looking at the clouds. I laid there for a while as I thought of what I needed to get done after my nature walk. My thoughts abruptly ended when the sound of a branch braking made me sit up straight. Looking ahead it was a large buck who had stepped on a branch when walking to the river for a drink but stopped when he noticed my presence. I gave a slight smile sitting still as it proceeded it's movements looking around before letting out a deer call. Soon a small doe came out of the woods slowly looking around before trotting over to the buck.

Getting a full look at the two deer as they drank from the creek I admired their features. The doe was a nice caramel color with a dark brown nose. While the buck was darker and had a white belly with large antlers. Watching them I saw another buck come from the clearing sniffing the air as it looked around. The first buck immediately perked up at the new buck who had entered the clearing. The new buck let out lowering its head in challenge as it scratched its antlers against the tree. The buck from before lowered its antlers excepting the challenge. This always happened before matting season the males would fight over the does before their antlers fell off and then when the new ones appeared they began mating. As I watched the two bucks fight I began wondering if Al went threw this. I knew some demons got more animal traits than others. I was one of the unlucky ones who got a heat but me being the only deer demon in hell at the time it wasn't as bad. Luckily I don't have to deal with that here on earth because I'm not in my demon form but Al I'm not so sure. Deciding on asking him when he got back I watched as the bucks continued to fight but the new one soon gave up leaving the first buck to head back to the doe. I watched as they both left taking that as my time to leave making my way back to my house. Stepping threw the door I was tackled to the floor knocking the wind out of me. My eyes widened as I gasped for air netting a electric blue smile and eyes of Al's smile.

"My dear friend what was that thud have you found-" I heard Al's worried voice stop as he rounded the corner seeing me on the floor tackled to the ground by his shadow.

He let out a growl causing the shadow to tense as he looked at his master who had a angry look at his shadow.

"My dear friend I believe you might have hurt her." Al growled making his shadow stand up helping me up and dusting me off looking back to his master worried.

Al only hummed making the shadow crawl back into the shadows. I smiled at Al waving as he rushed towards me lifting me up rushing to go sit on the couch making me laugh. Sitting down he wrapped his arms around me as I straddled his waist playing with his hair.

"My doe you had me worried I thought something had happened to you in the Forrest when you where out there for so long." He stated.

"Aw was my buck worried I wasn't even out there for that lo-" I stopped talking when I looked at the clock seeing I was outside for at least 7 hours.

Al laughed behind me as I muttered a sorry. We laid in each other's arms as he traced small shapes on my arms and back as I messed with his hair. Finally after a hour I decided to get up and make supper. Trying to stand up I was quickly pulled back down as Al growled holding me tight.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked playfully.

"Well I'm going to make us supper now let me up please." I replied.

"Hm, I don't think I will." He purred.

I rolled my ears trying to get up again only to fail. Getting pined to the couch I blushed as he leaned over top of me.

"Al really I need to make supper." I stated looking up at him. 

"No." He said plainly rubbing his head into my neck as j sighed thinking on how to get out of this when a idea hit me.

"Well looks like I'm not making jambalaya I was also wanting you to help guess not but I'm fine with this." I stated sounding slightly said.

Al's ear twitched at the sound of jambalaya as he quickly stood up lifting me up and taking us to the kitchen.

"My doe if it was jambalaya why didn't you say so I have the perfect recipe." He stated setting me down as he began to make the food.



Chapter 29 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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