Chapter 31

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Slight fluff warning and safe will be ***


The feeling of my eyelids lowering made me rub my nose into her hair taking in her sent as I let sleep over take me happily.

Y/n's pov

Sunlight danced threw my blinds causing me to scrunch my nose not wanting to wake up. I heard a soft laugh come from above me making me squint my blurry eyes seeing a clash of reds and yellows. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I opened them letting out a yawn snuggling closer to Al.

"5 more hours." I whined.

"Come on my doe we have to make breakfast." He stated standing up.

I sat up pulling the blankets close to me for the absence of warmth from Al's body. Al snapped his fingers changing his clothing to his usual attire. He walked off to the bathroom and I groaned standing up. Grabbing a pair of clothes I walked into the bathroom with him. He was combing out his hair ridding it of knots and tangles from his sleep. Smirking I looked at him threw the mirror as he gave me a confused look tilting his head in confusion. Turning on the shower water his eyes widened as a blush appeared on his face.


I began taking of my clothes tossing them over by the door before stepping into the shower. Peaking out of the shower curtain to see Al's reaction I was surprised to see no Al. Humming I began to shower when I was caught off by two hands on my waist pulling me backwards. Spinning around my face heated up as I saw a nude Alastor behind me. I looked away from him embarrassed and surprised he got into the shower with me.

"Now doe you didn't think you could tease me like that and me not react did you?" He asked seductively.

I didn't answer as my face felt even hotter at his words. I felt his thumb and index finger on my chin pulling it up so I had to look at him. His eyelids where lowered as steam rolled of his body from the warm water. I still stayed silent making him narrow his eyes at me shrugging slightly. He leaned close to my ear biting the lobe of it making me shiver as his hands ran up and down my sides.

"What's wrong love cat got your tongue?" He purred quietly in my ear.

I let out a squeak as his hands roughly gripped my sides pulling us chest to chest. My face exploded in color causing him to laugh at this game I started and sure as hell wasn't going to lose. Lowering my eyelids I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hm well I'm just too stunned to speak." I replied.

"And why is that dear?" Al questioned.

"Why what women wouldn't be stunned to see a handsome man nude in the shower with them." I hummed.

"Love most people run in fear of me I don't believe they would look at me like you do. And if they did they will be dead in a second." He purred.

"Oh I feel so honored." I stated.

He closed the space connecting our lips as I immediately relaxed. Soon he pulled away smirking as I looked at him confused.

"Love why did the bike fall down?" He asked.

"Why Al?" I quipped back slightly mad about him killing the mood.

"Because it was two tired." He laughed out connecting our lips again.

Pulling back yet again he told another dad joke making me roll my eyes. He continued to connect our kisses only to separate to tell a dad joke. Finally giving up on the game I started I pulled back as he smirked knowing he won. I stuck my tongue out at him as he smiled wildly bitting my tongue softly. My face exploded in color as I pulled back letting out a squeak causing him to laugh. I groaned rolling my eyes as we finished our shower. Stepping out I dried myself off putting on my clothes turning towards Al I gave a wide smile which he returned immediately.


Al snapped his fingers clothes appearing on his body. Even though I have seen him use his powers before it was always so cool to watch. Watching him I began wondering if he had a deer form. Walking up to him I gave him a soft hug from behind.

"Hey Al do you have a deer form?" I asked as al turned in my arms.

"I do my love." He stated simply.

"Can I see please?" I asked him nicely.

"I'm not sure deer." He answered.

"Pwease." I pleaded.

"I-I ugh you may see it." He groaned.

I giggled as we walked out of the bathroom skipping over I sat on my bed as Al stood in the room. Soon a large puff of black smoke engulfed him but soon cleared revealing a beautiful red and black buck. I squealed rushing towards him I gasped at how tall he was even in his deer form he was over a inch taller than me in his deer form. Wrapping my arms around his neck I hugged him tightly as he nuzzled his snout into my neck leering out a soft deer bleat. Hi I laughed walking back to the bed sitting down I was expecting to see Al back into his demon form but he lowered into a pouncing position making me confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He let out a snort before running towards me and jumping on the bed standing over top of me as I was knocked down. He laid on top of me as I let out a huff at the sudden weight . I tried escaping but his weight held me in place. He let out another snort placing his head on my breast as he looked into my eyes. Sighing I began petting his soft fur as he purred. His eyes where closed and he looked happy. Looking over his deer form his antlers where larger than usual and he had overly sharp teeth that lined his mouth that wasn't smiling. Pulling his snout into a smile I yelped in fear quite happy that he didn't smile in this form. Al's eyes widened when I yelped making him stand up looking around the room for what scared me only for me to die laughing.

"H-hun I pulled your snout into a smile and it startled me don't worry." I assured him.

He bleated walking over to the bed curling into a bawl laying his head in my lap as I began petting his hair.



Chapter 31 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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