Chapter 104

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"I'm sorry too darling." I muttered agianst her skin making her shiver.

Y/n's pov

Al swayed us back and forth for a small moment peppering the side of my face with kisses. I hummed happily leaning more into his chest. Pulling me into his lap I smiled kissing his cheek happily.

"Alastor can I ask why you got so mad at Anna?" I asked.

His body tensed as static filled the room making the air heavy.

"She said something I wasn't a fan of." He seethed tugging me closer to his chest making me wheeze.

"Al tell me what she said." I cooed spining so I was stradiling his waist.

His eyes held a sad far off look as he stared at me before tears began to fall. His smile wobled as he tried his best to hold it up only to fail. My heart clenched at the sight before I cupped his cheek whipping the tears that cascaded down his face.

"Hey shh. It's fine." I hummed holding him close to me.

Burrying his head in the crook of my neck he let out soft whines and whimpers. The coolness of his tears dripped down my shirt. Rubbing his ears he calmed down breathing evening out to calm breaths.

"S-she said that Yekun was going to take me from you." He whimpered.

My eyes widened in shook as I stood up quickly. I glared at him furriously, how cold he say that. Anna has not done anything to us since we got here. Gritting my teeth he stared at the ground.

"Alastor how could you make up such a excuse she has done nothing but been nice to us.

"But darling I'm not making excuses it's what happened." He cried standing up.

Stepping back as his hands flung in the air angirly.

"How can you belive her over me!" He growled pointing at the door.

Stumbling backwards shocked at his out burst he continued stepping towards me becoming even more furious. Growling lowly he raised his hands once agian making me flinch raising my arms to protect myself. Immediatly the growling ceased and the room went deathly silent. Holsing my breath waiting for a harsh blow I was meet with a light touch on my shoulder. Flinching away from the touch tears sprung to my eyes like a faucet.

"Darling..." Al cooed softly.

Wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug I began thrashing trying to get away. Screaming and kicking for him to let go yet his grip only tightened. Lifting me off my feet and into his arms I began punching as tears fell from my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Let go!" I cried in fear.

"Darling I'm sorry so sorry. I over reacted." He soothed my heart rate picking up in spead.

A ear peircing scream came from my throat making his grip losen slightly but not enough to get away. I began sobbing heavily flashes of Yekun flooding my mind. Al sat down placing me in his lap trying to calm me down. I sobbed heavily only being reminded of the lies and pain Yekun put me through.

"Let me go. Please." I whimpered tiredly.

Bile raised in the back of my throat from nervousness but it all seemed to vanish when a light toon of we'll meet agian flooded my ears. The sound was soft but noticible and soon after I heard Als voice.

"Breath darling focus on me and the music nothing else." He soothed rubbing circles on my back.

My breathing steadied as I relaxed slightly into his hold. Smiling softly I listened to the sound that floated through the room. His dress shirt wrinkled from my hold relaxed when I let go. Standing up I gripped his hand pulling him up with me. Smiling up at him we swayed back and forth to the music. My thoughts calm the only thing on my mind was him my love of my life. Leaning into him I could smell the fire wood and blood coming from him making my body shiver in delight. He sighed happily lifting my chin to look up at him conecting our lips I tensed but immediatly relaxed. We stayed still like that for a good minute before seperating to breathe. Gulping back some air I smile drunkily at my love as we continued dancing.

"If we get married I want this to be our weding song." I hummed booping his nose.

"It's not if darling it's when." He chuckled kissing my cheek as I blushed.

Smiling I stared up at him happy at the tjought of marrying him.

"I hope our children will be romantic like you." I laughed blushing lightly.

Al's eyes widened in shock at my words before mine also widened in realisation.

"I- uh not that we have to though." I laughed nervously twisting my fingers.

He smiled wide before lifting me up and spining us around. Planting kisses on my face I began to laugh my anxiety floating away like a boat on a river. Placing me back on my feet he bent down cupping my face in his large clawed hands. Conecting our lips in a passionate kiss he pulled away smiling like a idiot.

"I would love you to be the mother of my children." He cooed happily.

"Really!" I cheered happily.

"Of course as soon as we are in hell and you make a name for yourself you can have all the children you want." He laughed pulling me into a hug making me smile wide.

"Or we can get a head start." I purred jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

Smirking he raised a eyebrow before pinning me underneth him on the bed.

"God I love you so much." He sighed kissing my neck.

"I love you too no matter what. Im yours forever." I said happily.

A grunt came from him as we were about to escalate things but a loud crash stopped us. We both sat up straight rushing out of the geust room to see what happened. Going down the hallway we froze seeing a puff of black smoke and Anna laying dead agianst a wall with a large dent. My eyes widened seeing her blooded figure from the sacrifice. The smoke soon cleared and two people I remebered far to well stood with their back facing towards us. Spining around they smiled wide when they saw me. My teeth clenched as I stared at the fearful.

"Miss us y/n?" They asked simultaneously.

"Emma, Yekun." I whimpered moving.


A/n chapter 104 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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