Chapter 55

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"I win!" She yelled placing a kiss on my lips.

Y/n's pov

"That you did darling but I will win the next two." Al laughed as I puled away.

"Hm, better put your money where your mouth is. Now onto the next location!" I cheered.

Before I knew it the terrain changed and we were now in a large rundown mansion that looked like it could break any second. Sighing I surveyed the area trying to get used to this place, I have no idea where I even am.

"Welcome to my earthly home darling. A bit run down but just as I remember." He explained before covering his eyes.

With that I sprinted off for my 10 minutes to find a spot to hide or something, he had the advantage because he knew the house I mean he lived in it. Sighing I made my way up the rigged steps as they creaked making me wince knowing he heard it. This was going to be a challenge trying to hide, the whole place creaked with every step. Walking threw a hallway I opened a door with a huge library at that moment I was about to say screw it to the bet and just start reading. Stepping out of the room I shook my head looking at my phone seeing I had about 5 minutes to find a hiding spot. I made my footsteps lighter so he couldn't hear me as I looked in every room deeming every one as useless for hiding. Making my way to the last door in the hallway I opened it to see a room with altars lining the walls and symbols that I recognized.

"So this is his voodoo room." I hummed in thought.

Closing the door behind me I saw a small ladder in the corner of the room walking over to it I climbed up it seeing a attic. I smiled widely at the cluttered space knowing this is a perfect hiding spot, Looking around I saw a hole in the ceiling big enough so my body could just barely fit. Running to it making sure my footsteps where light I grabbed hold of the hole pulling myself into the hollow rafters. Shimmying my way into the dark area I stayed silent waiting for Alastor to announce he was done counting.

"My Doe where are you!~" He yelled happily as he began his search.

Staying quite I listened for any signs of him being close but heard nothing, My nerves kicked in making me fidget with my hands. I laid there waiting for something but nothing even came, pulling out my phone I checked and saw almost 2 hours where up. Humming I looked out of my hiding spot seeing if the coast was clear. After seeing nothing I slid down from the ceiling my feet lading quietly on the ground, making my way to the ladder I gasped when I saw light fill the room as he opened the door. Stumbling backwords I bumped into a box making it fall to the ground I cursed quietly as I ducked behind another box. Soon enough I saw his brown hair come up the ladder and his white teeth lining his smile. If it was on different circumstances I would have admired him more, but this time I didn't. He approached the box I knocked over as I emerged from my hiding spot, his back was turned towards me so I could make a break for it but I still have to make it passed him. Tossing something so it sounded like I knocked something over his head whipped around and I dashed for the ladder. Running passed him he almost grabbed me making me squeal but I barley made it passed him. Hopping down the ladder I didn't even bother with the small ladder steps because it wasn't that high, running out of the room I heard Al approaching me quickly.

"Oh Darling~" He yelled. (If your a dream fan than just think of manhunt videos where he says oh George~)

I laughed running down the steps but soon the footsteps from him where just gone. Slowing down I turned around smiling as I though I lost him. Key word right there "thought" I lost him. Turning back around I saw alastor stood Infront of me making me squeal backing up quickly.

"How the hell you where just behind me!" I yelled.

"I know this home like the back of my hand darling~" He purred.

Reaching to grab me I ducked under his hands giggling as I slipped past him running of again. He muttered a few curses before laughing like a maniac, he was enjoying the challenge I knew that much but now he's going to be trying harder. Making my way to the bottom floor I passed a room with a rusted lock on it. I grabbed the lock as it broke easily from being so rusted, opening the door I was met with the smell of death and rotting. I gagged but closed the door behind me walking deeper into the cellar. Stepping backwards as I watched the door waiting for him to come down I felt a presence from behind me. Spinning around I saw many dead skeletons of people he previously murdered, taking my eyes away from the door I smiled seeing all the dead bodies and skeletons. I sighed placing my hands on my hips before shaking my head chuckling slightly.

"You'd think he'd clean up after himself." I chuckled quietly.

The door creaked making me whip my head around to look at the direction of the noise. Looking around I saw no place to hide making me mutter under my breath, I saw his figure come down the steps he chuckled seeing my state.

"Darling I do believe your trapped." He exclaimed making his way to me.

"Pftt, me trapped never." I exclaimed before running off into a door I noticed.

Upon opening the door it was just a storage spot for his many torture devices, Sighing in defeat I gasped as he hugged me from behind placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I win darling~" He purred happily.



Chapter 55 done and done. Uh oh a tie breaker next chapter now the question is who will win. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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