Chapter 60

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"now new question... What are you planning on making her do for 48 hours?" She asked smirking.

Al's pov

We talked for what felt like hours until they both had to leave, Mother handed me Y/n who was still sleeping soundly.

"Well I have to go bye take care Alastor." Rosie said walking threw the portal.

"I should be off to." My mama said wrapping me in a hug, "Bye take care of Y/n for me if anything happens then send a shadow to get me."

"Of course mama." I answered going to walk away but I heard a sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Aren't you forgetting something." She said arms crossed.

"Sorry mama." I apologized walking up to her I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"That's what I thought." With that she walked threw her portal she made.

I chuckled shaking my head, walking to Y/n's room I snapped my fingers changing our clothes. She wore a pair of shorts and t-shirts while I wore a pair of sweatpants. Laying her in bed I pulled up the covers quickly crawling into bed beside her. She latched onto me her head on my chest as I played with her hair. I laid there happily who knew I of all people would find a lover I thought I would be alone forever. However here I am with a beautiful lover in my arms as her hair framed her face. Now that I think about it how did I even survive without her if she did leave me I don't know if I could live without her. Smiling I pulled back some of her hair out of her face making her nose twitch. Smiling at how cute she was I leaned forward placing a kiss on her head as I caught a whiff of her sent. Her sent alone could drive me wild it was lavender and mint the smell was intoxicating. I puled her closer to me burying my head into her hair just inhaling her sent obsessively, she was mine as I am hers and I will do anything for her.

"I love you so much." I mumbled into her hair.

Soon I let sleep overtake me just thinking about our small bet we had I will talk to her more about it tomorrow.

Time skip brought to you by yours truly.

Waking up around 6 a.m. I saw my love still sleeping soundly in my arms, a soft smile was on her face she seemed like she was having a nice dream. Deciding not to wake her I slipped out of bed to make her favorite breakfast. Heading down stairs I began cooking, Still cooking I heard the thump and then slow pitter patter of feet on the floor. The steps quieted but I could hear them I knew what she was doing so I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. She grabbed ahold of my arms making me jump so it seemed like she scared me.

"Ha! Scared you." She laughed.

"That you did daring." I chuckled.

Her laugh was melodic and beautiful I loved it, she wiggled under my arm so she could see what I was doing.

"yay! My favorite." She squealed happily.

"That it is darling would you be a dear and set the table?" I asked tilting my head.

She nodded scurrying of with a bright smile to go set the table as I finished the food. Finishing the food I took it over to the table setting it down. My love looked at the food drooling slightly making me chuckle walking over to sit next to her. I whipped up the small amount of droll as she blushed.

"Dig in darling we need to speak about the bet when your finished." I replied utting some food on my plate and began eating.

She made a audible groan at having to talk about losing she wasn't to happy about it but I have a surprise I think she might like because of it. We ate as she listened to me ramble on about politics in hell to no end. I mean their all idiots or like testing my patients so I have countless stories.

"Do you get along with anyone in hell?" She asked randomly.

"Why yes darling but they are aquatones not friends." I explained taking a sip of my black coffee.

"Hm, and who are those aquatones?" She quipped looking at me.

"Well you have Rosie, Husk, Nifty, and Mimzy." I explained waving my hand around.

"I'm telling Rosie you weren't her friend when I see her." She yelled giggling as I stared at her in disbelief.

"You wouldn't dare." I stated shocked.

"And why wouldn't I?" She asked.

I smiled picking up our empty plates before placing a kiss on her lips, she blushed as I pulled away making me smirk.

"You love me to much." I explained.

"Go to hell." She replied in a playful tone.

"Already there my love." I called from the kitchen as I washed the dishes.

Finishing up the dishes I smilled happily walking to the living room where my love was reading. I lifted her up placing a bookmark in the book she was reading setting it down as I sat down with her in my lap.

"Hey! I was reading that." She groaned.

"Darling we both know you can't read." I teased.

"Then how am I reading this." She waved her hand in a circular motion.

"What?" I was confused by what she meant.

"Nothing." She replied quickly smiling wide.

"Ok... well anyways darling I wanted to speak to you about the little bet." I stated.

"Do we have to I already know you won just tell me when the 48 hours start." She groaned in annoyance.

"Um darling that's not what it was about." I said slightly nervous about what would happen.

"Then what is it?" She asked leaning into me.

"Well I um..." I paused before thinking over my wording.



Chapter 60 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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