Chapter 87

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If he was touching me then either his shadow or tentacle would be wrapped around some part of my body.

Y/n's pov

"Y/n dear would you help me in the kitchen!" Abigale yelled.

"Sure mama!" I hollered in return.

"Going to stand up I was dragged back down by a tentacle, I let out a huff turning my gaze to Al who quickly scrambled holding me in a death grip.

"Might be a minute though!" I yelled as I tried to move only for Al to cling to me like a child.

"Take your time." She laughed knowing the dilemma I was in.

"Alll let go." I whined.

"NO! Mine!" He growled tightening his grip.

"Pwease?" I pleaded giving him puppy dog eyes.

His ears lowered as his eyes softened, the grip loosened just slightly before he seemed to snap out of the trance he was in and the tight grip returned.

"No." He repeated.

"I'll give you 3 seconds mister." I stated as he looked a me in disbelief.

"1..." I started holing u one finger.

His eyes darted between my eyes and the hand wondering if I was bluffing or not.

"2..." I continued adding holding up another finger.

He rolled his eyes laying his head in my lap unfazed by my counting.

"Fine as punishment your sleeping on the couch tonight." I hummed crossing my arms.

"What! No!" He yelled letting me go as he quickly sat up.

I smirked running off as he sat there for a good second before realizing what I just did. Running into the kitchen I bent over hands on my knees as I caught my breath.

"Alright... I'm here." I panted standing up.

Abigale turned to me going to say something but before she could a portal opened beneath me causing me to fall through. I gasped as my vision went dark the last thing I saw was Abigale roll her eyes smirking. Soon I was plopped on the couch making me groan in annoyance knowing Al did it soon enough his arms wrapped around me holding me in his lap as he cuddled me like a child's toy. I huffed crossing my arms in annoyance as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Al I have to help Abigale." I whined.

"EXCUSE ME!" I heard Abigale yell making me tense.

"Mama I mean mama." I corrected myself.

"Please just stay here with me?" He begged making my heart clench.

"Then who's gonna help mama?" I asked.

"He can." On que Al's shadow waved at me before running off to the kitchen.

"What's with you today your overly clingy?" I asked cupping his face in my hands.

"Nothing." He replied quickly.

"Liar." I muttered.

"I-I just don't want to waist the time your alive you know?" He replied.

"What's the difference between me being in hell or on earth?" I questioned.

"Well what if you are cold instead of warm right now you feel like a nice blanket for my own personal use." He explained.

"Don't worr about that hun." I cooed.

"Um darling?" He stated.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Since you have already been in hell where will you fall will you fall where all sinners usually fall or do you just go to where your body once was?" He questioned.

"I'm not sure I guess well cross that road when we get there." I replied.

"But what if I can't find you in hell!" He cried holding me tight as his head buried into my chest.

"Alastor don't worry I'm sure I can find the most feared overlord in all of hell, The radio demon." I laughed making jazz hands.

"And if not?" He replied.

"Then I'll find angel and he'll take me to you. All I have to do is ask some demon it shouldn't be to hard." I hummed.

"Alright darling however I do have one other question." He sighed.

"Ask away love." I exclaimed rubbing his ears.

"Do I have to sleep on the couch." He whined making me laugh.

"Oh yes you very much are." I rubbed his ears happily as he let out a annoyed groan.

"Buttt Y/n." He whined looking up at me.

"But nothing mister you're in trouble." I exclaimed narrowing my eyes at him.

"What if I'm a good boy for the rest of the day?" He asked seductively.

"Oh no you don't ain't getting in the bed that easy." I sternly said.

His eyes rolled before the couch vibrated from a notification on my phone. Sighing I grabbed it before my eyes narrowed noticing it was a text from Anna.

"What does she want." I growled my nose crinkling up in disgust.

"Who darling?" Al asked looking at me.

"Anna." I replied with a heavy eye roll.

"What does she need." He asked with the same amount of distaste.

"She wants to... apologize." I stated my eyes widening in surprise as did Al's, "She also wants to invite us to go to Pennsylvania for Christmas and celebrate with everyone down there."

"Strange I don't like it." Al grumbled.

"Neither do I but do you want to go?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure I see no harm but if she insults you one more time I will end her." He growled.

"Alright sounds like a plan." I answered.

Letting out a sigh I tossed the phone on the couch leaning my head on Al's shoulder already getting a headache from Anna.

"So you think you can hold my little helper captive?" I heard mama scold making me smirk.

"Uh oh you're fucked." I whispered to him.

"Mama I just wanted to cuddle her." He replied nervously.

"Well that's no excuse." She scolded.

I sat there waiting for her to help me out of this situation but no help came instead she just added to the misery.

"Well don't hog her all to yourself mama wants to cuddle her future daughter in law." she lecture.

Sliding beside al she pulled me from his lap into her and began playing with my hair, I squirmed out of her grasp standing up as the both smirked and I knew how this was going to end. However I wasn't going down that easily.

Time skip

I groaned as mama redid my hair for the billionth time and Al purred into my lap where his head rested. Let's just say it had taken them about 10 seconds to catch me and I've been here for a hour and a half just being cuddled by two of the worlds most clingiest people. Soon enough I ended up falling asleep while mama continued playing with my hair.



Chapter 87 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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