Chapter 36

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"Damn you, you red bean pole." I yelled to the hallway raising my fist hearing two laughs sound from the kitchen.

Y/n's pov

"I'm bored!" I whined to myself as I sat on the couch.

Blue left about 2 days ago and it was overly boring. Groaning mumbling a few curses about being board I finally stood up.

"That's it were going outside." I exclaimed to my self.

Putting on some appropriate attire I began my walk out side. Humming a small tune occasionally whispers sounded threw the woods. Making my way to the river I found the doe and buck I picked up a nice smooth rock throwing it causing it to skip. As I continued skipping rocks a sound of a gunshot rang out. Phasing threw the bullet I turned to where the shot came from to see 3 small demons. Rolling my eyes I began walking towards them as they watched me smiling except one who was holding the gun he had red skin white hair and white and black ram horns.

"Good evening friends terrible shot you have." I exclaimed none of them acknowledging my existence.

"Great job Moxxie now she sees us." Said a male with a white spot and a black heart with a skull like shape.

"Hm, I don't know Blitzo the bullet went right threw her." A female demon with black hair and eyelashes replied with a thick country accent.

"Um she's right there." The one who I'm guessing was Moxxie said.

"Ah sorry my names Blitzo the o is silent this here is Moxxie and Millie." Blitzo stated gesturing to the male and females beside him.

"Hello Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzo." I stated shaking there hands, " how would you like to discus your reasoning to shooting at me over some tea?" I asked looking at the small demons.

"Hold up you ain't scared of us we are demons you know." Moxxie stated.

"Oh no to be honest you all look like possums." I explained.

"Ha here that Loona I told you we didn't need disguises!" Blitzo yelled.

I hummed turning around heating a click of a trigger but no gunshot smirking I held up the bullets to the hun Moxxie was holding.

"Now that's no way to treat a host that doesn't want revenge." I stated as I continued walking.

"How the hell did you get that Mrs..." Blitzo trailed off.

"How rude of me I'm sorry my names Y/n." I replied turning around and shaking his hand, " and as for that a magician never reveals their secrets. Now come on we must discus why you are trying to shoot me."

Turning back around I made my way back to my house.

Maybe these small demons will cure my boredom I thought to myself.

Opening the door to my house they stepped inside as they looked around in aw. I laughed walking to the kitchen to make tea as they sat down on the couch. Boiling the water I set up the sugar and honey on a small tray. Stepping out of the kitchen with the freshly made tea and cups I sat it down on the small table in the living room. Picking up my tea I took a sip setting it on the coffee table beside my chair.

"So tell me why you where trying to kill me?" I stated as they all Maude there tea.

"Were IMPs." Blitzo replied.

"IMPs?" I asked confused.

"Yeah IMPs here we'll show you our commercial." Blitzo said pulling out something called a Hell phone.

I laughed at the name before a video began playing for me. (Video up top) when the video stopped playing I began laughing my ass off.

"Who wants to kill me?" I asked whipping imaginary tears from my eyes.

"Some chick named Emma she paid us good money too." Blitzo replied, "she said something about her dying and you not was unfair because of something about a what was it again?"

"Was it a radio breaking." I growled at the memory.

"Yeah that's it." Blitzo yelled happily.

"Well I'm sorry but you'll have to give her a refund because I'm not dying any time soon." I explained.

"I um can't do that." Blitzo muttered.

"Wait did you already spend it all boss?!" Moxxie yelled.

"Yes I did there was a huge whole in our building that needed to be fixed." Blitzo answered crossing his arms.

"Y/n have you ever thought about suicide?" Millie asked me.

"No why would I when I have a wonderful life and lover." I answered.

"What if we killed your lover?" she asked.

"Well that will be quite hard to do." I stated.

"And why's that." Blitzo asked now paying attention.

"Because he's already dead." I answered smiling they looked at me shocked as I drank my tea, " well I'm going to get some crackers would you all like any?" I asked.

"Oh yes please." Moxxie exclaimed.

Walking off I saw Blitzo give Moxxie a high five before pouring something in my tea. Sighing as I knew it wouldn't do anything to me unless it was going to effect me like a bullet or a knife would. Grabbing the crackers I ran into a red chest before arms wrapped around me. Looking up I saw Al with a wide smile smiling back I wrapped my arms around him before pulling back placing a finger on my lips and then pointing to the living room. He looked over to see the IMPs growling softly causing me to laugh quietly.

"You stay out here until I say something about you then you can come out." I whispered.

He nodded letting me go standing by the door way as I left to the living room. Smiling at the group they smiled back. Setting the crackers down I sat down in my chair taking a sip of my tea as I proceeded to act out being poisoned. Making my eyes widen as I swallowed I grabbed my throat and began coughing looking over at Al I smirked as he smiled giving me a thumbs up at my acting. Falling back in my chair pretending to be dead I heard the group yell happily. Raising up laughing as I placed a hand to my head the group silenced.

"Did you really think that I didn't see you put that in my drink that's one of the lamest ways to die." I laughed out.

"The hell how are you still alive?" Moxxie asked.

"Oh well I'm not human I'm a fallen Angel in human forms however I might be forgiving about you trying to kill me but my lover is not as kind." I explained as a heavy static settled in the room.



Chapter 36 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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