Chapter 43

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This chapter will have non-consensual touching also maybe blood and gore. This is your warning.


"Sorry no can do missy your to fine lookin' to let go~" He purred pulling me close as I tried to break free of his grip.

Y/n's pov

I looked around the room quickly trying to find Al but the sea of drunk people blocked my vision. I squirmed once more trying to get out of his grip I was to tired so I couldn't use my powers or else I would put this damn human body under to much stress. The man held me closer to him rubbing his grimy hands along my arms. I tensed at the contact elbowing him in the gut making him groan. I took this as my chance to run but I was stopped by his friends who grabbed me.

"Alastor!" I yelled but it was unlikely he heard me over the music and the talking.

A hand covered my mouth as it pulled me backwards. A head leaned on my shoulder as he breathed I could smell the alcohol. I gagged before bitting his hand making the man growl gripping my chin pulling my face towards him.

"Such a pretty thing but you don't know when to quit." He growled pulling me closer to his face, "we'll just have to fix that won't we boys?" He asked turning his attention to the males behind me who cheered in reply.

His arm wrapped around my waist as I punched his chest trying to get away tears welled in my eyes. The man pulled my face towards his kissing it roughly as tears streamed from my eyes. I kicked and hit the man trying to get away as his hands roamed my body. He was nothing like Al, Al was sweet and general always allowing me to be happy this man was only doing it for his pleasure.

"Where are you Al?" I thought to myself as I continued screaming threw the kiss and hitting him but I was useless right now.

Al's pov

I sat at our table waiting for Y/n to get back she was taking a little while but she hadn't yelled. However it was quite loud in here so I might not of heard her. I stood up heading the direction to the bathroom when I was stopped by the same young lady that asked me to dance.

"Hey sugar where's ya girl?" She asked.

"Well I was just on my way to find her dear." I answered plainly but she blushed madly as if I had said something about wanting her.

"I'm sure She's fine, how 'bout we have that dance?" She stated trying to make herself sexual.

"I'm sorry but I must find her." I replied aggravated at her.

She huffed and turned on her heals walking to another man to bother. I sighed in relief as I continued to make my way to the bathroom. Getting closer and closer I heard a few males talking about a beautiful women by the bathroom but someone had already made moves on her. This only made my steps quicken trying to get their faster. As I approached the bathroom a group of males stood Infront as muffled screaming was heard most where cheering on whatever was happening. I squeezed threw the men but someone grabbed me and puled me back making me growl aggravated.

"We all wanna turn you ain't special." The man sneered at me.

"Oh no my fellow I was just seeing what all the commotions about." I replied trying to sound friendly even though I was seething with rage on the inside.

"Well in that case you should've said so!" He exclaimed happily stepping to the side so I could see.

"Thank you." I growled straightening my shirt.

I looked over to see a man with blonde hair slicked black with a ungodly amount of gel and my Y/n. I seethed with rage as the rich looking kid held MY doe still kissing her as she cried punching him. Finally one of her hits landed on his jaw and he stumbled backwards, she quickly steeped backwards but was tripped by a foot causing her to fall. The blonde male walked over to her grabbing her wrists kneeling down he placed a hard slap onto her face as she spat in his.

"You bitch I'll have you killed and raped for that." He growled.

I narrowed my eyes as my vision grew red and a loud static filled the room, he had harmed MY doe, he had kissed what's MINE, she is MINE not his. I thought as people covered their ears in pain, I quickly rushed towards the male grabbing him as I picked up Y/n gently she was trembling. I teleported us to the woods throwing the man to the ground, shifting into my demonic form he shuffled back in fear.

"T-The hell are you?" He shakily asked.

"Why I'm Alastor the radio demon." I exclaimed in a sickly sweet voice, "And who are you." I growled.

"None of your damn business." He seethed back.

"I said who are y̸̜̳̓̔ȯ̷̉̅̓ͅṷ̶͛͐ " I seethed my tone turning demonic as I held Y/n close as she shook with fear and tears.

"W-William, William R-Richman." He stuttered.

"Well William you touch what is mine and I don't like sharing." I growled.

"Y-You can't do nothin' my dad will find you and-" He couldn't finish before I cut him off.

"I'll kill him too." I seethed setting down Y/n against the tree making her cling to me tighter.

I sighed summoning a shadow who growled at William before rushing over to me. I gestured to the broken Y/n and he nodded picking her up and rushing her to the house. I turned back to William who was trying to make a break for it but I grabbed his back foot pulling him with a tentacle I summoned. I slammed him into a tree rushing up stabbing him with my claw.

"You're lucky she wasn't in her demon form she's a lot more creative than me." I growled as he coughed up blood.

"S-She's one of you t-too?" He asked chocking on his blood.

"Very much so yes but she's a fallen angel so best not to mess with her when she's in hell." I growled slicing open his stomach allowing his organs to fall out.

"I w-will have her one way o-or the other." He chocked.

I growled at his words al I could see was red at this point I grabbed his heart pulling it out and he immediately went limp. I snapped my finger making the body and heart disappear for my dinner later, I began quickly making my way to the house which wasn't to far but I was still a good ways off.



Chapter 43 done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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