Chapter 74

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"Now what happened." I growled lowly.

Al's pov

They stiffened at my tone as I narrowed my eyes at them, the room remained deathly silent other than there pounding hearts hammering against their chests. I let out a growl at being ignored before my eyes went inky black and radio dials floated in the inky darkness.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me I said what happened?" My voice was distorted and angry.

Anna gulped before turning her gaze towards Max nudging him slightly, Max whipped his head around toward Anna eyes wide in disbelief. She only narrowed her eyes at him before speaking.

"If you tell him maybe he'll be slightly merciful." She muttered threw gritted teeth.

Max nodded turning back to me before he opened his mouth going to say something but stopped closing his mouth. He swallowed nervously before opening his mouth again to speak, my patience was wearing thin.

"W-Well what happened was she scared me and we started fighting and she went to run but feel into the coffee table." He answered his voice trembling as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"That I put together but what about the bruises?" I hummed calming down slightly.

"I-I might of accidently slammed her against the floor to hard." He answered meekly.

"YOU SLAMMED HER ON THE GROUND!" I growled loudly.

"I-It was a accident honestly." He cried scared.

"I should have you skinned for that." I seethed, "But I won't."

"Wait what?" He quipped confusion evident in his tone.

"Why killing you would make my love angry... even if you are just a no good pest." I muttered the last part.

"You are one lucky bitch to get off the hook." Alex grumbled.

"I never said he was off the hook." I growled making Max tense up.

"Well you all have fun with that we have to-" Anna and Alex stood up but I quickly snapped my fingers causing black tentacles to wrap around them.

"Oh no you did nothing to stop him so you also are in for a punishment." I chuckled darkly.

I stared at them a wide smile on my face as they nervously shook in my grasp.

Y/n's pov

I groaned lowly as I shuffled around on the soft floor- wait floors aren't soft the hell. Opening my eyes a soft surface was wrapped around me but it was also cold. Looking around I notice I was laid in my bed the covers pulled over me, thoughts came flooding back at how Al appeared then I passed out.

"He must have brought me up here' I thought to myself.

My body stiffened when a rush of pain filtered threw my body making me groan in pain. The bed shuffled lightly as I now noticed another presence that was causing the freezing cold. Al's shadow laid in the bed wrapped around me happily as I smilled softly. I ran my fingers threw the inky black fog of his hair, his bright blue eyes widened as I gave soft pats to his head. His smile widening as he sat up happily wrapping around my waist. I let out a laugh before sitting up on my elbows wincing slightly at my sore mussels. I let out a relived sigh when I managed to lean up against the head rail, looking at the shadow he seemed to notice my agony as his ears lowered and his smile lessened.

"Are you alright?" He signed quickly.

"Yeah just a little sor- Ah!" I yelped as another wave of pain passed threw my body as my head began to throb.

I gripped my hair scrunching into a bawl trying to sooth the pain, the pain soon subsided and I was able to relax my mussels.

"Hehe I geuss this is what I get for wrestling Max huh?" I laughed sarcastically.

A staticky whiny came from the shadow making my eyes widened, I gave the shadow a smile as he stared sadly at me. Cupping his face I pressed soft kisses on his face.

"Nonono, there is no need for that just a little soreness." I winced slightly as the pain came back.

I groaned slightly before wobblily standing up holding my head, my vision went spotty as I immediately fell back on the bed. I sighed looking at the shadow who was staring at me worried.

"Mind helping me down stairs I want to get some Ibuprofen." I asked.

The shadow helped me up letting me lean against his cold form, it surprises me that I'm not even going threw him I mean he is a shadow. Letting a small laugh escape my throat the shadow looked at me confused singing to me with one hand.

"What's funny?" He asked confused.

"Oh I was just thinking about how I'm not going threw you since your a shadow and all." I quipped.

He paused for a second as he thought of a answer before just shrugging and looking at me.

"Not sure but if I find out you'll be the first to know." He signed.

"Aren't you just a sweetheart~" I cooed placing a kiss to his cheek.

His body or form went stiff his ears perking up while his eyes widened, he quickly relaxed as he glanced over to me with his wide smile and lidded eyes. I returned the smile as he nuzzled his nose into my cheek making me let out a soft giggle. We descended the stairs when I heard a thud my eyes widened as the shadow made his way over to the noise with me still by his side. Peaking around the wall into the dining room I saw black appendages wrapped around Anna, and Alex. Al had them held to the wall putting duck tape on their arms and legs to hold them up it looked hilarious but I couldn't laugh or else it would give away my spot. My eyes widened as I noticed Max missing from the group my eyes moved around the room quickly looking for the blonde. A muffled yell came from above me causing me and he shadow to look up only to see Max tapped to the ceiling. I let out a snort trying to hold back my cries of laughter the Shadow also seemed to find it enjoyable as his shoulders moved up and down quickly. I turned my attention back towards Max holding a finger to my lips, he seemed to know I was up to something as I finally mouthed "Prank wars point to are team." His eyes widened as his eyes gleamed mischievously. walking out of the hiding spot I cleared my throat causing everything to stop, Al looked at me fear evident in his voice.

"Darling supposed to be upstairs." He laughed nervously.

"I'm disappointed Al," I sighed turning my attention away from him and shaking my head.



Chapter 74 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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