Chapter 88

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Soon enough I ended up falling asleep while mama continued playing with my hair.

Y/n's pov

About a month had passed and we were having a big feast for thanksgiving, or more like me, Al, Rosie, and Mama was. Me and mama stood in the kitchen finishing up the food while Al and Rosie set all the plates. I smiled as they sometimes argued on whether the silverware and napkin went on top of the plate or beside it.

"Sweety can you hand me the seasoning on the counter?" Mama asked softly pulling me from my thoughts.

"Sure." I replied with a wide smile.

Handing her the seasoning I went back to mixing the salad when that was done Mama had also finished the food she was working.

"You done there sweet pea?" She quipped.

"All finished Mama." I exclaimed happily.

"Then let's take these to the table and chow down." She cooed pinching my cheek like a aunt you'd meet at a family reunion.

"Alrighty." I answered beginning to walk to the table.

"Foods done and stop arguing you two." Me and Mama scolded in unison.

They stopped arguing as I locked eyes with Mama a shocked expression on her face and probably on mine. Soon enough we began laughing heartedly taking our seats at the table and began eating our food.

"Mama I think Y/n is acting a lot like you here lately." Al grumbled.

"Is that so." Mama replied cutting a piece of steak and plopping it in her jaws.

"It is so I belive you are turning her into a clone of you." He laughed.

"Is that bad?" She hummed sternly.

"N-No of course not." Al stated tensing slightly.

"Thought so. And besides who else would she take after I mean she is the only female in this house hold." Mama scolded.

"Yeah but what if she wants to take after her own mama?" Al quipped in return.

I felt my eating stop as I set down the fork. Staring at the fork I shifted lightly as memories of the care taker flooded my brain. The care taker was a adult in heaven who was given a child to raise if the child had no parents. All angels had one mostly because God was to busy to raise all of us while still making plans with earth. The care takers never had a name they always went by a number or nana like 01 or 02. It was strange because they never got name but everyone else did except my caregiver that is I gave her a name It was M/n. She looked exactly like me to, soon when a child becomes a age you are replaced with the next child for the care taker to take care of. Yet I geuss mine never got to since she connected to much with me leading to complications in the system it was always the same. Heaven might be paradise but there are many rules to keep it that way I was a guard for god when he went places he trusted me but as soon as Yekun drove me insane I was kicked out and he seemed sad when it happened. Before I knew it tears dripped down my face hitting my hands drawing me out of my thoughts. I wiped my eyes trying to get rid of the tears but they only continued flowing, I couldn't tell what they where from or if the where happy or sad tears. I wiped and wiped at the tears trying to stop them looking up the group was laughing and talking enjoying the food. It felt wrong for me to be unhappy like this I felt like if they saw me I would just drag them down with me. Sighing I looked at my half eaten plate feeling my appetite vanish completely. Deciding on the saying fake it till you make it I put on a wide smile joining in on a conversation as the day continued seemingly normal.

"Oh yeah I remeber that you said you were hunting and got it stuck on a branch." Rosie laughed.

"That was my best coat to." Al grumbled.

"I still wonder how you even thought I didn't know about your small hobby." Mama laughed.

"I-I just didn't want to worry you." Al stuttered.

"Excuses, excuses." she replied rolling her eyes playfully.

"Not excuses just facts." Al muttered crossing his arms.

I watched with a false smile trying to just force myself into happiness but only thoughts of when I was in heaven filled my head. I was so trapped then but now I'm free however I was used both then and now so nothing has changed. Anger filled my bones but I put up a dam trapping all emotions except for happiness. Yet the dam has imperfections and cracks so soon enough that dam will break and that will not be good. However I'll make sure I'm alone when that happens so I don't take it out on anyone other than myself. Al pulled out a game of monopoly explaining the game to Mama and Rosie as we all began playing.

"I HATE YOU!" Rosie yelled at Al

"Oh yeah well next time don't steal my monopoly!" Al yelled back.

"Al give Rosie you're $200 dollars you landed on his property." Mama stated softly.

"No he's in jail I'm not going to give money to a criminal!" Rosie yelled.

"You're one to talk and that's not how you play!" Al growled.

"Mama why's Al screaming?" I asked coming into the room from grabbing a glass of water.

"Shut up Y/n you don't get to speak after stealing my last railroad." She replied angrily.


"Oh ok." I answered slinking into my seat.

"I wish I was never born." Al groaned.

"Me Too! You think I wanted this?" Rosie yelled back after stealing some money from the bank.

Soon Al screamed flipping over the game board stomping off angrily. My eyes widened in shook and soon Mama and Rosie also walked away leaving me. The dam is cracking but it's fine. Sighing I picked up the board game and decided to take a walk outside.



Chapter 88 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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