Chapter 45

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Spoilers for WALL-E I'm sorry there will be a warning and a safe *** which is that.


I left the door cracked if she needed me or if anything happened I could here her walking into her office I turned on the light summoning the paperwork and started working.

Y/n's pov

Waking up I saw Al in bed with me making me smile before the memory of last nights appeared in my thoughts. Sighing I brushed some of his hair out of his face seeing a red x on his forehead, I went to fall back asleep when my lower stomach had a stinging pain to it. Groaning slightly I stood up walking to the bathroom, stepping into it I shrugged off my clothes only to gasp when I saw blood all on my underwear.

"Damnit." I growled quietly.

I knew my period would be jacked up by the birth control but this is unbelievable there's so much blood and the pain is almost unbearable wait scratch that. A wave of pain hit me making me yelp and sink don into the tub which I stepped in so I didn't make a mess. I sat there as tears streamed down my face from the pain, I cried softly as to not wake up Al as I rode out the wave of pain. I whimpered clutching my stomach but quickly covered my mouth when I realized how loud my whine of pain was, before I knew it rushed footsteps where getting closer to the bathroom door. The door opened revealing a disheveled Al who had a worried look on his face. He noticed the blood as his nose twitched and a light lush rose to his face. Walking towards the tub he kneeled down lifting me up setting me in his lap stepping back into the tub. I squirmed not wanting to get blood on him but he just held me close to him, his nose twitched and his breath became labored for a second before returning back to normal.

"Darling do you feel alright?" Al asked his voice shaking slightly at the beginning.

"Ye- AH!" I curled into a bawl as another wave of pain flashed threw me.

I clutched Al's shirt tightly whimpering slightly, he rubbed circles on my back as he hummed soothing melodies to me. I sighed my grip loosening as he soothed the pain.

"My doe I heard that chamomile tea and warm baths help with cramps, would you like to try some?" He asked.

"At this point I'm open to anything." I groaned.

"Alright then." He lifted me up out of the tub turning on the water.

He helped me take off my shirt which I failed to get off when I tried to, turning off the water he placed me into the water he walked out of the bathroom to make me some tea. Returning quickly he handed me the tea which had a almost immediate relief, I sighed as the liquid ran down my throat. I leaned back laying against the back of the tub relaxing as I closed my eyes content. However my eyes shot wide when I was leaned up and someone slithered in behind me. Looking over to where Al had been standing all that was there was a pile of bloody clothes. Relaxing into the chest who I now recognized as Al's I sighed as he rubbed my lower stomach soothing the pain. We laid there just relaxing until the water began to get cold so we washed our bodies off. Stepping out I wrapped a towel and robe around my self rushing to grab some clothes, grabbing the clothes I walked back pushing Al out of the bathroom. I grabbed my tampon/pad and fixed myself up so I wouldn't get anymore blood on anything. sighing in relief I walked out to see Al look up before his nose twitched and his mouth opened just slightly. He looked away quickly covering his face out of embarrassment, I walked up to him going to place my hand on his shoulder but he quickly darted off out of the room. I stared at the door before picking at my nails shifting slightly.

"Damn I must have really grossed him out with my period then." I grumbled walking out and heading to the living room.


Sitting on the couch I laid down grabbing a throw blanket covering my body as I laid there curled into a bawl. I grabbed a remote turning on WALL-E laying there I watched as the tiny robot roamed earth, I continued watching when I suddenly wanted chocolate and sunny D. I stood up with a wide smile rushing to the kitchen slinging open the cupboards looking for some chocolate. Finding some I squealed happily before rushing to the fridge, opening it I grabbed the sunny D. I skipped back to the couch passing Al giving him a wide smile as I laid back on the couch. Curling into a bawl pulling up the covers agian I nibbled on the chocolate and sunny D, I was near the end of the movie when Wall-E was saving people. I felt tears fill my eyes as Wall-e "died", I squirmed nibbling my chocolate as Eve rushed around looking for a way to save WALL-E.

"NO! WALL-E can't die!" I sobbed watching the emotional movie.

Al rushed into the room seeing my distorted figuring crying as I watched the move. His nose twitched as two tips of antlers in velvet sprouted on his head. I looked at him with tear filled eyes, his eyes softened and he walked towards me wrapping his arms around me.

"WALL-E can't die can he?" I asked Al.

"Darling it's a robot." He replied his voice sounded strained.

"IT'S NOT JUST A ROBOT! It's a robot with feelings." I whined sadly. (Anyone catch the reference.)

I watched intently as WALL-E came back to life making me cheer loudly going to take another sip of sunny D when I realized I was out. I glared at the bottle in anger standing up throwing my hands up in a rage.


"Now I have to move damnit!" I cursed loudly shocking Al.

Grumbling curses I stomped over to the fridge opening it to see no sunny D.

"What the fuck!" I yelled sinking to the floor in a fit of rage.

"Darling are you alright."


My eyes widened realizing what I did as I quickly covered my mouth the feeling of tears in my eyes. Al stared at me in disbelief I never cussed at him over anything.



Chapter 45 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned. Also who else is emmotionaly damaged because of WALL-E.

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