Chapter 19

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Pulling out my phone I looked at Al who had a angry look on his face. I grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze.

Y/n's pov

I pulled up my dads contacts tapping on call as I held it against my ear. I waited as it rang and my foot began tapping, it's a nervous tick I have. Al picked up on my nerves rubbing small circles onto my hand with his thumb. I waited a few minutes when I was sent to his voicemail, letting out a relived sigh I put down my phone turning to say something but was cut off by my phone ringing. Looking down at my phone I saw the icon say Father, I tensed picking up the phone answering.

"Hello." I stated.

"Hello Y/n why have you called me miss me already?" He asked.

"My friends just wanted to talk to you." I explained, "Your on speaker now."

"Ah hello Y/n's friends." My father exclaimed his voice overly friendly.

"Hello Mr. L/n" They exclaimed as Al glared at the phone.

"How are you all?" He asked.

"Were good we are just hanging out at the conjuring house." Anna answered.

"Rhode Island well I'm up here as of right now if you all want to drop by I'll be in my office. Now may I speak to Y/n privately?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." Max said.

I took him off speaker walking out of the room as I held the phone up to my ear, "You wished to speak privately Father?"

"Yes, now we have guests next month and they will be coming to my home you are too attend you may bring your demon befriend Alastor just make sure he won't be a problem." He stated.

"But Father-" I was cut off by a growl from him.

"You seem to have forgotten who you belong to what did you mean to say?" He seethed.

I felt my mouth move without my command as I shook with fear not being able to control my own decisions as I answered, "Yes Father."

"Good now I shall see you next month maybe sooner." He laughed insanely hanging up.

I dropped my phone as tears fell down my face in fear of him. I took a second to collect myself before walking back to the group with a fake smile.

"I think I'm going to head to bed goodnight." I stated walking up the stairs to mine and Al's room.

Changing clothes I crawled into bed curling into a bawl as I tried drifting off to sleep only to fail. Laying there Al walked into the room laying in bed beside me wrapping his arms around me. I turned burrying my face into his chest as I felt my body shake in fear.

"Love what happened?" He asked.

"That man is terrifying." I whined out, "I have to go to a business thing he has at his house next month, I tried saying no but it was like someone was forcing me to say yes."

"Love it's the potion he gave you the only way to stop that is to kill him." He explained holding me closer.

"B-But how can I kill him when I pretty much am his servent?" I questioned.

"Don't worry love I'll protect you." He whispered.

I hummed sighing softly curling up to his body heat. He began humming a soft toon which he had learned soothed my nerves. He lulled me to sleep as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Al's pov

I hated that man I wanted to tear him apart for putting my love threw this. However right now My love needs me and I will always do as she wishes. She has me wrapped around her finger it's amazing how this half fallen angel cold make a all powerful radio demon fall so powerless under her gaze and words. Pulling her closer to my chest she let out a sigh as her body relaxed into my arms. I soon feel asleep also thinking of the meeting she must attend I'm not letting her go bye herself but we will settle that in the morning.

Little time skip to the morning

I wake up to Y/n playing with my hair as light flooded into the room. I let out a content sigh leaning into her touch as she cupped my face placing a kiss to my lips. I pull her closer to me not wanting to break the kiss but soon had to because we needed oxegyn. I soon reconected the kiss and flipped it to where I was on top of her and she was bellow me, runing my hands over her body I pulled back as to hold back. Looking at her a blush covered her face making me smirk. I sat up pulling her into my lap tucking my head into the crook of her neck.

"We leave today Al so we need to pack our stuff up." She stated trying to stand up.

I growled pulling her closer to me as I kissed her neck making her laugh.

"Al really we need to get ready." She groaned.

I just growled agian in return as she placed her hands on my shoulders pushing me away. I let out a whine looking into her eyes as I saw her once annoyed eyes turn soft as she sighed shakign he head. Moving her hands I quickly tightened my grip around her and she wrapped her arms around me. We laid there for a few minutes until we had to actualy get ready or else we would be late for our plane. I let her stand up as I followed her snapping my fingers making us both appear in clean clothes and our bags where packed. She looked around shocked then looked at me and smiled before looking around amazed.

"Did you clean all this up?" Y/n asked.

"Yes know can we cuddle more?" I whined.

"Sure. However for a all powerful demon you are clingy like a dog." She stated.

"I hate dogs." I growled, "And I'm still terrifying you are just treated diffrently." I explained.

"Oh how so am I diffrent mr. demon?" She asked sarcasticly.

"Well first off I wouldn't do this." I explained laying her on the bed as I began tickiling her.

"W-wait no A-Al Uncle Uncle." She laughed, "Mercy T-Time out."

"I'm sorry love whats that?" I chuckled tickiling her.

"Jesus christ A-Al." She lauhed, "Wait I have a deal."

I stopped immediatly, " And what is that deal."

"If you stop tickling me I'll stay with you forever and you can tell dad jokes on the way home." She repied.

My eyes widened and I quickly stuck out my hand, "It's a deal love."

she took my hand shakeing it and a gush of wind and green flames circled us.

"Now your stuck with me love for life and after life." I stated happily.

"Oh no a clingy deer boi whatever will I do." She exclaimed dramaticly.

"I'm not clingy!" I growled playfully.

"Uh huh and I can't hold the whole world in my hands." She stated rolling my eyes.

"Love that makes no sense you can't hold the whole world in your hands." I said confused.

"Yes I can." She argued.

"Um love sorry but you can't." I explained.

"Can too want to see?" Y/n asked.

"I do want to see." I stated my smile widening.

She cupped my face before smiling at me, "see told you I could."

I smiled wide before cupping her face in return, "Then I'm holding the world too."

I saw a blush cover her face making me smirk.

"What's wrong love your quite red?" I asked.

"Oh shut up." She groaned.



Two chapters in one day I'll try getting a third one out. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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