chapter 3

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Once my shadow returned we teleported back to hell.

Y/n's pov

Slowly opening my eyes I groaned at having to wake up. I stood up walking downstairs to make breakfast. Planning on making a bowl of cereal, I grabbed the milk, bowl, and cereal. I began pouring in the ingredients until I realized I was out of milk. I let out an annoyed groan and then threw the milk in the recycling bin.

"stupid milk had to ruin my day." I mumbled.

Walking upstairs to get ready I managed to fall up the stairs and let out a pained and annoyed ow at my clumsiness.

"What does the floor have against me!!!" I groaned.

I stood back up stomping to my room to get ready.

Time skip

I finally got ready in a f/c hoodie black jeans and f/c converse. I walked down the stairs making sure I didn't fall. Getting into my car I began to pull out of my driveway when I saw a man in the rear view mirror. I pressed the brake to get out of the car to meet the man. The man had brown slicked back hair with brown eyes and a black and white suit.

"Hi sir, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"Oh yes I was wondering if you were y/n l/n?" He asked

I nodded my head before he stuck his hand out and I hesitantly shook his hand. He took back his hand proceeding to take off his black backpack. Opening the backpack he took out a small envelope with fancy cursive. I looked down at the note and looked back up for the man before seeing he was gone. I looked around for him but soon decided he left. I looked at the note again and the handwriting seemed familiar. I just had no clue who it was. I decided the note could wait so I walked inside and set it on the counter. Skipping outside I hopped back in my car to go shopping.

Time skip

I made my way into the store with my purse slung over my shoulder and my Covid mask pulled up. Walking down the isles with the buggy I began to grab milk and other groceries I needed. My phone buzzed and I quickly pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number. opening the text I saw it said plug in your headphones. I rolled my eyes before stuffing it back in my pocket when another buzz came from my phone. pulling it back out the same number said I mean it. I felt my breath hitch because whoever this was knew what I was doing. I quickly hooked up my headphones and a loud static flooded my ears. I pulled the loud headphones away from my ears in pain until the static died down and I put the back on.

"Hello dear. Did you miss me?" A voice asked.

I froze in my spot as the voice immediately matched with the red headed rip off wendigo. My mind was running thinking of how he was speaking through my phone and how he was actually real.

"Well dear you know it's rude not to say hello to someone." He growled.

"S-Sorry hi Alastor. Oh and can you stop with the dear my names Y/n. It's annoying." I said with a huff.

I heard a chuckle "Well DEAR I don't think I will." he stated emphasizing the dear.

I let out a huff before continuing my shopping. He continued to talk and would not shut up. Sometimes I wondered if he just talked to hear his own voice. I walked up to the meat section when I heard his voice again.

"Dear do get some deer meat." He stated.

I let out a huff before answering " And who do you think you're talking to because you need food go get your own damn food."

"Dear have you forgotten who the food could be." He growled in a distorted voice.

I gulped before reaching the deer and placing it in my cart. I looked down at the list I had and let out a content sigh when I saw I had everything. Walking up to the cashier I began setting groceries on the conveyor belt. Finally paying for the food I packed it all up in my car and drove home with the still talking Alastor. Getting home in my 1970 mustang convertible (Picture up top change it if you want) I parked and started opening the trunk to get groceries. I heard a loud static in my headphones before it went silent. Deciding he left I put my phone in my pocket before grabbing the groceries in my arms trying to get everything so I didn't have to come back. Walking up the steps I felt a pressure on my back as I tumbled forward. Luckily nothing busted but I let out a pained ow as I looked at my knee which was scraped from the wooden stairs. I looked up at the culprit to see none other than the rejected bambi. I let out a string of curses before standing up trying to ignore the pain and lifting up the groceries. I slowly limped inside and set the groceries on the table, I wobbled to the cabinet grabbing the first aid kit. Walking towards the coach I flopped down opening the first aid kit and grabbed a large band aid. It was quickly grabbed out of my hand as I groaned knowing it was Alastor. I looked up at him groaning in annoyance.

"What! What could you possibly want now?" I seethed.

"Well unless you want it to be infected I suggest we clean it and put Neosporin on it." He explained like it was obvious.

"Well since you seem to be such an expert why don't you do it?" I asked sarcastically.

I gasped in surprise when a clawed hand grabbed a hold of my leg. He opened the first aid kit, grabbing the cleaning alcohol and a cotton swab. Wetting it down he wiped my cut with it and I gave a pained whine. He quickly put away the swab and grabbed some Neosporin putting it on the band aid and then my cut.

"There" He stated laying my leg down.

I looked at the band aid that now covered my knee before looking back up at Alastor rolling my eyes at his shit eating grin.

"Thanks I guess." I replied.



Boom chapter 3 is done and done stay safe and stay tuned.

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