Chapter 73

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"What the fuck did you do?" He seethed and with that I passed out.

Al's pov

Sighing I walked threw the hotel halls wishing for time to pass faster so I could go home and help my love with party decorations. That was far more entertaining than this run down passion project. I heard the clock chime immediately my smile widened as I could finally leave. Snapping my fingers I materialized in her living room. I smiled happily as I opened my mouth to call out for my lover. Before I said anything I caught a whiff of blood. My head snapped towards the direction only to see my love lazily propped up on her elbows staring at her hand as blood trailed down her head. Blood coated her hand and a small bit on the corner of the coffee table. I also took notice of a few bruises on her forehead. I turned my glare towards Max anger seeping from me as a heavy static settled in the room and I let out a growl.

"What the fuck did you do?" I growled as my eyes turned to radio dials.

I heard a thud come from my does direction making me wheel around. I noticed my shadow by her side in a instant as she hit the floor passed out. I let out a growl quickly rushing to her side. Lifting her limp body in my arms I began trying to heal her wounds as quickly as I could. The opened wounds stopped bleeding and the bruises turning from a reddish color to a brown and purple color. I let out another low static growl turning towards the wooden stair cases. Making my way up the stairs I heard the small group speaking.

"Dude your so dead." Alex stated.

"What why I didn't do it." Max growled in return.

"Shut up you two we just need to hope Y/n wakes up before that thing kills us." Anna seethed.

The group immediately silenced as I continued walking the sound of the steps creaking under my weight. I only knew one thing the would not get off Scott free for this little insistent. I mean what if I didn't come when I did she could have bleed out and died. Tears brimmed my eyes at the thought of me coming back only to see her lifeless body laid on the ground. I shook my head rapidly my chin length hair hitting my face from the sudden movements. Stepping in-front of the bedroom door my shadow slid the door open for me and I gave a curt nodded. My shadow closed the door behind us as I walked over towards her bed my dress shoes clicking against the floor. Pulling back the covers I laid her in the bed before pulling the silky comforter back up. I leaned down placing a kiss to her forehead sighing softly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." I muttered against her skin.

She only smiled in her sleep making my stomach do flips. I had the sudden urge to just hold her close and never let go but I still needed to handle those friends of her. My smile grew sadistic at all the ways I could tear them apart. Swiveling around I went to go downstairs when my ears swiveled at her soft voice.

"" She muttered in her sleep before turning on her side.

My heart clenched as I realized she was dreaming about me. My murderous thoughts quickly changed as the only thought was how wonderful my lover is and how I should give her everything to make her happy. I let out a sigh walking back over to her sleeping form. Smiling I placed another kiss on her head just basking in her intoxicating smell. The rush I got killing didn't even come close to how she made me feel.

"I love you too darling." I hummed before summoning my shadow.

It materialized from the shadows giving me a bright smile. I sighed slightly regretting what I was going to ask him knowing that he would possibly wake her up.

"Stay with her and do not wake her up if she wakes up then keep her company till I come back up here." I ordered sternly.

My shadow only nodded smiling wide as he slowly crawled into the bed with her. I rolled my eyes turning to leave but quickly spun around when I heard a groan. My shadow stared wide eyed at me as Y/n wrapped her arms and legs around him. I let out a low chuckle before exiting the room. As I descended the steps I heard the soft muttering of voices causing my ear to twitch. I finally hit the bottom of the steps and made my way to the dining room where the voices came from. My shoes clicked against the hard food as the voices immediately silenced at the sound. I could hear their heart rates picking up as my footsteps approached. My smile widened as my eyes narrowed I was angry but I couldn't kill them or else my love would be mad and I really don't want that. Stepping into the living room my smile was sadistic as I stared at their fear full eyes. My eyes glowed as the lights flickered giving the room a eerie feeling. The group gasped as my eyes shifted to radio dials. I chuckled darkly as I disappeared into the shadows the lights flicking back on.

"Alright Alastor very funny come on out now." Anna stated her voice trembling slightly making my laugh ring threw the room again.

Appearing behind the group as they stared at the spot I once was. I only laughed making there heads whip around towards me. I narrowed my eyes as a puff of smoke appears the smoke disappeared and my microphone floated in the air. I quickly grabbed it slamming it on the ground a satisfying thud came from it. Leaning on it I crossed my right foot over my left and laid my head in the palm of my hand.

"Now what happened." I growled lowly.



Chapter 73 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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