chapter 91

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"Yeah but it's not to good." I sighed as i began explaining what happened to which mama was in tears by the end and Rosie was shocked.

Y/n's pov

Yawning i sat up slowly rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Sliding my feet of the bed slowly so I didn't wake up the two sleeping kittens. My feet landed on the floor with a thump as I sleepily walked out of my room to find Al. Stumbling down the stairs i triped on the last step making me fall on the ground. I let out a soft ow before pushing up on my elbows to get back up. Yawning once more i heard Al's voice sound from the living room making me pick up speed. Stepping into the room i plopped over the side of the couch landing across Al's lap. He tensed before seeing me sprawled out on his lap. I gave him a smile turning onto my back.

"How was your sleep?" He asked smiling.

"Not sure I know I slept but I'm still exhausted." I replied.

Al pushed a strang of hair out of my face but I flinched when his hand hit the forming bruise from falling. Al looked at me confused before noticing the forming bruise.

"And how did you get that love?" He asked lifting me up in his lap.

"Tripped on the last step and did a face plant." I yawned curling into a ball while i rested my head in the croock of his neck.

"Well you could say that was quite a wake up call." Al laughed out.

I rolled my eyes letting out a groan hiding my smile into his neck but he seemed to feel the slight move of my face.

" you know you love my jokes." He teased poking my side making me squirm and let out a laugh.

His body froze before I mived my head to the side only to see him have a knowing smirk. He poked my side once more making me laugh agian as a devious glint crossed his eyes making mine widen. Trying to get out of his lap quickly he wrapped his arms around my waist proding at my waist making me squirm laughing. I gave Rosie and Mama a pleading look reaching out for help but they only smiled.

"Mama make him stop please!" I laughed squirming in his grip.

"Sorry sugar I cant help you... but i can help him." She smirked as she pried my hands away from Al's hands giving him ful range over my stomach.

I began kicking my legs laughing loudly as tears flowed from my eyes from laughing so hard. Soon enough my sight became spotted from lack of breath and my kicks slowed down. Looking at Al hazily he seemed to notice I was starting to pass out so he stopped.

"5 minute break." He cheered pulling me closer to his chest.

I sat there catching my breath soon enough I relaxed into Al's arms.

"Now since we had our fun now onto serious business." Mama stated sternly.

"What serious business?" I asked looking at Al who only gave me a worried glance. 

"Do yiu know how scared we were we thought you were dead." Mama lectured.

"I would of if Al gave me just another minute." I muttered as a low growl came from Al and Mama.

" That's it until you earn back my trust you are not to be alone unless me Alastor or Rosie are with you." Mama growled.

"Wait what?!" I asked in disbelife.

"You heard me." Mama returned.

"Al come on explain this isn't needed." I exclaimed.

"I-I... I agree with her dear." He muttered ears lowering.

"Rosie?" I asked with a almost pleading tone.

"It's for the best Y/n." She answered.

"Yeah the best." I sarcastically rolled my eyes as I stood up dusting imaginery dust from my pants, "I'll be in my office."

With that I stalked towards the office and Al quickly followed. Opening the door I slammed it right behind me in Al's face. Walking forward I only sighed when I felt his presence behind me.

"Darling try to-" before Al could finish I held up my hand making him stop immediatly.

Shaking my head I put on a vinyl record and it began to play. As I hummed with the song the moss by cosmo sheldrake. Moving around the room in a solo ballroom dance Al just watched. Sighing I stopped dancing as tears dripped down my face.

"They don't trust you. You diserve this." My mind roard as a image of Yekun stood infront of me.

Soon my vision went black and I was in what I liked to call the void. Now the void was a place where you could see someone who was else where but you could never harm each other. Which was a slight pain in my case.

"I trust you." He whispered to me.

"Your dead I killed you." I growled.

"You know I can't die just like that." He sighed in return wrapping a arm around my shoulders.

"Why won't you die." I grumbled.

"Because I'm here for you for all eternity!" He laughed pressing a kiss to my head making me back away disgusted.

Wipping the kiss from my head I looked at him in disgust but he only sighed.

" I remeber when you used to always want affection from me." He cooed.

"Yeah well alot changes when you torture and turn people insane." I seethed as he just sighed wrapping a arm around me agian.

The senory changed to a large garden. I looked around before seeing a teenage version of Yekun sitting in a feild of flowers. I looked at the real him confused as he just smiled widely.

"Big brother where are you?" I heard my child like voice whine from afar.

"Over here Y/n!" The teen yekun yelled back.

"Yekun!" My younger self yelled before wrapping her small arms around his shoulders.

The younger laughed lightly before flipping my younger self into his lap. I sighed shaking my head at my nieve self. Yet part of me still longed to go back to the perfect and peaceful time before all this. Yet I wouldn't have met Al and any life without him in it I couldn't imagine my self in it.

"What's your game." I growled as the memory faded.

"No game just to show you I'm the only one who will truly love and protect you." He purred pooking my nose.

"Liar." I muttered as Yekun let out a anoyed sigh.

"Y/n you know I'm right." He exclaimed annoyed.

"Liar!" I repeated trying to block out his words.

"Listen to yourself denying it wjen you know it's true. I made you like this so you could protect yourself. Everyone left you as soon as you became a royal gaurd who was the one who stick around! Who was the one that you would cry to when lucifer left you!" He growled.

Falling to my knees I held my head as my thoughts yelled at me telling me he was manipulate me agian but louder thoughts yelled at me about how he was telling the truth. Finally giving into my thoughts my hands fell to the ground limply.

"Good girl now how about let's go on a killing spree I would like some entertainment." He hummed as my vision faded back to the office room.



Chapter 91 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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