Chapter 8

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Abuse!!! **** is the warning and safe


I heard him let out a quite laugh as he noticed my now defeated persona.

Y/n's pov

Grabbing ingredients to make breakfast I began to cook. Taking occasional side glances I noticed he was in a nice business looking tux, smoking a cigar, and reading the paper. He looked up seeing me stare at him and glared at me causing my eyes to widen and look away in fear. I heard the soft tap of shoes walk towards me before I saw him beside me.

"It's rude to stare." He growled.

I continued to make breakfast before a cloud of smoke wafted towards me. I began coughing as Father just laughed walking away back to his paper. I felt my eyes water as tears threatened to fall but I quickly whipped them away. I finished making breakfast, setting the now plated food In Front of Father and going to sit down to eat mine. Taking small bites I focused on the table so as to not anger him. We continued to eat in silence until we were finished. I took the plates as he began working on his business. Cleaning up the plates I put them away walking to the front door to go on a walk. Putting on some shoes I stepped outside but was quickly grabbed and dragged back inside.


"Did I say you could leave?" I heard Father growl out.

I let out a cry as I tried to push him away but it was no use. I felt myself get slung to the ground before I felt a knife come towards my face. Tears streamed down my face as I clenched my eyes shut in fear.

"Aw don't cry." My father stated.

I continued to cry in fear as I waited for what was going to happen.

"I said,'' Don't cry." He seethed.

I tried stopping but I couldn't as I was terrified he just chuckled and I felt the cold metal of the knife run along my bare arm.

"I guess you didn't learn from last night." He chuckled out "Looks like another lesson is due."

I let out a pained cry as the blade cut into my scare deep but not to where I would bleed out. Soon after that another came and another and another. Soon the pain numbed but I continued to fake cry because I knew if I stopped the pain would only get worse.

"Please help Alastor." I thought to myself.


Alastor's Pov

I was sitting at the bar annoying my feline friend as he drank his booze.

"Husk my dear friend you must lighten up." I started making my fingers pull his frown into a smile.

He only flipped me off causing me to sigh. Standing up I decided to go and see Charlie and speak to her about the hotel. Walking over to her office I knocked on the door and heard a polite person come in.

"Ah mrs. Mange I have come to see if I might be of service to the hotel at this time?" I asked.

She placed her index finger on her chin in a thinking manor as she thought for a minute before replying.

"Nope sorry Alastor and stop with Mrs. Mange it's just charlie." She answered.

"Ah yes ok well I will be on my way Charlie." I started turning on my heels and walking out the door.

I walked down the streets of hell in boredom as I didn't want to go on a rampage. Yes killing was fun but without the thrill of the cops almost catching you it wasn't as fun. finally deciding on going to check on the human I had grown attached to. Snapping my fingers I stepped through a portal to hear loud cries of pain. My ears twitched at the sound and I felt a rush of nausea flow through my body.


"Why is there screaming and why do I feel sick? I should be enjoying these painful screams." I thought as I began walking to the source of the sound.

Walking into the living room I saw a bloody Y/n on the ground and a man who looked like her kicking her. I felt my ears pin back as my smile became more sinister and a heavy white static filled the air as I changed to my demonic form. I had no idea why I was so angry at this man harming Y/n but right now all I wanted to do was tear this man to shreds. The man stopped and looked up, locking eyes with me. He went pail before he smiled looking down at Y/n grabbing her hair and lifting her up whispering something into her ear then tossed her to the ground.

Y/n's pov

"I see you have a personal demon." My Father whispered before tossing my back to the ground.

I curled up in a ball as I cried before looking up to see Alastor. He looked down at me and seemed to become angrier. He turned to my father letting out a low growl before teleporting behind him. My Father smirked and spun around smirking and my eyes widened in fear as I knew what was going to happen.

"Alastor NO!!" I yelled.

Alastor went to strike my father but he just fazed through him. He pulled his hand back looking at it confused before stepping back. My Father laughed approaching Alastor before taking the knife he used on me stabbing him in the shoulder. I stood up rushing towards my father, tackling him to the ground as he punched my stomach, flipping us around, pinning me to the floor. I let out a pained cough as he placed his hand on my neck cutting off my air supply. I felt myself get dizzy as my vision became spotted. Before blacking out I saw Alastor pull my Father off and looked at me in concern then I blacked out.


Time skip brought to you by fat nugget

I woke up sitting up right as my chest heaved in fear. I quickly looked around to find myself in my room. Looking around I went to go stand up but was pulled back down letting out a humph and pained groan. Looking down I noticed bandages and two arms wrapped around my waist. trying to squirm away from the grip it only tightened causing me to let out a pained squeak. Deciding I couldn't move I just pressed up against the body behind me falling back asleep.



Chapter 8 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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