Chapter 40

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I sighed deciding not to dwell on it as I placed a kiss to her head and fell asleep.

Y/n's pov

Waking up I groaned as the suns light flowed threw the curtains. I felt a waist on my chest making me look down seeing Al's head on my bear chest. I blushed slightly at the sight before sighing, his arms where wrapped around my waist as he slept soundly. I ran my fingers threw his hair looking at the small clock on my bed it was around 5 a.m so I let him sleep in. He purred in his sleep happy at the feeling he had from me scratching his ears. Soon I heard a soft thump and swishing under the cover near his butt. I tilted my head slightly pulling the covers back to see a cute black and red tail. I let out a fan girl squeal before covering my mouth as he moved slightly tightening his grip on my waist. I waited a few seconds and saw he was still sleeping soundly. Looking back at the tail it looked very similar to a white tailed deers style. Red fur coated the top as black covered the bottom. Smiling wide I reached for it barley grazing it when Al shot up grabbing my hands. A wild blush covered his face as he stared at me.

"P-Please don't touch my tail darling. It's quite sensitive." He stated shuffling slightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. I should've asked." I replied quietly fiddling with the covers in shame.

Al realized my sadness and quickly cupped my face lifting it up. Pressing soft kisses to my face making me giggle and squirm. He began poking and prying at my sides making me laugh even more kicking and squirming to escape. His kisses trailed down to my collar bone before he bit down I let out a cry of pain as tears welled in my eyes. He quickly pulled away whipping away the blood that coated his mouth before seeing my pained expression. His eyes widened he quickly whipped away my tears pressing kisses to my face regretting his actions before he pulled back.

"I'm so sorry my doe I didn't think about the pain I just wanted to mark you as mine." He whined his ears lowered as tears welled in his crimson eyes.

"I-it's fine just a bite I can handle it." I stated.

Leaning up to comfort him I winced lightly at the pain making Al grow worried. He quickly laid me back down going towards the wound. Lapping up the blood that was coating my shoulder his saliva coated the wound. The immediate relief of pain made me sigh relaxing. Looking down I saw the wound glow before quickly healing. I glanced at Al he had a worried look on his face as he stared at me. I growled lowly making it seem serious when in all reality I was just going to mess with him. His eyes widened and his ears lowered Sven more as his smile faltered to a small frown. I raised up pushing myself against the head board. Grabbing the back of his head by his hair he let out a surprised yelp as I leaned close to him. I bit down on his ear lightly knowing it wouldn't hurt but still feel weird. He groaned at the affection before I pulled back slightly.

"That's pay back." I whispered into his ear.

He shivered slightly as I said that but grunted as I gently tugged his hair. Pulling him into a hug I sat in his lap as he hummed lightly rubbing my back. We laid back down just talking and cuddling as he told me stories about his past life. About a hour or two passed and it was now 7 deciding to get up I sat up only to be pulled back down.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Well I need a shower and make breakfast would you like to join?" With that he quickly stood up rushing to the bathroom turning on the water.

He rushed back to me hosting me up into his arms as I groaned.

"I can walk you know." I complained.

"Now a queen will not waist her energy on walking.~" he purred nuzzling his head into my neck.

I blushed slightly a the new nickname he set me down gently stepping in the shower as I soon followed. Sighing as the water hit me I felt Al wrap his arms around my waist.

"We should go somewhere." He exclaimed softly making my eyes widen in surprise.

"And where we would go?" I asked leaning into his chest.

"Hm I'm not sure where would you like to go. I just want to spend time with you. I also just want to ask you out on a date and this was the best I could come up with." He replied making me chuckle.

"Hm well I've always wanted to see a speakeasy but I think their all shut down so that's out of the question." I replied. 

As I thought about it I was surprised when his shadow appeared in front of me I blushed madly as he put some shampoo in his hands before rubbing it in my hair. I squeaked in surprise at his sudden actions before looking over at Al.

"Did you really tell him to do this?" I asked embarrassed out of my mind.

"I did no such thing he follows my orders but he also follows my desires." He explained waving his hand around.

"So you desire to rub shampoo into my hair?" I asked leaning into the shadows touch as it scratched my scalp.

"Well darling I was going to but I guess my shadow thought I was taking to long so he took it upon himself to do it." He growled towards his shadow.

It was strange because he was physically rubbing the shampoo on my head but it felt almost like a mist it was strange but interesting. After he finished he quickly disappeared and Al let out a sigh. I chuckled at this turning around and wrapping my arms around his shoulders which he had too because of the major height difference. Running my hands threw his damp hair I grabbed the shampoo putting it in my hands then his hair. Massaging his ears he let out soft purrs happily rinsing it out I did the same with the conditioner. Finally we washed our bodies off and I shaved my legs with a razor. Stepping out he wrapped a towel around himself and I noticed his tail twitch slightly.

"Al can I plllleeeaase pet your tail?" I asked.

"No." He replied snapping his fingers so we both wheee in our clothes for the day.

"Pwease?" I asked again.

"No." He replied simply stepping out of the room.

I looked at the ground following him like a kicked puppy as I really wanted to pet his tail.



Chapter 40 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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