Chapter 33

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"Al why are you blue?" I asked worried.

Y/n's pov

Looking at me confused as he still looked sad no smile present. I was worried something happened so I moved closer to him wrapping my arms around him making him blush madly. Pulling back I cupped his cheeks pulling his mouth into a smile but he seemed to grow nervous by every passing second.

"I- um d-dear I don't know who you a-are." He stated.

"Alastor! Yes you do and if you forgotten me that fast then I must not have been important." I huffed sadly my eyes getting slightly watery at his words.

"I-Im sorry don't c-cry." He replied as soft tears fell down my cheeks.

"You really don't know who I am we just saw each other this morning." I stated crying slightly.

"N-no dear I'm so-" his voice was cut off by a cheerful one that sounded similar to him.

"My doe I'm home where are yo-" red Alastor stopped seeing blue Alastor before he continued, " who are you."

"Oh I-I'm 2p Alastor." He stated nervously.

"Holy shit there's two!" I yelled.

"No this one is just a sad blue version." My Al said towards the blue one narrowing his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He began crying slightly and apologizing for crying making me feel bad.

"Oh Al now look you made him cry." I groaned at my Al before turning to 2p Alastor cupping his face whipping any tears on his face. "It's alright 2p Alastor no need to be offended by his words." I cooed.

"T-thank you, you are very n-nice." He stated looking away embarrassed.

"No problem say how about I make some coffee and we can figure out why your here?" I stated.

"That s-sounds nice." He replied.

Standing up two arms wrapped around my waist sighing knowing it was Al I began walking to the kitchen as Al held on for dear life and glared at 2p. Sighing I began to make coffee before wondering what type of coffee 2p likes.

"Hey Alastor?" I asked.

"Yes dear." They both replied at the same time making them glare at each other.

"Oh lord we going to have to figure something out about this." I stated gesturing to the two who where glaring at each other.

"Alright I'm Alastor and he's back up Alastor." My red demon laughed.

2p looked down sadly his ears lowering at that comment making me glare at alastor. To which he looked away nervously.

"Now there's no reason for you to be sad how about I'll call you blue?" I asked.

"T-that would be nice." He stated a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Alrighty then blue what type of coffee do you like?" I asked.

"I-I like b-black." He replied softly.

I smiled giving him a soft head pat making his head look up quickly blushing at the action making me laugh. Turning around I saw Al glaring at blue who was following me around. Making the coffee we walked over to the table in the dinning room. I was sat in the middle as blue sat on my left and Al on my right. Turning to blue I watched as he looked around nervously.

"So blue." I stated making his attention direct towards me as he stopped shaking almost immediately," why exactly are you here?" I asked.

"I-I'm not sure the only thing I remember is a large black whole from a s-spell gone wrong and then I was in front o-of your house." He explained slightly nervous.

"Hm that's quite interesting anyways why do you look like me but sad and blue?" Al asked in a intimidating tone.

"I-I'm not sure but if the s-spell sent me t-to a new d-dimension that would explain it." Blue explained a lot more nervous when speaking with Al.

"Do you think you remember how you did the spell maybe we can help you." I stated looking at him.

"R-really you would do that." He asked the sound of his tail wagging making me smile.

"Y/n are you really sure we should do that." Al asked me.

"Sure I mean blue needs to get ba-" I was cut off by someone tackling me off my kitchen chair onto the ground.

"Y/N! My love this is you I thought it was." Blue yelled nuzzling his head into my neck his nervousness disappearing.

"U-um blue your squashing me." I wheezed.

"S-sorry love." He stated his tail thumping loudly against against the floor.

"I was lifted up and a distorted growl came from Al who was holding me.

"This is not your love she's mine." He growled towards blue.

"N-no she's mine." He said in a slightly distorted tone wrapping his arms around me also.

There nicking continued making my patients run thin. I was now sat down watching the scene unfold as voodoo signs floated around them. Blue had his sad looking shadow out while Al had his normal shadow. Both shadows walked towards me seemingly calm as they sat down next to me wrapping their arms around me lifting me up and taking me to the living room. I laughed slightly petting both of their heads as they let out purrs sitting on the couch. Sitting there I asked blues shadow to go get me a book which he did and quickly returned laying his head in my lap. I smiled softly before hearing the distorted static become more present as they walked into the living room still arguing. My eyes twitched in annoyance which the shadows noticed as they looked at me nervously. Standing up the shadows stayed still as I stared at the two male deer demons.

"Boys." I said in a annoyed tone.

"She's not yours your not even from this dimension." Al growled.

"But s-she's still my love from this dimension or not." Blue growled back.

"Boys!" I said a bit louder but they still ignored me.

"She's mine." Al growled at blue.

"N-no she's mine." Blue growled back.

"GOD DAMNIT B̴̟̰̝̐̂ȍ̶̦͕̤̭͎̒͛̄͊y̸̢̭̯̬̌̑̈́͘ŝ̴̫͖͖͐̃!!" I seethed as the shadows and the male demons stopped speaking immediately.

Black goo ran down my eyes and mouth as I quickly whipped it away clearing my voice as I still glared at the males.

"Thank you. Now quit arguing and blue I'm sorry but Al's right I'm not your Y/n she is in another dimension." I stated.

Al let out a cocky hmph and I glared at him causing his ears to lower and his smile lessen. Looking back at blue he had tears running down his face as he looked at the floor.

"No please don't cry." I stated cupping blues face.

"I w-want my Y/n I-I want to go h-home." He whined sniffling slightly.

"I know we'll get you home blue." I cooed softly.



Chapter 33 done and done hope you are enjoying this adventure so far as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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