Chapter 97

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Thoughts of self harm, panic attacks, and manipulation. Warning.


"I'll see you soon very soon." Yekun stated and with that he melted into the shadows appearing back in hell.

Y/n's pov

I stood in the living room with mama as she taught me how to sew a cute stuffed animal. I knew slightly how to sew but the dolls I had made for me and Al where self taught no actual technique.

"Alright I want to know what are you making?" Mama asked as she noticed my pile of black and electric blue fabrics.

"Oh I'm making Al's shadow a Christmas gift. Speaking of Christmas we need to have it soon before we go down to Pennsylvania to see Anna and my other friends." I laughed happily.

'Liar always lying!' Yekun growled in my skull.

"Oh that's wonderful I geuss we can have it in about a week or so how does that sound?" She asked.

"Sounds amazing it's nice to have people around for the holidays." I sighed happily.

'You had me but then agian you killed me so is that some fucked up tradition are you going to kill The radio demon too? Do you even love him?' He mocked in a sarcastic tone.

'I don't need your-' "OW!" I cut my thought off when the needle puncture my finger.

'Deserved do it agian you deserve it.' He hummed with a loving tone.

I lifted up my finger as crimson blood flowed from it, grabbing the needle I glanced at that. A lack hand held my wrist with the needle bringing it closer to my hand as my eyes widened. I glanced around seeing Yekun the culprit.

'DO IT! You killed me your useless yet you get no pain what gives you that right!' Yekun growled.

'Let go please.' I whimpered in my thoughts to him.

'Why you think your special?' He growled.

'But Al said he thought I was special so yes' I sassed him.

'You little ugh. He doesn't love you!' He growled forcefully moving my hand with the needle towards my neck.

'LIAR! He does!' I seethed.

He was about to retaliate but soon a hand was on my cheek making me flinch away violently. My head whipped around seeing mama worriedly staring at me.

"You alright baby?" She asked in a caring tone.

"I uh I-I'm not sure." I replied my voice cracking.

"Sweet baby tell me what's wrong." She cooed.

"I-I can't he'll kill you." I whimper curling into a bawl as I began sobbing quietly.

"Who?" She asked slightly angered.

"I can't say Mama!" I cried as I saw Yekun stood behind her waiting for me to slip up some way.

"Young lady you will say or I will call Alastor and he is not going to be happy." She stated angrily at the person scaring me.

'He'll be mad you bugged him agian your just a leach no one wanted or needs' Yekun stated while I belived it.

"N-No Don't he's busy. He'll be mad. I-I can't say either though." I whimper clinging my knees to my chest.

"One or the other missy." She cooed rubbing my head comfortingly.

I stayed silent thinking she would let this be but I couldn't have been more farther from the truth. Sighing she sat next to the coffee table summoning a very old rotary phone. Standing up as she quickly dialed Alastor's number I jumped forward trying to grab it only for her to disappear and reappear somewhere else in a cloud of smoke. twisting the wire in her fingers I felt my chest get heavy with fear Al will be mad I bug him to much. I shouldn't be so needy. He still had 1 hour left of work. My thoughts yelled panicked as I tried to stop mama only for her to disappear once more.

"Ah princess charlotte." She hummed into the phone as my eyes widened.

"MAMA! Stop please he'll be mad I bugged him." I cried fearfully yet my cries where falling onto deaf or rather un listening ears.

"It's charlie." I heard a soft voice say on the speaker park of the phone.

"Yes of course now I was wondering if you could fetch my dear son to answer the phone?" She asked politely.

"Uh son?" Charlie asked completely confused.

"Yes Alastor or you might know him as The Radio Demon. Tell him it's a family emergency." With that a gasp came from the speaker.

"Of course I didn't know his mama was in hell." Charlie awed cutely causing my nerves to calm slightly only to pick back up.

"Wait NO!" I yelled hoping she could here me through the phone but the sound of footsteps fading only told me it was a failed attempt.

"Now only a matter of second and- Y/n are you alright?" Mama asked once she turned to me.

I felt sick and I couldn't breath my breathing was ragged and choppy not allowing me to get a good breath of air. My hands felt like I dipped them in a bowl of freezing water while sweating and my body was shaking violently. shakily holding my hands gripping my hair pulling on it only to slink to the floor.

"No he'll be mad stop tell him it was a accident!" I whimper pulling out bits of hair.

"Y/n calm down there is no need for this just tell me who wishes to hurt you." She sternly stated.

"I can't! Please don't make me!" I whimpered.

She opened her mouth to say something else but before she could rushed footsteps sounded through the speaker of the phone. Walking over to the phone while I was controlling my breathing she began speaking to Al.

"Hello?" Alastor asked frantic.

"My boy we have a bit of a emergency can you come here for a minute?" She asked while walking over to me pulling me into her lap and comforting me.

"I'm on my way." With that there was a click and Mama removed the phone with a snap of her fingers.



Chapter 97 done and done alright I won't be posting every day since I'm really busy but I'll make sure to get two chapters out every week I'm really sorry. As always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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