Chapter 5

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As soon as I hit my bed I was asleep from the events today not even changing out of the sandpaper dress.

Y/n's pov

I woke up with a terrible feeling of tiny bugs crawling on my skin. I quickly looked down to see the god awful dress. I quickly stood up taking off the dress stepping into the large bathroom attached to my room. Stepping into the shower I began to clean myself of the awful feeling from the dress. Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body. I looked for my clothes not seeing anything I ground knowing I forgot to get some. Stepping out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around me I immediately froze seeing a familiar deer demon. We both made eye contact before our faces went crimson red. He quickly walked out of the room as I stared at where he previously was. I quickly grabbed some clothes and pulled on a cute bee kind shirt with a bee on it and a bee bucket hat. wearing blue jean shorts and F/c converses. (outfit up to but add the bucket hat. You can change the outfit.) I stepped out of my room taking a deep breath before walking into the living room seeing Alastor nervously fidget with his staff. Stomping over to him I placed my hands on my hips in an agitated manner.

"What the hell do you think you were in my room for, aren't you supposed to be a gentleman or some shit." I growled.

"I'm sorry I assure you I did not mean to intrude on your shower." He apologized.

I scoffed before walking over to my book shelf to find a book. I groaned when I saw all the books I had already read before deciding to listen to some music and draw. I walked out of the room into my studio with my equipment for ghost hunting and everything. Walking over to the record player stand I haven't used in years I picked up a Louis Armstrong vinyl and blew the dust off it and placed it on the record player. I pulled the needle onto the vinyl and a soft static started as it began playing west end blues. I walked over to the small art desk in the corner and began sketching random shapes and objects my mind thought of. Soon enough I looked at my artwork having zoned out while drawing. It was an image of Alastor's staff hanging on a coat rack like when Thor placed his hammer on the coat rack. I heard a light laugh from behind me before a radio-like voice spoke.

"You better not actually do that." A voice said.

I quickly spun around to see the microphone was talking as Alastor held onto it. My eyes widened as I quickly stood and examined the cool staff that had magically spoken. I looked at it in awe as I stared at the beautiful designs carved into the staff.

"I see you like my staff my dear." Alastor started snapping me out of my gaze.

I looked at him nodding quickly before turning my gaze back to the staff. As I admired the staff I noticed the vinyl had stopped playing so I skipped over to it to pick out a new vinyl. Searching through the vinyl I began humming la vie en rose finding the Edith Piaf vinyl I set the case on the table putting away the Louis Armstrong then putting on Edith Piaf. Lucky for me la vie en rose was the first one to play. I spun around happily before seeing Alastor beside me sticking his hand out for me to take.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, his staff disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

"You may." I replied in a polite tone.

We moved around the room effortlessly as the music played in the background. I looked up at Alastor and my stomach did twists in turns as I realized I was falling for the deer demon. I was caught off guard when he spun me and then dipped me as I smiled wide laughing at how fun it was. Sadly the song ended all too soon and Alastor stepped away bowing slightly and I did a joking curtsey in response.

"Well my dear that was a lovely dance but I must be going now." He said, pulling out his pocket watch.

I nodded as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke and I waved bye. Putting up the records I walked to the living room sitting down sighing. My mind was crowded with boredom before I remembered my father was coming tomorrow since it was close to the end of the week. I quickly stood up scrambling around the house to get things ready for his arrival.

Al's POV

I sighed while teleporting to my office at the hazbin hotel. My stomach felt like tiny butterflies were flying around making me want to puke. I shook it off as a sickness I would soon get over. I sat down in my chair by the fireplace before an annoying spider came barding in.

"Do you ever knock?" I asked, grabbing the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"Wow strawberry pimp I thought ya be happy ta see me." The idiotic spider Angel expressed in a mocking hurt tone.

"Well as a matter of fact no, I'm not happy to see you." I growled in annoyance.

"Geeze you act as if you just got rejected by a crush." He replied, rolling his eyes.

I stayed silent as I thought of Y/n before an audible gasp came from the spider.

"Wait, don't tell me you have a crush smiles." He said it with a shocked tone.

I stayed silent so as to not urge the spider on and stared into the lit fireplace. But my efforts were useless as the spider began bugging me about my supposed crush Whatever that was. Finally giving up I turned to the spider.

"What is this crush thing?" I asked confused.

Angel began laughing before he looked up at me seeing my confused face.

"Oh my goodness smiles, you don't know what a crush is?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well I wouldn't be asking if I knew now would I?" I stated.

The spider rolled his eyes before explaining it to me, " Well Smiles, a crush is someone that makes you happy to be around, it makes you flustered when they do something, and you get the feeling of butterflies in your stomach."

My eyes widened as I realized that I had begun to grow an attachment to this human. I guess you could have called it an accidental attachment.



Chapter 5 done and done, as always stay safe and stay tuned.

Accidentally attachment (alastorxreader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang