Chapter 72

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The group began laughing and soon settled into a casual conversation waiting for Y/n and Alastor to finish whatever they where doing.

Y/n's pov

Standing in front of the box of party decorations I groaned in annoyance. I heard a snort of laughter making me whip my head around glaring at Alex.

"Sorry didn't mean to." He laughed lightly.

I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to the box. Opening it Halloween decor lined it from top to bottom. The party was later today and they invited everyone to come over for a party and guess who was doing all the work. Me! Like every year they leave everything up to me and just laugh at my misery. I began tugging out decorations putting them up when I found a huge spider. My smile widened as I grabbed it turning to Alex a wicked smile on my face. He smile in return knowing what I was going to do.

"He's so going to kill you." He chuckled quietly.

"Nah he will get over it." I shrugged.

Last year I found out that Max is deathly scared of spiders. However when he gets scared he becomes violent Alex learned that the hard way when he scared max and Max punched him in the jaw we had to go to the hospital cause he dislocated it. Stepping into the living room I held the spider close to my chest a wicked smile on my face. Max sat on the couch watching some tv he seemed to be watching another episode of the new drama series below deck. I rolled my eyes at it I never did understand how people can find that enjoyable.  Turning back to the dirty blonde male I smile setting the spider on his right shoulder and gently rubbing my fingertips against his neck. He looked over to see the spiders head. His eyes widened as his breath hitched.

"AHHH" he screamed punching the spider.

I let go of the spider and began laughing. Gasping for breath as i clutched my stomach doubling over in laughter. His scream was so high pitched it was hilarious. Max turned his attention towards me eyes narrowing as he glared at me. I looked up at him whipping my tears from my eyes.

"You done yet?" He asked tilting his head.

"Nope!" I laughed harder then stopped catching my breath, " now I am."

"Alright." He replied before standing up and smiling.

My eyes widened as he stood up stocking towards me. His green eyes where narrowed at me as he popped his knuckles. I stumbled backwards glancing around as I looked for a escape.

"Max violence is never the answer." I chuckled nervously.

"Should have thought about the consequences Y/n." He replied as he smirked.

I gulped as I stared into his angry green eyes, taking another step backwards I stumbled to which he immediately lunged at me. I ducked under his arms as he was in mid air and began running for a escape. A thud sounded behind me and a groan but soon loud footsteps of Max's feet sounded behind me. I slid into the kitchen a panicked expression on my face as I bumped into Anna. We both tumbled to the floor I hopped up glancing behind me to see a angry Max rounding the corner.

"Sorry Anna gotta go." I stated quickly running off.

"Hell ya you better run we don't want you dead before the party!" Anna yelled in return.

I smiled continuously running trying to find some way to stay max from chasing me. Ducking into the dining room I saw Alex sat on the table a knowing smirk on his face.

"Told you it was a bad idea." He laughed.

I stuck out my tongue flipping him of as I ran. I slid into the hallway ducking behind the wall. Soon enough max came around the corner panting before he glanced around looking for me. I let out a snort quickly covering my mouth wishing to take back the noise I made. Max turned around slowly anger seeping out his bones.

" truce?" I asked hopefully.

"No only pay back." He quipped.

" well I'm not going down that easily." With that I began to run again only to be tackled to the ground.

My forehead landed against the hard floor with a thud making me groan in pain. Wiggling in max's grasp I managed to flip us only to get a nice knee to the gut. I let out a groan releasing my grip max laughed pinning me again as we both began punching and fighting each other. Rolling around on the floor we both let out insults and curses to each other.

"Fucking pussy you hit like a girl." I seethed.

"Oh yeah well at least I ain't weak like you." He quipped in return.

"I'll show you weak bitch." I growled clawing at his grip on my wrists.

He let out a laugh closing his eyes as he leaned his head back in laughter.

"And how are you going to do that. I got you pinned-" I cut him off getting one of my wrist free and punching the side of his face a little to hard.

I gasped as I realized how hard I actually hit him as he glared at me.

"Sorry didn't mean to hit you that hard." I apologized.

"Fucking bitch." He growled.

My eyes widened as I noticed the slightly playful tone to it. I quickly got out of his grip rushing to stand up as he tried standing up also. I was about to take a step but the rug beneath me slipped and I went tumbling forward. I held out my hands trying to stop the impact but failed to notice that in our rough housing we had rolled over to the coffee table. My head slammed into the corner of the tabled making my vision go spotty and a warm liquid run down my head. Groaning I sat up to see a worried looking max as he stared at me. Cupping my head I winced at the pressure as I began to feel light headed.

"What. What's wrong?" I quipped bringing my hand from my head only to see crimson red fluid coating it.

"Uh oh that's... not... good." I stated as I felt my consciousness leaving.

Before I passed out I saw a puff of black smoke and then Al appear from the smoke he had a wide smile but it soon turned angry when he noticed me. His glare turned towards max as he let out a growl and the static was heavy.

"What the fuck did you do?" He seethed and with that I passed out.



Chapter 72 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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