chapter 89

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Sighing I picked up the board game and decided to take a walk outside.

Y/n's pov

Stepping out of the house i began walking down a small hiking pass i had found when i first came here. Walking it to the crowded woods i heard small footsteps making my stomach turn nervously. Picking up my speed the footsteps also spead up raising my fists to find whoever it was i spun around and no one was there. I raised a eyebrow confused before i heard a quite meow. Looking down i saw shadow following me i let out a soft laugh before bending down to the small calico cat.

"Hey shadow are you gonna yell at me to?" I asked laughing.

Shadow stared at me tilting his head before nudging my hand with his head. Laughing i lifted up the small kitten starting to scratch behind his ears. Standing up i began to walk agian.

"I know a wonderful clearing what do you say we go down there?" I asked shadow lightly nuzzling his fur with my nose.

The small calico cat let out a meow licking my nose making a smile form on my face.

"Ill take that as a yes." I laughed.

Making my way down the path i stopped a a tree with a small marking of my initials on it. Smiling widly i ran my finger along the bark of the tree before wincing a jerking my hand back. Looking down at my hand i noticed a larg splinter loged into my pointer finger. Leting out a sigh i gently pulled the splinter out tossing it to the side. Crimson red blood trickled down my finger making me groan in frustration.

"Seems like everyone hates me today." I groaned whipping the blood on my pant leg.

Shadow meowed before licking my hand making me smile softly at him.

"Well everyone except you it seems." I hummed as i looked at the tree with my initials on it.

Stepping over a small log beside the tree. I continued walking through weeds and thorn bushes as they sliced up my arms as i protected shadow from the thorns. Letting out a sigh when i finally made it through the weeds and thorns. I placed down the small kitten as i limped over to a small stump before tumbling to the ground. I let out a yelp of pain when i hit the ground but felt to tired to get back up. Looking down at my feet i saw a large root from the tree making me roll my eyes.

"Damnit." I muttered as i began pushing myself up to sit agianst the tree stump.

Looking down at my now bruised and bloody hands i let out a annoyed sigh. Soon shadow curled into my lap as i looked around at the clearing. A large waterfall sat on the edge as it flowed into the large pond that stretched to the middle of the clearing. (Image up top) standing up shadow slid off of my lap. Walking over to the pond i slipped of my shoes dipping them into the cool water making me shiver before i begin to wipe off all the blood and grime from my arms and legs. Leaning back i rested my head on my arms as i watched the clouds pass by in the sky. Soon anough shadow began running around chasing a leaf that was floating along the ground from the breeze. I let out a laugh before a soft feeling landed on my hands. Looking down i saw a water drop landed on my hand. I glanced up at the sky but no dark clouds filled the sky yet the water drops kept coming.

"What in the world why is water falling when it isnt raining. Maybe if i go under a trea it will stop." I said to myself walking to stand under a tree.

Looking around water continuedto fall bringing my hand up to my face i felt streams of water come from my eyes .aking me confused.

" why am i crying i shouldn't be crying I'm not sad am i?" I quipped wipping the tears from my eyes.

No matter what i did the tears still fell getting heavier every second. My teeth gritted as i felt frustrated at myself for not even knowing why i was feeling this way. Soon enough i laid on the ground falling asleep in frustration and saddness.

Al's pov

I stepped out of y/n's room when i finally calmed down after that reched game monopoly. Walking down the steps i saw a worried rosie walking inside while my mama looked around frantically. Looking around for my amour when i didnt see her i looked over to the two females.

"Hello rosie have you seen y/n by any chance." I asked to which she immediately tensed.

"ROSIE! Have you found her!" Mama yelled frantically.

"No not yet." Rosie replied.

"We need to find her then!" Mama cried.

"Find who?" I asked confused.

"Y/n!" They both replied rushing outside.

"S-shes missing?" I stuttered as my stomach tightend in guilt.

"I shouldnt have ran off i should have brought her with me." I scolded myself as i ran out of the house quickly.

We all split up looking for my love everywhere. I had serched behind the house while rosie went into town and mama searched the front of the house. Stepping into a small patch of grass i looked around before cupping my hands over my mouth.

"Y/N!" I yelled as i felt tears burn the back of my eyes threatening to fall but i wouldnt let them because crying wouldn't help me find her.

Gritting my teeth when i got no response i continued walking but stopped when i saw a hidden path with what seemed like light footsteps with small cat paw prints following them. Stepping into the hidden path i began following them but stopped when they ended by a tree with her initial on them. Leaning agianst the tree i let out a agrivated sigh. My nose twitched when i caught a light smell of iron my eyes widened at the familiar smell making me look up. On my hand was some fresh crimson blood but it wasnt mine. Looking around the tree i stepped over a log only to see thorns and weeds with the same blood on them making my stomach tighten as i had to hold back the vomit that threatened to empty my stomach. This was y/n's blood meaning she was hurt and injured. I began to make my painful way threw the thorns stumbling a few times.

"Im coming Y/n." I whispered holding up a arm as the thorns sliced it causing inky black blood to escape the wounds.



Chapter 89 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops. I have a strong feeling we might hit 100 chapter! If we do i will make a special chapter just for the occasion please leave requests for that chapter.

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