chapter 92

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Death and blood this is your warning.


"Good girl now how about let's go on a killing spree I would like some entertainment." He hummed as my vision faded back to the office room.

Y/n's pov

I felt myself black out but soon opened my eyes to see bodies all around me. I let out a shrill scream stumbling backwards only to hit another body. Turning my head only to
See Mama and Rosie's limp bodies. Tears streamed down my face as I ran away quickly from the bodies. Stumbling once more I landed over top of Max's body. Looking around it was all my friends bodies and soon I began worrying about Al. Standing up agian I continued to run screaming Al's name as my body shook in fear.

"ALASTOR!" I cried out hearing a soft cough I ran that direction.

Seeing Al there hanging onto life by a thread I began hyperventilating. Holding my hands against his wounds to stop the bleading I continued to cry.

"Hang on there hun I've got you. HELP ANYONE!" I yelled out.

"Y...Y/n." Al coughed.

"Yes hun?" I asked slightly relived he was speaking.

"Why?" He coughed as his eyes soon went lifeless and his body fell limp.


"Murderer!" I heard someone yell making me look up only to see angels surounding me and Al's limp body.

"Monster!" Another seethed as they began poking holy wepons at me.

"Demon!" Another growled.

"Wait no I didn't mean too I'm sorry!" I cried out.

Soon they pushed me backwards into a hole and I began falling as a seering pain passed through my body. Sighing I watched my hair get pushed forward from the wind.

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell.

Opening my eyes I see Yekun falling with me. Holding out my hand for him to take he took it smiling sadistically as I felt all the pain from his torture go through my body. I yelled out in pain as tears fell from my eyes. Soon enough his body was ripped from me by a new voice.

"Y/n dear it's time to wake up~" the boice cooed and I felt warm comforting arms wrap around me comforting me.

"Help me." I cried.

"Y/n~" The voice called as it shifted into a body.

I saw a familiar deer demon known as my lover smiling I grabbed his hand as he held it out.

"It's time to wake up now." Al called pulling me up towards a bright light.

Opening my eyes groggily i heard a light laugh.

"There's those beutiful e/c eyes." Al called setting down a tray of food.

Looking around I noticed I was in my room I was slightly confused how I got there but shrugged it all off.

"Was all that a dream?' I thought to myself.

Loking at Al as he placed some topping on the pancakes the image of his lifeless body flashed in my mind. My breath hitched as he turned towards me opening his mouth to say something but before he could I threw off the blankets wrapping my arms around his neck into a bone crushing hug while my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Well I didn't know someone could miss me so much while dreaming." He laughed running his hand kn the back of my head.

A light snifle came from me as I silently cried but he caught it.

" love what's wrong?" He asked pulling me away slightly as I tried clawing my way back to him.

"I killed you!" I cried tears falling from my eyes.

"What wacky nonsense are you talking about I'm right hear darling. He soothed rubing circles on my back.

"No I saw it in my dream-" before I could finish he cut me off.

"Exactly it was a dream nothing more and if you do manage to kill me I will come back only to love you even more." He purred as my eyes widened in disbelife.

Pulling away I searched his eyes for any signs of dishonesty but only found love and addoration.

"Y-You mean it." I hiccuped.

"Every word I speak if the truth." He cooed pressing kisses to my cheeks and nuzzling our noses together.

I sighed happily leaning into him as he walked over to the bed sitting down. He placed the food in my lap and I began eating happily.

"Mama and Rosie went back to hell so it's just me and you until their next visit so we have the hole day to our selves what should we do?" Al asked stealing a peice of sausage from my plate to which I stabbed his hand with my fork making him yelp rubbing his hand.

" I don't know but next time you touch my food you'll lose a finger." I teasingly threatened.

"Oh so scary." He sarcasticallyreplied holding up hos hands.

Drinking the juice I placed the plate down before pinning Al on the bed.

"Take it back." I sternly stated.

"And what'll you do if I don't?" He asked sticking his tongue out tauntingly.

"This." I purred before botting his neck rather roughly.

He let out a groan shifting his head to allow me more access. Pressing kisses along his neck I felt a pressure on my inside thigh making me smirk. Pulling away quickly I let out a happy hum before standing and grabbing the plate. Booking it out of the room I heard a radio screach making me laugh. Openig my eyes I thought I saw a shadow move out of the corner of my eye making me freeze. When I sa2 nothing I docted it as my own shadow and co tinued my way to the kitchen where Al stood wating a annoyed look on his face.

"Your fixing this sooner or later darling." He gestured to to the evident tent in his tent making me laugh.

"Hm fix it yourself I have to go christmas shopping." I purred grabbing his tie before planting a kiss to his lips.

He stood frozen as I made my way upstairs to get ready. When I finished getting ready I come down to see Al still frozen in one spot .aking me laugh as I gently tapped his cheek snapping him out of his trance.

"You coming or you just gonna stand there?" I asked as I began walking towards the door when quick footsteps soon followed and Al opened the door for me.

I gave him a smile for thanks as he returned it with one of his own broad smile. Shifting into his human form we began making our way towards town.



Chapter 92 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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