Chapter 63

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while running down the stairs he faceplanted on the ground but quickly stood up giving me a cute dorky smile making me laugh at his cuteness and eagerness.

Y/n's pov

We got into the car as Al tapped his leg anxiously, I laughed pulling out of the drive way and threw the forest to the store. I focused on the road when I felt Al tap my shoulder.

"Yes hun?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"Can I play music on your phone?" He asked cutely.

I nodded pulling out my phone as his held it funny making me laugh, soon he got it figured out and started playing different songs. The first one being you're never fully dressed without a smile I wonder if he's even seen Annie.

"Hey Al have you even seen Annie?" I asked as I saw the store in the distance.

"Hm, I don't believe I have." He explained.

"Looks like this is another movie we have to add to the lists of things to watch." I groaned.

"Does that mean even more cuddles and spending time with you my love?" He asked.

"Yes it does." I replied matter-of-factly.

I glanced at him to see him smiling wide but it disappeared to disgust as he noticed something. I looked at where he was staring and it was a group of girls in very reveling clothing, they where flirting with some men. I was used to this so I just shrugged it off but Al seemed to be totally disgusted by this.

"Their open about this type of stuff in the living world to?" Al asked disgusted.

"Oh Al you're in for a rude awakening this is only the outskirts of town." I explained.

"It. Get's. Worst." He repeated in disbelief.

I only nodded turning into a parking lot, finding a parking spot I pulled into it turning off the car. Going to open my door it opened for me and a hand shot out making my eyes widen. I took his hand smiling softly at him as he stared at me with love and adoration.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"Not a problem my love now where are we of to?" He quipped linking our arms.

"To the store." I stated happily.

He hummed making our track to the store, we walked inside as I grabbed a grocery cart and began to walk around store checking things off my list which I made before we left. Al stood next to me but walked of when we passed the meat isle I continued shopping when I got to my last item I needed. I walked up to it but the item was on the top shelf I reached up trying to grab it only to fail, I let out a grumbled curse as I stood on my tippy toes trying to reach it failing agian. I continued trying when a hand grabbed it for me, I expecting to see Al but instead I saw another male. He gave me a warm smile handing me the box I was trying to reach.

"There you are cutie." He stated as I gave him a polite smile oblivious to his flirting.

"Thank you so much." I replied happily and a blush spread across his face.

"Oh it was n-no problem." He stuttered nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I best be off thanks agian." I thanked turning to leave but he grabbed my wrist making me stop.

"Hey would you um, maybe like to hang out or something?" He asked nervously.

"Sorry but no thanks, thank you for the offer." I replied trying to get my arm out of his grasp

"Please just one date?" He asked more demanding.

"please let go of me and I said no." I replied agitated.

"One date won't hurt you." He groaned his grasp tightening to th point it hurt.

"Ow p-please let go that hurts." I whined knowing his grip would leave a red mark.

"No not until you go out with me." He demanded his grip tightening to where I knew it would leave a bruise maybe even break it.

"P-Please let go." I said tears welling in my eyes.

"I said not until you go out with me." He was tightening his grip making me close my eyes.


My eyes snapped open as I saw my lover had broken the mans wrist, his smile was tense and he was angry.

"I believe my darling said no, and don't dare to lay a fucking hand on my darling agian." Al grabbed throwing the man to the ground who scampered away quickly.

I was shaking slightly staring at my now red wrist, Al turned to me his eyes softening seeing tears slowly fall down my face in fear and pain. He walked towards me taking my wrist applying slight pressure to it making me whimper. His eyes met mine worry filled to the brim. He glanced around before connecting his lips with mine, I gasped surprised as he slid his tongue into my mouth. A irony taste filled my mouth as I realized it was Al's blood. I moaned quietly at the taste as we separated Al whipped my mouth for any blood. Looking backdown at my wrist he touched it gently and it didn't hurt this time.

"Does it still hurt my doe?" He asked worried.

"No, thank you for helping me." I paused before continuing," But you didn't have to."

"And why not?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Because this isn't the first time this has happened and it's not the worst thing-" Before I could finish Al's eyes seemed to have a flame of anger in it. I shifted slightly under his stare looking down. Al's arms wrapped around me in a hug as he rubbed small circles on my back making me relaxed. Pulling away he place his finger under my chin tilting it up as he stared at me the anger seeming to grow at the thought of it happening before.

"Names and appearances?" He growled anger seeping threw his words as his tone became slightly demonic.



Chapter 63 done and done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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