Chapter 52

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We bickered back and forth before I let sleep over take me being held in my loves arms, playing with his hair.

Y/n's pov

Opening my eyes I saw I was in a room and not in bed with Al, looking around I recognized the room all to well. It was the small room that was hidden behind a bookshelf in my old room, I stood up but gasped when I couldn't move it was like I was only watching.

"YOU BITCH!" A voice I know all to well yelled.

My body quickly scrambled behind something as Yekun barged into the room bloodied and angry. I felt tears stream down my face as the man searched for me, I covered my mouth as he approached my hiding spot. He noticed my shaking figure and smiled statistically as he approached my spot. Crouching down to my spot he grabbed hold of me and tried dragging me out of my hiding spot. I quickly kicked him between the legs making him groan as I curled farther back in the corner. He growled glaring at me before reaching for me agian, however this time I felt something sharp appear in my hands looking down I saw it was a beautiful knife (Image up top) I shakily brought up the knife in fear of the man and his eyes widen as I pressed the knife to his neck.

"Now Y/n there is no sense in that." He said as his smile turned caring and his eyes looked at me with a fatherly love.

I stayed silent pressing the knife into his neck harder drawing blood he held his arms open showing he wasn't going to hurt me.

"Y/n you know I love you, I would never hurt you unless I was teaching or protecting you." He explained in a soothing tone.

This bastard was manipulating me, I wanted to stab him right then and there but I lowered the knife. Tears welled in my eyes as I shrunk into his arms, he wrapped me in a hug as I was being oblivious wanting to believing his words. Soon he began laughing and his smile turned sadistic and his grip tightened painfully.

"Your so easy to manipulate." He laughed.

"W-What?" I asked.

His smile turned sadistic as the image disappeared and I was now in the forest I killed him in. Standing up I smiled happily knowing the forest, standing up I went to go home but was stopped. Looking around I saw Al had grabbed my arm and was giving me a caring smile.

"Al!" I yelled happily wrapping my arms around him, he returned the hug happily but soon pulled away.

"I need to show you something love." He exclaimed his smile widening.

"Ok." I exclaimed happy to be in his arms.

With that he began walking deeper into the forest, suddenly he stopped and turned to me his smile no longer the loving one I have come to know. No this one was cold and sadistic reminding me of Yekun. I looked around only to see nothing I was scared and confused.

"Al what's going on?" I asked shakily.

He didn't answer but smiled even wider when he looked behind me, looking back I saw Yekun with a bag. My eyes widened when Al walked forward taking the bag opening it, inside the bag where stacks of money. Immediately Yekun looked at me smiling wide as Al walked away, sinking to the could dirt ground I sobbed heavily as my breathing became ragged. Soon I felt arms wrapped around me making me panic and squirm as my breathing got more rapid.

"You will never get rid of me, I can't die!" He laughed psychotically.

"No you're dead." I tried to sooth myself, "I have Al also."

"Y/n you only have me I have never once left you!" He yelled angry.

"No he didn't leave me." I cried.

"Think about it he left you for money, he didn't love you!" He yelled in return.

"No! Your lying." I sobbed as he heled me tightly.

"Y/n..." A distant voice yelled drowning out Yekun.

"No!" I seethed.

"Y/n!" The voice yelled sounding closer.

"He wouldn't you're lying." I cried agian.

"Y/N!" The voice sounded right in my ear.

I sat up right breathing heavily as I looked down to see the light F/c comforter. Tears streamed down my face as I cried heavily, arms wrapped around me making me tense and squirm trying to get away but they held me tightly not letting me go.

"Shh, it's alright it was just a dream." I heard Al sooth.

Leaning into his arms his hands ran threw my hair but I continued to cry and my breathing was still ragged. He sighed taking my hands placing them on his ears, I began petting them immediately calming down as I continued to pet his ears. He laid me back on the bed laying his head on my bare chest. A soft rumble came from him calming me down tremendously as my breathing slowed and the tears stopped but I was still slightly shaken by the dream. Al turned his head towards me raising up and pressing a loving kiss to my lips, I melted immediately savoring his lips on mine happy. His hands rapped around my body pulling me into his lap rubbing calm circles on my back as I played with his ears happily. However I knew sooner or later he would ask me about my dream and I wasn't to keen on answering it but I knew I had to. We laid like that for a hour or so just in a comfortable silence but Al ended that silence to quickly.

"So what happened in that dream that has you so shaken up?" He asked soothing me as I tensed up at the memory of the dream.

I didn't usually remember my dreams but I did this one it was imprinted in my mind every time I closed my eyes. Sighing I opened my mouth to tell him but it felt like something was lodged in my throat from fear.



Chapter 52 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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