Chapter 68

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I opened the door to see Al with a smirk on his face I glared at him before looking away paying no mind to him as I walked over to the tray.

Y/n's pov

I was angry no pissed of as I ate the food Al gave me, sanding up I gave Al another glare before walking out of the room slamming it behind me. I walked down the stairs tray in hand as I stepped into the kitchen and began washing the dishes shaking slightly from the cold. I was drying of the dishes when I heard the taps of Al's dress shoes against the floor approaching me.

"Darling I'm sorry." His tone was honest but I was pissed and a apology wasn't going to better my mood.

His hands wrapped around me trying to pull me into a hug, I wasn't having it though. I slapped his hands away before turning around poking a finger into his chest.

"No Alastor, you can't just expect me to forgive you just like that. No you have to learn some actions have consequences and I won't be forgiving you or answering you unless you are telling me to do something then I will acknowledge you because you won the bet. However I will not forgive you today because I'm freezing cold and probably going to be sick for the party because of a stupid joke you thought would be funny. But geuss what Alastor it wasn't now if you excuse me I need to finish cleaning." I seethed turning back around.

"But darling-" I cut him off before he could say something more.

"Alastor." I growled.

I heard a soft whine from him as his steps quickly walked out of the kitchen, it hurt me so much to say thoes things but I was to angry at him. I finished up in the kitchen still shaking like a leaf from being cold. Stepping out of the kitchen I saw Al with his hands in his hands muttering to himself, he sat at the dining room table. His ears pressed against his head tightly and his shadow signing to him as Al would occasionally sign back. I opened my mouth lifting my hand about to say something before I closed my mouth turning away shaking my head not wanting to make anything worst because I was still slightly angry. I sighed as I walked up the stairs down the hall over to the storage closet, opening the door I went to grab some cleaning supplies when the ringing of my door bell sounded through the house followed by Al's voice that wasn't very enthusiastic as usual making my heart clench.

"I'll get it." His voice sounding hollow and like he wasn't fully there.

"Thank you." I yelled not caring about what I said earlier.

I grabbed the cleaning supplies walking down the stops only to here a blood curdling scream, I set down the cleaning supplies before running down the stairs to see a scared Anna and amazed Max and Alex.

"Holy shit it's a fucking demon." Max and Alex yelled amazed as Anna stood frozen in fear.

"Alastor you forgot to change into your human form." I seethed slightly angry.

"S-sorry I'll do it now." He replied ears dropping down slightly.

"Well it's to late now." I groaned in annoyance.

"Y/N there's a demon in your house!" Anna yelled grabbing me and tugging me behind her.

"Yeah, sorry but you all have already met him." I explained.

"Wait what!" They all yelled.

"Well yeah he was just in a different form." I replied laughing nervously.

"Wait is this the dude you brought to the conjuring?" Max asked confused.

"Yeah..." I replied nervously.

"I knew something was up, I kept on seeing a death of something and it was so weird. Who knew it was going to be a no good demon though." Anna growled shocking me.

"HEY! Don't speak about him like that." I growled towards her.

"That thing is a no good demon Y/n!" She yelled at me.

"Did you just call him a Thing?" I seethed glaring at her.

"It's NOT human so it's a thing!" She replied.

"Uh maybe we should go what do ya say Max and Al." Alex suggested to which the two nodded leaving us.

"Y/n you can't possibly belive it has feelings?" She asked in disbelief.

"That it is Alastor and HE does have feeling." I replied.

"Alastor is a demon he doesn't care about feelings." She quipped.

"Anna you can't say that!" I replied.

"And why not it's not like he's your boyfriend or something!" She yelled back.

"..." I stayed silent looking away.

"No, you aren't right tell me you aren't." She asked gripping my shoulders tightly.

"Sorry but yeah he's my lover." I confirmed.

"Y/n! You can't he's a demon your a human he's manipulating you isn't he. Is he why we haven't heard from Emma or your dad?" She asked fear lacing her words.

"What no he's not manipulating me, Anna just get to know him he's really nice." I tried explaining.

"He's a demon, for fucks sake can't you see the danger?" She asked.

"I do but he loves me and I love him." I replied firmly, "Just give him a chance he didn't hurt you at the conjuring did he?"

"I- No I geuss he didn't" She grumbled.

"Then why not try and give him a chance?" I asked.

"He's a demon though." She groaned.

"So he was once human too." I reassured her, "Please just this once."

She opened her mouth to protest but closed it only to sigh in frustration, she pinched the bridge of her nose in aggravation. She groaned before opening her eyes to look at me as I stared at her hopefully.

"Fine one chance." She groaned.

"Yes! You won't regret it I promise." I cheered happily wrapping her in a hug.

"I hope I won't." She replied wrapping her arms around me returning the hug.



Chapter 68 done and done. this chapter hurt to write like I thought I was about to be in tears. As always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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