Chapter 95

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"Yeah and I said I wouldn't do it agian damn you act just like Yekun." I muttered.

Y/n's pov

Soon the footsteps beside me came to a stop but I continued walking lost in my own thoughts. After a few seconds I body froze in shock once I realized what I had said. Wheeling around I saw Al in his demon form and he looked pissed beyond beliefas he stared at me. Stomping up to me static surronding him hevily.

"YOU WANT TO SEE HOW I CAN ACT LIKE YEKUN!" He growled at me before lifting me up over his shoulder.

"Alastor I'm sorry I wasn't thinking!" I yelled my body stiffening as I tried to get out of his grip.

Al ignored my pleads and continued walking in the houses direction and soon enough tears fell down my face. My breathing became uneven as I pounded on his back fearfully. Al stepped into the house before stomping up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Al please I'm sorry!" I cried when he tossed me on the bed.

"Sorry will not fix this darling." He growled lowly tossing the bags of purchases in the corner of the room.

I felt tentacles wrap around my limbs before Al walked off towards the bathroom. I heard some water running but I couldn't see anything. Moving to see what he was doing I was dragged down by the tentacles once more. Al returned with a murderous smile on his face before lifting me up from the shadowy tentacles grasp. Moving me into the bathroom I saw the now filled bath tub. Placing me on the toilet the tentacles wrapped around me keeping me on the toilet. My heart beat picked up thinking he was going to throw me in the water but what he actually did was far worst. Al's shadow entered the bathroom with all the electronics from my house he even brought the Tv.

"No Alastor!" I yelled trying to slip out of the tentacles grip.

"Sorry darling this is punishment for thoes nasty words." He hummed droping in the tv.

"Al NOOOO!" I pleaded as he through in all my electronics.

I pulled agianst the apendages trying to escape their grip only for them to tighten. Gritting my teeth as he dropped yet another electronic into the tub sparks lighting signifying them broken. Tears streamed down my face before I tried looking away but Alastor came by holding my face as the shadow dropped all of the electronics into the tub. My eyes widened as Al knelt down to my eye level.

"Well darling I do hope you learned your leson." He hummed pressing a kiss to my forehead as I stared at the ground defeated.

I felt something slip from my pocket making my head snap that direction only to see his shadow slip my phone from my pocket handing it to Al. My eyes widened as he took it standing up and walking over to the bath tub.

"Looks like we missed one." Alastor hummed holding my phone over the tub.

"I swear Alastor you're going to regret that." I sternly stated bending down and biting the apendage but it only went threw my teeth like a shadow.

"I'll take my chances darling." He droped the phone into the water and waited a minute before releasing me from the inky apendages.

Anger wasn't even enough to describe what I was feeling at that moment and Al see.ed to notice as he walked backwards towards the room. Walking towards him I gripped his dress shirt gritting my teeth.

"Alastor if you think your staying here tonight your highly mistaken you can destroy everything I own but as soon as you water logged my phone your out. Come back here when you wish to apologize asshole." I growled walking back to the bathroom to go clean up.

Al's pov

I watched as she walked to the bathroom with a angry expression it slightly reminded me of when she was mad at me for throwing her into the tub. Yet even then she didn't kick me out. I saw her head look out from the bathroom door carying a towel of electronics.

"What are you still doing here go get mama to watch me." She mocked.

"Darling your not serious are you." I asked silently hoping for something to change her mine.

She opened her mouth to say something but closed her mouth looking at a corner in the room with wide eyes. Turning to me she gave me a smile which scared me even more than her being mad.

"Fine stay but call mama. Also didn't you have to help with the hotel." She asked tilting her head.

"Um yeah darling are you alright?" I asked confused by why she was acting this way.

"Of course just you might want to leave before I lose my shit." She stated cheerfuly and soon we heard mamas voice.

"You might want to explain what happened to mama so she knows why I don't exit my room." She explained pushing me out of the room.

I turned to say something but she gave me a very angrey filled smile slamming the door in my face. Sighing I walked downstairs to explain what happened to mama.

"My sweet baby boy where's y/n!" Mama cheered happily.

"Well um she's really angry with me and she doesn't want to take it out on you so she's in her room." I nervously stated.

"What. Did. You. Do.?" She asked sternly.

"I kind of tossed all the electrionics into a bathtub of water while making her watch. But in my defence she said I acted like Yekun because we were to controling and she was mad." I tried making excuses to help my case.

"Alastor! What on earth where you thinking what if you said something mean when you didn't mean it and in return they broke all your radios?" Mama asked angry.

"There just electronics unlike my radios which you colect." I stated offended she would even compare my radio collection to those junky pieces of metal.

"Alastor there the same thing." She grumbled slapping the back of my head to knock some sense into me.

"I-I understand mama I'll be sure to fix this but right now the princess requires my assistance with the hotel." I stated waving goodbye and disappering into a cloud of smoke.



Chapter 95 done and done 5 more chapters till 100 yall thank you for joining me on this little adventure as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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