Chapter 22

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"I love you too Y/n." He replied pulling me close or bare bodies against each other.

Y/n's pov

I woke up to a bare grey chest making me squeak and look up only to see my lovers sleeping face. I looked around seeing clothes on the floor as thoughts of last night flooded my memories, my face flushed red as I was pulled closer to Al. I tried to move out of his grasp only making him growl and hold me tighter. Letting out a sigh I laid there just admiring the different types of scars on his body. It fit him to have scars a lot he looked ten time hotter. I soft trailed my fingers over the scars as I felt his body shiver making me smile. Looking down at his hands I saw the black and red what I thought where gloves but no they where his actual hands. My eyes widened in surprise as I gently took his hand to find out more. The hand had root like veins and scars going down his arm making he let out a confused hmpf.

"Like admiring me my love?" Al asked making me drop his hand and flush red.

"H-How long have you been awake?" I questioned looking away embarrassed.

"Hm, let's see long enough." He stated a smirk on his face as he lifted my chin so we made eye contact.

"Your such a asshole." I groaned rolling my eyes.

"That's not what you called me last night." He stated.

I felt my eyes widen but they slowly lidded as I got on top of Al saying in a seductive tone," Does Daddy want to relive last nights events."

"Love I suggest you to not make that offer." He growled as I pressed kisses to his neck.

"Alright." I replied quicky getting off him.

"That didn't mean to get off me." He whined.

I shrugged walking off to the shower but let out a quite whine of pain walking. I gritted my teeth trying to ignore it but Al noticed the pain I was in and listed me up bridal style. Walking into the bathroom he turned on the water filling up the bathtub, he felt the water turning it off as he turned to me. His eyes trailed over my bare body as his eyes lidded he quickly shook his head closing his eyes and putting me into the tub making me laugh. Even when he's had sex he's still a gentleman on seeing my body. I sat in the tub thinking of what it needed when I thought of two things, first was of course bubbles and second was Al.

"Hey Al!" I yelled because he had left the bathroom finding clothes for me.

"Yes love." He replied walking into the bathroom.

"Will you get the bubbles and take a bath with me." I asked or more like pleaded.

I saw him sigh shaking his head as he summoned some strawberry scented bubble soap and stepped into the water. Sitting down I wrapped my arms around him placing my head on his chest looking up at him. He smiled placing a soft kiss on my lips it was different than all the other ones, this one was like he was saying your mine no one will hurt you. We broke the kiss as Al added the bubbles into the bath, I smiled picking up some bubbles and blowing them on Al to which he did the same. We sat in the tub before actual washing up. I took some shampoo into my hands as I massaged it into Al's hair being carful oh his antlers. Al immediately relaxed into my touch but when I was done he let out small whines wanting my touch. I hummed well meet again as he washed my hair.

"My love why do you like that song so much?" Al asked while washing my hair.

"Hm, I'm not sure it's just comforting I geuss." I explained.

"Well my love I happen to know a lot of songs that you may like then." He exclaimed know taking a wash cloth and washed my body.

Soon enough we got out of the now cold tub as he sat me onto the toilet handing me a towel to dry off. I began drying off as he drained the tub when I noticed a deer tail making me smile as I reached out to touch it. When my fingers grazed it Al spun around a sadistic smile on his face which made me freeze reminding me of my father, but Al was not my father is what I tried telling myself.

"Love do not touch my tail please it's very sensitive." He stated.

"Y-Yes sir." I said meekly.

He seemed to now notice my fear and quickly his smile softened as he bent down to my height. He reached towards me making me flinch out of instinct but quickly regrated it. Al pulled me into a hug as tears streamed down my face.

"Love I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He whispered rubbing my back.

"I-I know I'm sorry for touching your tail it just looked soft." I explained.

"You didn't know it was sensitive and I over reacted." He replied placing soft kisses on my face making me smile.

He lifted me up carrying me to the bed still placing kisses on my face showing me his affection and apologizing to me. I let out laughs as his kisses trailed down my neck. He pulled away walking over to the dresser grabbing a pair of clothes he had laid out. Helping me put them on I smiled placing a soft kiss to his head. He smiled helping me back to the bathroom so I could finish getting ready. I was brushing my hair when I saw a bunch of hickeys lining my neck I let out a groan turning to Al who just smirked until he noticed the visible hickeys on his body. I smirked back at him as he rolled his eyes his smile strained.

"Hey Al?" I asked.

"Yes love." He replied.

"Why do you always smile you know you don't have to always smile around me." I stated his smile lessened but quickly went back to normal.

"Well dear I just do it so much that I'm not even sure how to, but it is a strain on the face mussels. I geuss I'll try but tell no one." He exclaimed playfully.

I made a zip with my lips smiling at him I watched as the smile from his face fall making me shocked he actually did it. Al looked at me with a unfazed look and I just wrapped my arms around him.

"Wow you actually did it didn't think you had it in you." I exclaimed.

"Haha very funny love." He sarcastically stated.

We finished getting ready and Al had his never ending smile back on his face, I helped Al make breakfast as he taught me about a jambalaya recipe from his mother. I smiled at the thought of maybe meting his mother. Al continued to talk about his living life as a murder radio host and cannable. I wasn't disturbed by it because that would make me a hypocrite because I've done all of it except be a radio host. I began humming well meet again when I heard a voice come from my left. I quickly turned seeing nothing until I recognized the voice and bolted towards the medicine cabinet. Al watched as I bolted to the cabinet looking for the medicine bottle that kept that part of me at bay. Grabbing the bottle I opened it seeing no pills in it I tapped my foot as I got nervous about Al seeing that side of me. Al grabbed the bottle as I tried grabbing it back only failing.

"Love why are you taking antipsychotic medicine?" He asked.

"Well they said it's either that on I'm put into a nut house with a restraint jacket." I replied.

Al nodded but looked at me curiously as I walked back to the kitchen. Soon I finished breakfast and we sat down the voice getting louder.



Chapter 22 is done. As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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