Chapter 50

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pulling out my pocket watch I still had about two hours left making me growl in anger.

Y/n's pov

Sighing as I face planted on the couch with Al's doll rubbing it's ears slightly in return as he hugged my doll. I had just finished cleaning and had about a hour left before Al got back. I know I was complaining about his clinginess but I was actually starting to miss it. Groaning I rolled over miss judging the size of the couch, falling to the ground with a thud I let out a groan of pain. Deciding I didn't have enough motivation I just decided to lay on the ground. I laid on the floor for a good thirty minutes before standing up to do something. Going to my office I grabbed my lap top, walking back to the couch I sat down. Thinking about what I wanted to do I decided to look up Alastor to see if he had anything cool about him that the internet knew. Typing in some random questions I didn't learn anything but I did learn about him being called the Radio demon. I mean come on that's just lazy at least come up with something interesting. Deciding I should ask him about it I looked at the clock to see he should arrive any minute now.

"Hello Darling." He exclaimed startling me.

"Jesus Al!" I cried in fear.

"Hm, I don't see Jesus darling where is he?" He asked cockily.

"Not what I meant dumbass." I groaned.

"Dumb...ass?" He stated confused.

"Um kind of like a boob." I stated having looked up some 20s slang while he was gone. (Boob a stupid man)

"I'll have you know I am not a boob!" He stated placing a hand on his chest in a offended manor.

"That's debatable some times I think you need to be in the nut house." I chuckled.

"Then you need to be there to sometimes your worst than me!" He commented back.

"Hm, been there done that." I muttered.

His eyes widened as he looked at me, I quickly stood only to be pulled back down.

"Oh no you don't your explaining to me how you got into and out of the nut house." He stated pulling me into his lap.

"I don't think I will." I snarked back.

"Yes you will." He growled playfully.

"Make. Me." I replied sticking out my tongue at him.

I yelped when he bit my tongue slightly, I blushed as his crimson eyes stared at me. Flicking his fore head I quickly stood up as he was shocked at the action. Running off he let out a low growl before I heard his booming voice.

"You can't hide from me my love." He growled playfully, "I always do enjoy a good hunt."

With that I ducked into my old bedroom sliding under the bed, footsteps sounded threw the house as he looked for me. The taps of his shoes sounded threw the room before the stopped Infront of the door. The door opened slowly before I saw his dress shoes enter the room I held my breath as my fear of being found made my heart pound. I didn't fear him hurting me it was more of a fun game of hide and seek. Walking out of the room I let out a relieved sigh but was quickly dragged out by my feet hanging upside down. I squeaked as his shadow held me and Al soon re-entered the room smiling wide at me.

"I win." With that he flicked me between the eyes.

"Alright I got it can you at least put me right side up?" I asked huffing.

"Of course my love." taking me from the shadow he held me close to his chest only to tickle my sides.

"Wait no I'm s-sorry." I laughed.

"Liar you aren't sorry." He replied back.

"Wait w-what if I t-told you why I w-was in the nut house?" I laughed loudly making him stop immediately.

"I'm listening." He stated walking to the couch.

Sitting down he placed me in his lap playing with my hair making me relaxed as I began explaining why I was in the nut house.

"Well as you know I take medicine for my insanity." I stated to which he hummed agreeing, "And you know if I don't have that medicine I get aggressive."

"Yes but what does this have to do with you getting into that place?' He asked.

"Well I used to not have that medicine it used to be kill a few people then be good for a ear or two, however when the government found out it was me doing it they sent me to a mental hospital where they ran tests trying to make me...not Insane?" I said the last part sounding more like a question, "With that the mental hospital finally figured some type of medicine that controlled my sanity and sent me to a therapist so I got a bit better."

"A bit better?" He asked.

"Oh yeah only a bit the medicine only did so much for the first couple trials in return for me not killing them they would allow me to kill some type of animal of my choice as long as it wasn't human." I explained thinking about the memories, "Soon enough they made me a type of medicine that kind of rewired my brain making me anti psychotic. With that I got to leave with the promise I'd take my medicine and go to the therapist. After a few years they allowed me to stop going to the therapist but I still have to take my medicine." I explained.

"So they let you out because you followed the rules?" He questioned.

"Ha, followed the rules no I got out because they saw what I wanted them to see a good kid that listened." I laughed.

"But you take your medicine everyday?" He replied confused.

"Not every day but I do take birth control everyday because of your horny self." I mocked.

"Hey it's not my fault I'm in heat!" He yelled agitated.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever you say." I replied smirking.

He growled under his breath in annoyance as he huffed like a child making me start laughing, his arms stayed wrapped around my waist so I knew he wasn't mad making it even funnier.



Chapter 50 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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