Chapter 64

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"Names and appearances?" He growled anger seeping threw his words as his tone became slightly demonic.

Y/n's pov

I could feel the anger seeping from him making me laugh quietly, His eyes narrowed in confusion s I laughed.

"Love what's so funny?" He asked confusion evident in his tone.

"Nothing just how over protective you are sometime." I chuckled out.

"Darling this is not over protective it is just killing every person who even looks at you funny. Now can I please have names and what they look like?" He asked sternly making me laugh agian.

"Even if I did it would do no good to you." I explained my smile widening.

"And why is that?" He quipped.

I tugged him close to me by his shirt making his eyes widen in surprise. Leaning towards his ear I let out a dark chuckle felling him shiver under my touch.

"Because there all dismembered beyond recognition so you won't be able to even recognize them." I whispered my smile growing sadistic.

Standing u straight I kissed his cheek as he stared at me shooked I turned around going to the check out line with the grocery cart. Rushed footsteps approached me as a blushing brunette with a slight red tint to his hair appeared making me laugh.

"You little devil." He whispered smirking.

I only laughed as we waited in the check out line, soon enough we payed leaving. I put the groceries in the car closing the trunk with a smile. Al held out his arm for me to take with a smile of his own, I took it laughing at ow much of a gentleman my buck was.

"Where to now My doe?" He asked walking with our arms linked.

"Well we need to get you some more modern where for the party." I explained.

"Party what party? And I think my clothes are quite Modern." He groaned.

"Uh, huh, Al look around do you see anyone else wearing a full on business suit?" I asked making him look around.

"I geuss not darling. What would you call modern?" He asked not liking the idea.

"Well it all depends on what you like but it can't be a suit and tie." I quipped stopping at a cross walk pressing the button as we waited for the red hand turned to a man walking.

"So far I've seen none of my taste." He shivered in disgust as he looked across the street at a male.

The male had on shorts and a button up that wasn't buttoned, I laughed quietly turning to Al who was completely disgusted by the outfit choice.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus this should be fun to find your Aesthetic." I laughed.

"Aesthetic?" He replied confused.

"Yeah it's kind of your style, mines dark Academia." I exclaimed.

"Can I see some aesthetics?" He asked tilting his head towards me.

I nodded pulling out my phone getting on Pinterest typing in Aesthetics and handing him the phone. He began scrolling away as he looked confused at a few and then interested at some others. Soon enough the light changed allowing us to walk but Al didn't notice so I just pulled him along and began laughing. Soon we made it across and Al was still scrolling until all his movements came to a halt. His smile widened as he put the phone close to my face, I backed away so I could see and it was a mix of different aesthetics. Some of them being Eboy, others where a more retro style, and the finally dark academia.

"Um Al there are three different aesthetics in that photo." I explained.

"Can I not have more than one aesthetic?" He asked confused.

"Well I mean it can't hurt so why not." I shrugged, "Looks like we have to go to hot topic and a few other stores for those styles though."

"Darling can I just ask what is the Aesthetics I picked out?" He quipped as we head towards the direction of hot topic.

"Well you picked out Eboy, retro, and Dark academia." I stated smiling.

"Isn't dark academia your style?" He asked.

"It is so I have a idea of the clothes you need." I replied releasing my arm from his grabbing his hand giving it a light squeeze.

He did the same smiling down at me as a light blush covered his cheeks, his thumb ran over my knuckles in a soothing feeling and I saw the outline of hot topic in the distance. My steps quickened as I pulled him into the store with a smile, anime figures and clothes lined the walls as I walked passed them towards the more retro and Eboy clothing.

"Alrighty you go find what you like and come back to me when you done." I explained.

"Love do I really have to do this?" He asked not wanting to change his outfit.

"Well no do you not want to?" I asked feeling bad for making him uncomfortable.

"No it's just I'm used to this clothing and it's just slightly weird what if people judge me?" He asked nervously his smile strained.

My eyes immediately softened at him being insecure I wrapped him in a hug, he tensed but relaxed wrapping his arms around my waist and breathing in my scent. It surprised me that he could have that doubt I always thought he was all I'm better than you I don't care what you think.

"Oh Al no one will judge you and if they do I'll kill them." I whispered running my hands threw his hair.

Pulling away his smile brightened becoming genuine as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you love. I'm glad this time period is more accepting than the 1920s." He explained.

"Not a problem and don't think I wouldn't be accepting I love you to much." I cooed cupping his face into my hands," Now go find some clothes my buck."

He nodded running off into the store with a happy smile as his eyes lite up with every clothing style he liked.



Chapter 64 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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