Chapter 20

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"Oh shut up." She groaned.

Y/n's pov

We were driving back home from the airport and Al was telling dad jokes the hole way home. I also told some jokes too.

"Love what did the horse say when it fell down?" He asked.

"What Al?" I replied.

"Help I can't giddy up." He laughed out.

"Hey Al." I said.

"Yes love." He replied.

"Did I ever tell you I was addicted to hokey pokey... but luckily I turned myself around." I said.

We both continued telling jokes pulling into the drive way. Parking the car I got out of it walking into the hose because Al insisted on getting the luggage. Looking around I saw a man sat in the chair by the fireplace. He wore a white and red suit with apples on it and a large top hat with a snake I immediately recognized my uncle running up to him happily.

"Uncle Luci!" I yelled causing him to turn.

"Y/N!" He yelled back standing up.

I tackled him into a hug as I stole his top hat placing it on my head. smiling wide before wondering why he was here and not in hell.

"Uncle why are you here you're meant to be ruling hell?" I asked.

"It gets boring down their so I decided to come and see my favorite niece." He replied.

"How are you uncle?" I asked.

"I am well now that I'm here with you. Now tell me how are you?" He replied.

"I'm fine." I mumbled not wanting to lie to uncle Luci.

"N/n you know I know when you're lying now what is it, don't tell me my brother is harming you agian." He growled.

I looked at the ground nodding answering him, " He's also using the damn potion agian."

"Oh sweet child come here." He said opening his arms.

I went to walk towards him but heard a loud bang and quick footsteps only to see Al in his demon form. I let out a squeak when he pulled me behind him letting out a growl as he glared at Uncle Luci.

"What are you doing here Lucifer?" He growled his smile tightening in anger.

"Why I'm seeing my niece what are you doing here radio demon." Uncle Luci growled showing of sharp white teeth.

"You must have the wrong house my good friend this is my lovers house." Al growled.

I watched as the tension got so thick as they stared at each other wanting to go at each others throat. I quickly ran towards the both of them and hit both of them on the head.

"Damnit get along you two I don't fell like killing you two." I growled pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Sorry my Love." Al said.

"Don't apologize to me apologize to him." I lectured gesturing to my Uncle.

"I'm sorry Lucifer." Al growled out reluctantly.

"Alright well I'm going to go get something to drink do you all want any thing?" I asked.

"Can I have a black coffee love." Al stated.

"I'll have the same." Uncle Luci said.

I nodded walking off to make what they wanted.

Al's pov

"So this is where you've been lately, I will say Charlotte informed me about your absence." Lucifer stated.

"Ah yes well I decided to spend a few days with my lover." I hummed as we both sat down.

"When?" Lucifer asked.

"Hm whatever do you mean when?" I questioned.

"When did he come over and harm her?" He asked.

"A couple months ago. Speaking of him we must attend this meeting he has required for Y/n to go to." I explained in distaste.

"Did she not want to go?" Lucifer asked.

"She didn't but when he came over here he placed some sort on healing potion on her arm which makes it to where she can't go against what he says." I growled at the thought of him burning her.

"Do you have a solution to the potion?" He questioned.

"Only way I have is if he is killed which is proving challenging." I explained.

"Oh you haven't seen her true side yet have you?" He asked.

"What do you mean true self?" I asked tilting my head.

"You don't think she was born a fallen angel do you?" He curiously asked.

"Well yes her father fell before she was born so-" I was cut off by Lucifer laughing.

"Oh you are in for a treat when you meet her psychotic side I mean it scared me." He laughed.

I looked at him confused and was about to ask another question but stopped when Y/n entered the room with the drinks.

"Thank you love." I stated placing a kiss on her cheek.

"No problem Al." She said smiling at me taking a sip of her F/d.

I looked at her as I took a drink of my coffee wondering how this innocent girl could be something that could scare the king of hell. Sighing we all drank and talked sharing fun jokes and having a good time till Lucifer had to leave. I picked up the cups heading to the kitchen to clean them, as I began cleaning the I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a head nuzzle my back I finished the dishes turning around lifting up Y/n placing a kiss on her head making her laugh. I smile at her my tail moving under my coat making a swishing sound. Her hands began petting my ears making me relaxed. Walking out of the kitchen I sat down on the coach holding her close as she played with my hair being carful of my antlers. She accidently hit one of my antlers making me grunt and look at her as she whispered a sorry, laying my head on her chest I felt soft kisses against my antlers making a shiver go down my spin. I let out a soft growl as she continued to press kisses to my antlers and rubbed the bases of my ears.



Chapter 20 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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