Chapter 39

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This chapter will have smut this is you're warning. Also the image above is the idea that I had but on one of my character. Anyways onto the story!


It was just him and me peacefully swaying as he hummed, I wish it could stay like this.

Y/n's pov

As I was cooking Al ran off to the living room saying he was bored or something along those lines. I flipped the burgers with a spatula that I had. Dinner was going to be venison burgers and some classic sides like mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, and corn. I sighed rubbing the sweat from my head as I still had on my outfit. Deciding to ask Al to do that cool snapping thing he dose to change his clothes.

"Hun!" I yelled.

"Yes my dear." He replied teleporting behind me.

"My lord." I exclaimed jumping in surprise as I spun around.

"Hm, well that's a new one don't believe I've been called a lord." He stated smirking at me.

"Haha, very funny. Anyways can you do that cool snapping thing to change me out of these clothes I don't want to go upstairs." I exclaimed being slightly sarcastic at the beginning.

"Of course my love." He exclaimed happily.

Snapping his fingers I was dressed in a comfy but reveling red nightgown, I blushed moving slightly. Looking up at him he grabbed my waist pulling me towards him.

"You look ravishing darling I wish I could take you here but sadly you have made the kitchen rules clear so I shall wait." He stated in a annoyed sounding tone.

I chuckled as he looked at my body in the night gown a wild blush spreading across his face. He acted almost like he didn't relive how revealing it was. I ran my hand on his head making him purr quietly before I stopped turning back to the food. He grumbled something about not liking the rules I had placed as he walked back to the living room to do god knows what. Humming a soft to I plated the food walking into the dinning room setting down the food I walked over to the alcohol cabinet. pulling out some red wine I walked back to the table setting it in a small ice container I had also brought out. Grabbing two wine glasses I set those down sighing happily, walking into the living room I saw Al reading a book chuckling softly. Looking over his shoulder I saw it was Dante's inferno one of the books I had.

"What's so funny about that book?" I asked wrapping my arms around him from behind laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's just amusing how wrong they where about hell there hell seems much more entertaining~" He replied chuckling.

"Hm, well dinners ready." I exclaimed standing up straight causing him to do the same.

"Sounds lovely darling." He stated placing my book back on the bookshelf.

We walked into the dinning room smiling I watched his reaction as his eyes grew wide at the food. His nose twitched a little as he sniffed the food before smiling even wider if that was even possible. He rushed to a chair pulling it out and gesturing for me to sit. I did so giving a small curtsey causing him to chuckle and do a playful bow. Taking my hand he paced a kiss on my knuckles making a blush spread across my face. Standing up fully he walked to his chair pulling it out sitting in it gracefully, we began eating and drinking wine as I felt myself become a little tipsy but Al wasn't nearly as effected. My man can hold his liquor I geuss. We were just talking when the topics of politics in hell came up. I more or less just listened to Al rant on and on about it as I finished eating.

"Then there are the three V's Velvet, Valentino, and Vox." He growled the last name showing his distaste in him.

"Seems to me you don't exactly care for this vox." I replied tilting my head waiting for his response.

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