Chapter 71

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"O-Ok darling... I'm s-sorry." I replied tears starting to fall down my face as my voice cracked.

Y/n's pov

Regret that's my immediate feeling as soon as his voice cracked and tears began falling down his face. I didn't mean for it to go this far it was wrong of me. My eyes widened as I stood up realizing the hold on his shadow. I quickly rushed to Al's side wrapping my arms tightly around his waist rubbing small circles on his back like he does to calm me down. Sinking to his knees he rubbed his face into my stomach broken sobs leaving his throat.

"Hey your fine. It's alright. I'm sorry I took it to far. I'm not mad." I cooed rubbing his ears as his crying broke my heart.

He reminded me of a small child who just wanted attention and that's what he was trying to do just get my attention. However I had to be a total bitch and get all pissed off. I don't deserve him Al he does is love me and I'm return I act like a total bitch. He continued to sob as he clutched the dress he had me put on tears soaked my stomach as they fell from his eyes. He held onto me terrified if he let go I would leave him.

"Hun I'm sorry I was acting like a total bitch I'm so sorry." I apologized.

He tried to get out a replie but as soon as his mouth open he cried harder. This really wasn't like him did I really hurt him that badly.

"Hey hun how about we get you a nice warm bath and then we make some of your mother's jambalaya. How's that sound?" I asked.

He only nodded his breath shaking slightly, pulling his head away from my stomach his eyes where puffy tears still falling slowly. I gave him a soft smile kissing the corner of his eyes getting rid of the tears.

"Now my handsome buck where's that smile. Hm?" I quipped booping his nose.

He gave a lopsided grin making me laugh pressing a kiss on his forehead.

"Even more handsome now with that smile my buck. My oh my I'm a lucky women to have you as a lover." I cooed pulling him to stand up.

"Your mistaken my love I'm the lucky one you can have any man you want yet you chose me." He replied arms wrapping around my waist and nuzzling his nose into my cheek.

"Well I didn't want anyone but you and I never will want anyone else but my sweet buck." I cooed.

"I'm glad I love you so much Y/n." He answered pressing kisses to my jaw.

"Not as much as I love you. I will always be yours." I quipped.

"And I will be yours." He replied.

I pulled away pressing my lips against his in a loving kiss. It wasn't rough and heated it was just soft showing lots of love. He whined slightly when I pulled away hesitantly.

"Now! How about that bath?" I stated excitedly.

"That would be lovely." He said dragging me to the bathroom.

Rolling my eyes playfully I kneeled down turning on the water letting it fill the tub. Sighing as it warmed up I stood turning around seeing Al ass naked turned away from me. I saw his tail wiggle slightly making me laugh but damn he was fine as hell. Slapping his butt gently he jumped slightly turning around glaring at me. I laughed giving a small wave as his smile was strained and he didn't seem to amused.

"Darling please never do that again." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh yeah and what you gonna do about it if I do?" I hummed narrowing my eyes in return.

"Darling don't test me..." he paused leaning towards my ear and huskily whispering in my ear, "or you might end up face first in the sheets screaming my name."

My face flushed bright red as my arousal grew immediately. I stared wide eyed at him as he pulled away a smirk on his face. I turned on my heals spread walking to the door but two arms wrapped around my waist pulling me towards his chest.

"And where do you think you're going?" He hummed.

"Well I-I was going to make some jambalaya for you and provide company to our guests." I answered still flustered.

"Hm we can make food in a bit and that little group of friends will be fine." He growled.

"B-but-" I was cut off before I could continue.

"No buts about it now how about a bath darling~" he hummed.

"Fine you win. But only because you won the bet." I groaned.

He only hummed stepping backwards releasing me from his grip. His hand Sri led my spin lightly making me shiver under his touch, he chuckled at my reaction before he spoke.

"Want some help with those darling~" he purred lightly grazing his fingers on my hips.

"Ha! No turn around and close your eyes." I replied embarrassed even if we have seen each other naked it was still strange for me.

"Fine darling." He groaned as he pulled away turning around, "happy?"

"Very, such a good buck." I replied taking off my clothes and folding them into a pile.

Spinning around I saw his tail wagging rapidly I smiled walking up behind him and began rubbing the base of his ears. He relaxed immediately purring loudly at the contact.

"Does someone like being called a good buck?" I cooed.

He only nodded to which I hummed not satisfied. Tugging on his ear he let out a grunt I leaned forward looking at him over his shoulder.

"Words hun." I replied sweetly.

"Y-yes darling." He stuttered.

"My buck is such a good listener." I whispered into his ear.

Pulling away I walked past him towards the water. Slinking into the water I let out a relived sigh immediately relaxing in the warm water. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes I felt the water move slightly. Arms wrapped around me pulling me towards the body making me gasp my eyes widening in surprise. Al had a soft smile as he ran his fingers through my hair happily.

"Does my buck want attention?" I hummed.

"That would be appreciated darling." He replied.

I only nodded sitting up more and began playing with his hair and ears. We soaked in the bathroom forgetting all about what had happened earlier in the day.

No one's pov

"You think their fucking yet?" Alex asked the group as they sat in the living room.

"Oh if not now then soon." Anna replied matter of factly.

"Gross why are y'all talking about that with me here." Max groaned disgusted.

"Max your just mad cause you don't like people." Alex laughed.

"Shut up!" Max grumbled.

The group began laughing and soon settled into a casual conversation waiting for Y/n and Alastor to finish whatever they where doing.



Chapter 71 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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