Chapter 15

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I smiled happily at the little trip it would be the first time of Al doing this so I guess I would have to lay down some ground rules.

Y/n's pov

Al had unloaded our luggage and was walking into the airport while I grabbed the paranormal equipment suitcase. I stepped into the airport with Al who looked around amazed, I mean he did die in the 1930s so he didn't get to see this in his time. I smiled grabbing his hand to drag him to the check in line but I soon was stopped by a small 13 year old.

"Um hello miss are you Y/n from the paranormal expert channel?" She asked shyly.

"I am, are you a fan?" I replied.

She nodded her head quickly darting off to get two more kids around her age and they asked for a picture. I gladly took a picture as Al stared at the strange encounter, I waved bye as the left with wide smiles. I turned back to Al rushing to his side grabbing his hand. Soon after that I pulled out my phone getting a message from one of my friends anna. She had said someone posted the photo on social media and where it was taken so I should be careful. I rolled my eyes not thinking much about it and put my phone away. We checked in with our luggage, leaving my carryon with me. I grabbed my air pods and was about to put them in when Al grabbed my hand and pointed at one of the air pods. I handed it to him as he put it in his ear, I placed mine in my ear and began my ink spots playing. To which Al hummed along with, we made it through security. Walking to or gate to wait some more, we were getting stopped by so man fans and Al would get angry at the haters who insulted me. I sat down as Al sat next to me wrapping his arms around me, I pulled out the house of darkness by Lauren and Ed warren. It was a book about their experiences at the conjuring house, Opening the book Al set his head on mine to read also. We got a few chapters in but our plane had arrived, I placed a bookmark in the spot we left off and  loaded the plane. I sat down excited for the trip, Al however was shaking like a leaf. I held his hand rubbing circles on it causing him to relax, we began to move causing him to tense.

"Al there's no reason to be scared nothing will happen." I explained pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

" I-I know love this is just knew to me." He stated.

I smiled at him laying my head onto his shoulder, he sighed and I pulled out my phone to change the playlist to some electric swing of this era. I looked at Al who was confused by what I was doing until let's party like it's 1929started playing. (Song up top) I looked at him smiling wide and he smiled back. We sat on the plane listening to music and I pulled out a sketch book to start drawing. I noticed Al look over my shoulder to see what I was drawing. I continued drawing paying no mind to him, I drew myself making flower crowns as a large shadow of a man stood over top of me. I sighed as I finished the drawing Al looked at it and smiled pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. I smiled kissing back when a ding came over the intercom.

"We are now in rode island we will be landing in approximately 20 mins." The pilot stated.

"You excited for this little adventure I invited a few friends with us oh and by the way we need ground rules." I stated.

"Well love where are these "ground" rules? Because I can't see them." He stated looking at the ground.

"There not on the actual ground. All they are is rules." I laughed out.

He made a oh face and waved a hand for me to continue.

"Ok so first no messing with the equipment because you might sent them off since you are a demon. No voodoo stuff to make things go off. No scaring away spirits in the conjuring house. And no weird rivalry if you have some with demons in the house." I ordered.

"Alright is that all my love?" He asked.

"Yes that is all." I replied.

The plane soon landed and we grabbed our luggage. Walking to the lobby holding Al's hand I looked around for Anna and our group. I was soon tackled to the ground by multiple people as Al looked startled and like he wanted to kill them. I waved him smiling recognizing the people as my friends.

"Y/N!!! I haven't seen you in ages." Anna yelled.

"O-Ok I get it but your crushing my spleen." I wheezed out.

"You don't even know where your spleen is." She stated helping me up.

"Hey I do too it's right um... in my body?" I stated like it was a question making our group laugh.

Al walked up to me and straightened my hair and clothes before wrapping his arms around me pulling my back towards his chest.

"Wow who's this Y/n is it like a butler or something?" Alex my other friend questioned looking at Al

"No you idiot it has to be like a boyfriend or something I mean what butler holds their boss like that." Max explained gesturing to us.

"Or maybe their friends with benefits." Anna exclaimed.

"Ew gross Anna you know how I am about that, and yes he's my boyfriend." I explained.

"Yes I was right ha!" Max exclaimed happily.

I smiled rolling my eyes before Al said something, " Love what are friends with benefits?"

The group went silent as my face flushed red and I fidgeted with my hands not wanting to answer his question. My friends burst into laughed at my embarrassment causing me to get more embarrassed while poor Al just stood their confused.

"Um well friends with benefits are kind of like... um how do I explain this... It's like you are sexually active but your not dating or married." I muttered quietly.

I looked up to Al to see a light blush on his face causing me to fidget more. I looked at the group my face bright red causing them to laugh more.

"Oh hush" I growled causing them to go silent, " let's just get to the conjuring house I have the whole place booked for three days."



Chapter 15 done and done! As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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