Chapter 42

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"Not a problem my doe now we should be on our way out." He said holding out his arm as i wrapped mine around his in return.

Y/n's pov

We walked out the door hand in hand as we began our way to town, walking I looked around the forest. The sun wasn't setting just yet but it was getting there, we talked about our life and different thing on the way there.

"Oh yeah I have lots of powers it's just I can't use them in human form it puts to much strain on the body. However I will when I'm in hell." I explained.

"Well that's quite interesting." He paused as he stared off into his own world.

"What's wrong hun?" I asked giving his arm a light squeeze.

"well I was wondering when you were going to hell?" He asked almost nervous.

"When someone kills me." I stated plainly.

"And if not?" He continued questioning.

"Then until I want to leave here to spend more time with you." I explained.

He hummed in response, the fall wind blew threw the trees as we walked causing leaves to fall to the ground. Soon I saw small street lights lining the streets, Al walked towards a small building before turning down a dimly lit alley way. I gripped his arm tighter as I looked around cautiously. He walked towards a door at the end nocking on it as a little window opened up revealing a pair of eyes. The two exchanged some words before we were let in but I was stopped by a large man. 

"Who you with?" He asked his voice deep as he glared at me.

"She's with me my good friend." Al replied wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

The man only nodded turning back to the door as he just stood there, Al tugged me away towards a booth in a corner. I slid in smiling at Al as he did the same, I fidgeted nervously as the place was quite crowded and my social anxiety was kicking in. Al noticed and stood up only to slid into the seat right next to me. He placed his hand on mine as I looked up at him and he gave me a soft smile.

"Now doe there's no need to me nervous." He cooed rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

I nodded returning the smile as my nerves calmed, he smiled wide placing a kiss on my cheek.

"How about I go get us a few drinks?" He asked sweetly.

"That would be quite nice." With that he stood up walking over to the bar.

I sat looking at everyone shifting nervously at all the people laughing and having fun. I know I shouldn't be nervous because I could kill everyone here without even trying. However my experiences with Yekun has not completely disappeared from my emotional mind. I continued looking around before my eyes made contact with another pair I quickly looked away and looked back to see them still staring. I shifted under the gaze slightly as my eyes glanced away, a male was staring at me and I was not to pleased with it. Al soon returned with our drinks and noticed my off behavior.

"What's wrong dear?" He questioned.

"That mans staring at me and it's making me uncomfortable." I gestured to the man who was staring at me.

Looking up at Al he sent the man a deathly glare and the man quickly looked away as he talked with his friends. I gripped Al's hand lightly giving it a squeeze his gaze softened as he looked at me.

"Thanks." I stated sipping on my alcohol beverage.

"Think nothing of it, however do know your mine and no one else's~" He purred in my ear as he pulled me towards him.

"Yes sir." I replied in a playful tone as I finished my drink.

The song switched to a classic slow song making me perk up looking at Al, he noticed the look on my face before extending his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked bowing slightly.

"You may." I gently placed my hand in his as he kissed it making me blush.

He dragged me to the dance floor a childish grin crossing his face. He placed his hand on my waist while his free hand grabbed my hand. I placed my hand on his shoulder and we began moving to the beat of the music. Al lead the dance as I followed not a care in the world, we continued dancing to the songs happily. We began growing tired so we walked back to our table, ordering a few more glasses of alcohol we began feeling a bit tipsy. Soon a women with beautiful blonde hair walked up to us.

"Hey sugar." She said in a overly sweet tone towards Al.

"Hello." Al replied plainly.

"My name Alice I was wondering if you'd dance with me next song?" She questioned.

Al looked at me tilting his head and I narrowed my eyes at the women and she did the same in return. I looked at Al shaking my head.

"Sorry Ms. Alice but I will have to decline." He explained.

"Oh alright." Her whole persona deflated as she walked off.

I chuckled and Al looked at me, standing up I looked at Al placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I need the restroom I'll be right back~" I purred slightly drunk.

"Alright darling I will be here yell if you need me." He exclaimed happily.

"Will do." With that I began walking off to find the bathroom.

Pushing threw the crowd of people I felt eyes on me making my chest tightened but I pushed the feeling down. I finally made my way to the bathroom stepping into the ladies restroom I did my business stepping back out washing my hands. Stepping out of the restroom I began my way back to mine and Al's table only for someone to grab my wrist. spinning around I saw it was the man from earlier my chest tightened as I tried to get free of his grip.

"Let go please." I pleaded.

"Sorry no can do missy your to fine lookin' to let go~" He purred pulling me close as I tried to break free of his grip.



Chapter 42 is done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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