Chapter 58

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Passing Rosie on the way she gave me a warm comforting smile as I quickly ran off.

Al's pov

Walking down the steps I was hit on top the head with what seemed like a newspaper, I stared at my Mothers shadow my smile lessening as I made my way into the living room.

"Alastor you better have a good excuse as to why you thought it would be a good idea to put a gun to your lovers head." She growled her eyes a bright red.

"M-Mother the gun wasn't loaded." I said hopelessly hopping that would save my skin.

"Oh my boy what am I going to do with you." She sighed falling back onto the couch.

She gave me a soft smile patting the spot next to her, I walked towards her confused siting down cautiously.

"seems like you need a lesson on how to treat ya lover from mama." She stated.

"I believe I know exactly how to treat Y/n." I exclaimed slightly offended.

"Seeing as you put her in that state I don't think you do." She replied.

"Well I fixed it didn't I." I muttered hoping she didn't hear.

"BOY! I should whack you on the head for that comment." She stated angry.

"Sorry mama." I stated quickly.

"Hm, anyways Y/n she's a girl with a not so good past like you am I correct?" She asked to which I nodded my head but my eyes widened.

"I never told you her name was Y/n. How did you know?" I asked quickly.

"I know a lot of thing mon Cher." She replied.

I grumbled at her vague answer rolling my eyes in annoyance before looking back at her.

"Now my dear that little stunt is something your daddy would pull." She explained making my eyes widen in rage and fear.

"I am not like that bastard." I growled lowly.

"I know but that's why I'm teaching you how to treat her so you ain't like ya daddy." She growled lowly in return.

I just sat listening as she told me different things to do for her, we talked for what felt like hours when I heard a blood curdling scream. My eyes widened in fear as my shadow appeared in front of me, I quickly teleported up to see a terrified Y/n and a shocked Rosie. I quickly lifted her into my arms rocking her slightly trying to make her calm down which happened slowly.

Y/n's pov

A women with solid black eyes sat in the room with me as I groggily woke up. Al's shadow was there as I stared at the women thinking she was just my imagination. She had black eyes grey skin and dressed like she was from Al's era.

"Hello sweetheart." As she said that I screamed making the shadow disappear.

I stared at the women stumbling backwards out of the bed landing with a thud, she stood up rushing over to me as I shuffled farther backwords in fear. Soon I saw Al with a women that looked like him rush threw the door. I ran to him gripping him tightly in fear as he ran his hands threw my hair, lifting me up he walked over sitting down on the bed rocking me slightly.

"Your alright dear they won't hurt you." He cooed in a soft voice.

"W-Who are they?" I asked turning to look at them slightly.

"Well the one who looks like me is my Mother Abigale and the women you saw when you woke up was Rosie." He explained as I stared at the two women.

Finally getting comfortable with their presence I stood up giving a wobbly smile and stuck out my hand for them to shake.

"H-Hello I'm Y/n." I stuttered shaking Rosie's hand.

"Hello Y/n I'm sorry I startled you earlier." She stated apologetically.

"It's a-alright." I chuckled still nervous.

"Aren't you just a doll." Al's mom exclaimed wrapping me in a hug making me tense.

I wasn't used to the affection and it made me start to shake slightly not used to affection unless it was Alastor to which he smothered me with it.

"Mother don't you think you should have shook her hand first." Al said breaking the women's hug.

"Hm, I geuss you're right. Anyways how about we go downstairs and just talk, Hm?" She hummed happily.

"sure! I can make us something to drink would you like some?" I replied getting more comfortable with the two ladies.

"That would be lovely. We will have some tea thank you." Rosie explained.

"Not a problem." We all began walking down stairs and I hopped on Al's back for a piggy back ride.

Getting off Al's back I placed a kiss on his cheek before running off to make some tea as they just talked. Taking the tea I placed it into some tea cups, placing those on a tray that had sugar and honey I walked out into the living room handing them out. Everyone had their own way of how they liked their tea which I made a mental note of. Al drank his black as always, while his mother put some sugar in it. Rosie ended u just putting honey in the drink with a happy smile as she sipped it, I let out a hum as I sipped on y tea happily.

"So dear what did my mean old boy do to you?" Abigale asked placing down her tea.

"Oh, nothing really I think I just over reacted." I explained waving it of but Abigale wasn't having it.

"Darling I would like to know so I can find out what causes different things for you so this will help if you tell me." She explained simply.

"Promise he won't get in trouble?" I asked in a soft voice slightly nerves.

"oh Dear he's already had a lecture so no need to worry." She assured me.

"Oh, alright then well..." I stated picking at my fingers.



Chapter 58 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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