Chapter 103

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"I can't wait till Yekun takes you away." She muttered in pure rage, my ears perked up as black goo dripped from my mouth as my head snapped in her direction.

Alastor's pov

Stalking towards her my breath became heavy and black tar dripped from my mouth. Gritting my teeth my eyes turned to radio dials and radio static stuffed the room in a heavy aura. Scrambling backwards her eyes where wide as she tried to get away giving my famous murderous smile I bent at the waist when her back hit the wall.

"What was that?" I asked in a murderous tone.

"You heard me radio bastard." She growled spitting at my face.

I recoiled in disgust wipping my face my anger flying free. Grabbing hold of the front of her shirt my claws elognated as I held up my hand.

"I've been nice long enough but that was your last chance!" I seethed anger vibratting through my bones.

How dare she put me and my live in danger we are geusts in her home. Running a clawed finger over her cheeck a large gash began to bleed as she winced in fear. I gave a low chuckle before saying something.

"How shall I kill you. Should you bleed out of should I decapitate you." I chuckled.

"I don't know but your too late he knows your her-" hefore she could finish I grabbed her neck hard enough to leave a bruise.

I hrowled as she went wide eyed clawing at my hands to release her. Making my claws longer I raised my hand ready to kill her. However I was stoped abruptly.

"ALASTOR!" I heard someone yell making me drop anna.

Spunning around my eyes widened when I saw Y/n stood there with a fearful expression. The air cleared from the heavy feeling my anger gone as all I was focused on was my doe stood at the door way.

"Darling! Your back." I ran to her as she ran to me.

Opening my arms hoping for a hug I was shocked when she ran right past me. Spinning around on my heals I saw her run to Anna to help her. She ran to Anna of all people. Walking up to Y/n I bent down going to place a kiss on her cheek.

"Don't worry darling I'll get rid of the body." I hummed nuzzling her cheek.

Spinning around to face me a look of disgust and anger crossed her fetures. A loud slap sounded through the room as my head turned to the side as a stinging pain settled on my cheek. I let out a whimper not of pain but more sad that y/n caused the pain.  Turning to her slowly she glared at me jaw tightened with rage making my eyes grow wide.

"Alastor this is not ok how could you!" She cried in agony and hurt.

"But darling I-"

"No Alastor no excuses!"she cried.


"Get. Out. Now."

Standing up I stagered out of the room backwards. My head hung low as I walked away. Sighing I made my way to the living room before sitting down on the couch. Sitting on the couch my vision became blurry. Blinking a few times confused wet drops of water fell on my hands. My eyes widened wipping the tears from my eyes before placing my head in my hands.

"Stupid. Stupid stupid." I muttered under my breath.

My breathing became raged as I waited for Y/n to come into the room. I shouldn't have done that I messed up.

"I-im sorry im so sorry." I whimpered shakily.

Soon enough footsteps came into the living room making my head snap up. However I looked back down seeing Y/n's disappointed look as she tapped her foot angry. We sat in silence forever the only sounds where my broken sobs and her foot tapping. Soon a sigh came from her and she knelt down cupping my face causing me to flinch and a pained expression grace he features. Lifting up my face to look at her my eyes went everywhere but hers.

"Al hun I'm sorry." She humed running her thumb over my cheek.

Jerking my head back I brought my knees close to my chest tucking my face between my knees. I don't know why I was shrinking to get away from her because in all reality I just wanted to curl up in her arms. Broken sobs left my mouth as my body shook I felt tired and hurt the pain of the slap still lingering slightly but the pain in my heart much worst.

"Alastor please I'm sorry just tell me what happened." She whispered sitting beside me making the couch dip.

Staying silent she sighed giving me a soft smile in acceptance.

"Alright hun thats fine you can be mad and sad if you want I understand but if you need me I'll be in the geust room." She sadly sighed standing up.

Turning to me on last time she placed a kiss on my forehead pausing there for a second.

"I'm sorry." She muttered on my skin.

Straightening up she walked to the geust room as I sat thinking of what I should do. I sat there for maybe thirty minutes before making a decision to go and talk to my love. Even if she hated me I would still love her more than anything. Walking into the room she sat on the bed with a lost and sad look. My heart stuttered walking up to her crawling into the couch I wrapped my arms around her leaning my head on her shoulder. She flinched at my sudden sctions being snapped out of her small trance. Nuzzling my nose into her neck I inhaled her calming sent making my once tense body relaxe immediatly. We didn't say anything only basking in each other company. I let out a sigh wrapping tighter around her body.

"I'm sorry too darling." I muttered agianst her skin making her shiver.



Chapter 103 done and done. Yall we are almost done lets gooooo however ther is good news there will be a sequel! As always stay safe and stay tuned.

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