New Friends (Liz) - Request ★

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This is set around the time that Victorious was airing, roughly 2011 so both Liz and the OC are 17 in this fic.

Rachel's POV
I'm walking through the park when I hear yelling, and recognise both of the voices. One is a girl in my grade at school, but I can't place where I know the other voice from.

I turn around the corner and see Chantelle from school, and none other than Elizabeth Gillies from Nickelodeon!

"You're a bitch!" Chantelle yells at her.

"Excuse me?" Liz asks.

"I said, you're a bitch!" She yells.

"I heard you the first time." Liz says. "Do we really need to do this or can we be mature?"

"I bet you only got the role because the producers think you're hot." Chantelle says.

"Maybe. Goodbye." She says starting to walk away.

Chantelle grabs her wrist and pulls her backwards.

"Get your hands off me!" Liz yells.

"There it is! Oh, you think you're someone now that you've got some dumb role on a kids TV show." Chantelle says. "Well guess what. You're not even that talented."

Before Liz can say anything, Chantelle slaps her in the face. I walk over to them.

"Did you just slap me?" Liz asks shocked.

"That role was meant to be mine! I was meant to play Jade West and you stole it from me!" Chantelle screams.

"Chantelle, why don't you go kiss your sisters boyfriend some more?" I ask, walking up to her.

"Rachel, what are you doing? You can't just walk over h-" she starts but I interrupt.

"Stop bothering this woman and get a life. You are causing a scene and making yourself look like a twat. Now go and bother someone who actually wants a meaningless, childish fight." I say and she huffs but walks off.

"Thank you. That was really embarrassing." Liz says to me.

"It's no problem. Do you know her?" I ask.

"She was at an audition I went to, but I got the part and she didn't." Liz sighs.

"She's in my grade at school. Such a pain in the ass." I say and Liz laughs.

"Dealing with mean girls is a part of life." Liz says.

"I love that movie." I say.

"Same! My friend Ariana and I watch it all the time." Liz says.

"I'm Rachel." I smile.

"I'm Liz." Liz smiles.

"Yeah, I know who you are. You're on Victorious." I say and she nods.

"Do you wanna hang out for a while?" Liz asks.

"Sure!" I say.

"Okay good, because I'm actually totally lost." She says and we both laugh.

"You don't live in L.A then." I say.

"I moved over here from New Jersey and after two years I'm still trying to get to know the area." Liz says.

"I get that. L.A is very different to New Jersey." I say and she nods.

"Right! Like I came from this small town where everybody knew everybody and now I don't know anyone outside the people I work with." She explains.

"Come on, I'll show you around." I say.

"I need to get a pair of shoes for a party tonight. Oh my god, do you wanna come?" Liz asks turning to face me.

"Yeah I'd love to help you choose shoes." I smile.

"No, I meant to the party." Liz says.

"Are you sure? I'm not exactly the partying type." I say.

"Oh god, me neither. We can drink our sorrows away in a dark corner." Liz says and I laugh.

"I need to get an outfit then." I say.

"Let's just go shopping!" Liz says.

"That's a great idea!" I say.

We jump around getting excited. A man walks past with his dog and we pretend to look at a tree before bursting out laughing.

"This is gonna be so fun!" Liz says grabbing my hand and leading the way. "Wait, I don't actually know where we're going." She says and I laugh.

"Switch." I say and I go in front.

"Can we get ice cream?" Liz asks smiling.

"Yeah, duh." I roll my eyes and smile.

"Okay, but-" she says.

"Double chocolate brownie." We both say at the same time and then laugh.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Liz says skipping ahead then turning around. "I still don't know where we're going."

Liz Gillies RequestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora